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The "stupid mod idea" thread


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On 9/19/2019 at 3:49 PM, Kool🅱oi2004 said:

Please Stop, This is not ok


At least there's no one out there working on S&M Doom.  o_O

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A looter-shooter Doom mod. With simulated pay-to-win shit and lootboxes.


13 hours ago, Raccoon_I_Guess said:

Doom wad where you are the monsters. The goal is to see how long you live.


There's a mod where you play as an Imp and have to kill Doomguy X times to win. Presumably because the player gets a ragefit and alt-f4's the game.

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1 hour ago, FractalBeast said:

There's a mod where you play as an Imp and have to kill Doomguy X times to win. Presumably because the player gets a ragefit and alt-f4's the game.

Is that Impatience?

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On 12/10/2019 at 11:30 AM, StalkerZHS said:

Stupid Mod Idea

Take the 2x neural upscale pack everyone's been loving on


And make it 4x bigger

i want to see ULTRA MEGA HD DOOM texture pack



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Lethal enforcers doom, basing on the light gun game that made Lieberman cry you play through recreated maps from the arcade game, yes even the flintstones background car level. Complete with it's original soundtrack too. 

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A BFG edition wad where BFG stands for big fn' monsters and it's really just the doom monsters at a gargantuan size on huge maps.

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Three letters:                                                uwu

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There should be a mod for multiplayer servers that randomizes the role of doom marines from a 50% chance of being employed to the battle lines and a 50% chance of having a mopping stick thrown at you, as it's your job to clean all the stains of blood & gibs across the UAC facilities.


And if the janitor doesn't meet the objectives. You'll be sent to a special kind of hell.

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On 7/9/2019 at 11:14 PM, Shin Godzilla said:

A variation on Run.wad: you have to skate away from hockey-playing Revenants while "O Canada" plays.

Why do you hate us so much?

Edited by Musk

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You're part of an elite fighting squad.   Officially you don't exist.   But secretly you report directly to President Sarah Palin.

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A DooM wad where the storyline is that you break into a meusam with a crowbar and basically you getta smash anything you want and you can pick up a bunch more weapons and ammo and such pretty much just for destroying random pieces of art and history. Make sure to have interesting scenarios like one big giant art piece on a giant pillar you have to platform to get to, or an elevator shaft, or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Switch Hunt


A literal switch hunt. Let's say you find a typical switch on a pedestal (but it's really a .mdl or something), but before you get to it, it levitates and floats away, and you have to catch it or shoot it. Only then would the door open.


And if you miss too often, a white and brown pinky pokes its head up and laughs at you.

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On 12/13/2018 at 7:04 AM, terrcraftguy695 said:

Running away from explosive barells while they are explodeing


That sounds crazy but fun. You could have diff barrel monsters.


Barrel Gunner: Barrel with a chaingun.

Mancubarrelus shoots burning barrels that explode.

Pain Barrelmental spawns little barrels that fly around.

Archbarrel Vile resurrects barrels.


I need to get out of here... haha.

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Demon Man vs The Space Marines
You are a super demon that has the doom 2 enemy attacks as weapons and fight of against space marines using Doomguys arsenal.

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1 hour ago, SOSU said:

Demon Man vs The Space Marines

Heart of Demons? (sorry, too lazy. just google it.) and add marines. ;-)

Edited by ketmar

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On 12/30/2019 at 9:09 PM, nue said:

a doomception game where doomguy plays doom when your playing doom and it keeps going on


That would make a fun megawad progression theme: you exit every level by finding a computer with Doom running on it. On the screen you can see what the next level is gonna be before you proceed. Or inversely, there are normal exits but you begin every new level in front of a computer with an intermission screen on it. Or both, and you end up playing through every level twice. It would require constant death exits to make sense, though. And for the third idea even that wouldn't make it entirely logical.

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