Sephiroth Posted July 16, 2001 i saw the final fantasy movie today, it is really good if u like sci-fi and the games. however the detail used in the movie is great and i thought about doom3. will doom3's models looks as good as the ones in the movie. I think yes because look at them in the geforce3 movie, and that was only a few months work. The final fantasy movie made me want to see doom3 even more. i hope it has detail equal to or greater that that of a CGI movie! 0 Share this post Link to post
DoOmEr4LiFe Posted July 16, 2001 i went to the movie a big fan of the series but the movie sucked...the chracters looked great however and i would love it if doom 3 looks that good... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 16, 2001 You're quite crazy, you know? FF uses 500x the polycount of DooM 3. But polycounts aren't important, it's all about texturing, ambience and animation. Sure, if the model looks round most of the time, that's welcome too. 0 Share this post Link to post
DoOmEr4LiFe Posted July 16, 2001 FF uses 500x the polycount of DooM 3. Doom 4 then maybe? heh 0 Share this post Link to post
Sephiroth Posted July 17, 2001 even if doom3's models are half as good it will kick ass. i believe they may be very close. doom3 is most likly not due for another 2 years and look how fast PC technology is moving the more newer things released only make things come out faster 0 Share this post Link to post
Renegade_Style Posted July 17, 2001 A DooM-movie in that quality would look great ! Think of the possibility to create every creature in DooM as a CGI. 0 Share this post Link to post
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