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The Imp has wings.


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I am not on any crack, the imp has wings. Look at the legacy video where the imp jumps at you. HE HAS FREAKINGS WINGS! hold on I'll instal photoshop again so I can take screenies if you all think I'm stoned. Also maximize the freaking brightness.

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OK, I'm really having trouble with taking a screenshot, so go into the legacy video and in the spot where the imp jumps look at his back, they're small wings, kind of like a fly's wings. It is also very important you have the brightness maxed out or you won't see them

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That is old news. I mentioned it months ago. I like it, but I think we'll be seeing very little of him from the behind.

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Disorder said:

I can't see it's wings, but if it has any, I guess it could be pretty cool. It makes it more of a Demon.

Well, you can't see them in those 2 shots above, they're very small and on his back. And they make him into more of an insect than a demon actually. They look a lot like the wings you'd see on a fly except they're awfully small compared to the imps size.

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Well now all we need is some spikes and sharp and pointy teeth.I think it would also be kewl if it had reddish colored skin,more demonic y'know

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Reddish skin wouldn't match the enviroment and he would stick out. It's good enough id can use lights to put a red highlight on him to make it look more evil.

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I'm actually quite impressed with the new Imp look. I find that the eyes really give them character, but I do agree that they could use maybe two [or four] spikes for added aesthetics.

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I think you guys' judgement might be clouded by the old Doom.
The old imp in 3d would look pretty lame, and I'm sure the new ones will grow on you when you finally get to play the game.

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It looks like wing..I don`t know.

However,His eyes kinda remind me of spider.His leap attack looks cool.And his fire ball looks bad-ass!.(but i hope they make fireball harder to avoid)

So far,the monsters in DOOM3 are designed to be looked like alien more than hellspawn.This is not what I expected,but it looks nice.I`m looking forward to see more Kenneth Scott`s work.

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Um, it's not really an imp, that's why. I don't think id's released names for the new monsters yet, so my bet is that this is a new insectile (hence wings and multiple eyes) enemy, not our pal the imp. I don't know why everybody is drawing stretched parallels between the old and new monsters...

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I hope that's just a production nickname or something, because if Mr. Bug is given the imp's holy name, I will be a bit miffed.

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I find it amusing that people can't deal with the fact they revamped the enemies. I used the word "amusing" but "sad" might have been better.

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