EVIL Posted August 26, 2002 Carmac stated that he is already doing research for his next engine after the doom3 engine.. would this be a engine for a doom3 sequeal.. DOOM 4? would you guys like to see a doom4 game?? with maby a retelling of the doom 2 story?? any ideas on this?? just post away!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted August 26, 2002 No thanks. No Doom IV for me. After Doom III Carmack and his buddies should be thinking of something more original.. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
S|aVe.3rN. Posted August 26, 2002 if they did a doom 4 =\ id say total hell on earth, and do like a awsome job at it, no moon basese , or hell itself , jus hell on our grounds, that would be really intristing to see, altho from what im hearing in doomIII you do take a trip to hell (wich is what i really wanna see how that looks) but all in all , if ther WAS gonna be a doom IV id say have it be hell on earth again , but other then that , im not really lookin foward to doomIV , now quakeIV im lookin foward to, hearing that its gonna be a single player this time. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted August 26, 2002 It suppose it would be neat if they remade Doom 2, as they did with Doom 1. But I don't think id will do any more Doom/Quake sequels after this - it really is time for them to move into a new franchise. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
GS-1719 Posted August 26, 2002 Depends. If the alternative was a multiplayer focused game then yes. Otherwise probably not, unless they do what they did with Doom 2. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted August 26, 2002 Now that you guys mentioned it, Doom IV: Hell on Earth would be very cool. I love that postapocalyptic feel. I think Doom II was better than Doom I. But if they would make another sequel, no thanks.. Rather not. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 26, 2002 They could also just do a mission pack for Doom 3 with a shortened down retelling of the Doom 2 story. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted August 26, 2002 dsm said:They could also just do a mission pack for Doom 3 with a shortened down retelling of the Doom 2 story. No! That's for us mod makers! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted August 26, 2002 If the next generation of engine will be compatible for more realistic features applying for outdoor environments and more, I'd say they may go for it. If they do, they'd better show more outdoor environment details to refine how real the scenes are when Earth is being invaded by Hell. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 27, 2002 Fredrik said:No! That's for us mod makers! No, few modmakers have the skills to do city textures that can match the quality of Doom 3 - I'd prefer id to do this one. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted August 29, 2002 Lord FlatHead said:it really is time for them to move into a new franchise. Agreed. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted August 29, 2002 I don't agree. That would be like Nintendo dumping the Mario franchise. It would make millions of gamers unhappy, including me. id is connected to Doom, and Doom is connected to id. Why sever the connection? I want them to keep making new Dooms. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted August 29, 2002 dsm said:No, few modmakers have the skills to do city textures that can match the quality of Doom 3Few, but not none. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SyntherAugustus Posted August 29, 2002 The Great War is going to be from the Doom III engine. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted August 29, 2002 What's that? A new kind of game? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
CyRaptor Posted August 29, 2002 I'd like to see a Doom II remake, but in the Doom 3 engine. It's really not necessary to make a brand-spanking new engine when it can be done with an existing one just fine. Hell, it worked with the originals. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted August 29, 2002 Especially as we know the Doom 3 engine is capable of handling large (relatively large, at least) landscapes, it could very well be suited for a Hell on Earth remake. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 29, 2002 RailGunner said:The Great War is going to be from the Doom III engine. What's that? A new kind of game? *snickers* a mod that RG plans on making (no joke, I'm 150% dead serious). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted August 29, 2002 Fredrik said:Especially as we know the Doom 3 engine is capable of handling large (relatively large, at least) landscapes, it could very well be suited for a Hell on Earth remake. Then why did you actually suggest mod makers will be able to create a TC themed of Doom 2 if they would be using Doom 3 engine? In order to archieve creating the atmospheric feelings of Earth, it needs more outdoor environments displaying in lvls than it will have in Doom 3. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoOmEr4LiFe Posted August 30, 2002 DooMBoy said:Why sever the connection? To prevent what happened to the Resident Evil series 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
S|aVe.3rN. Posted August 30, 2002 well RE was made by a totaly diffrent company , iD's Team has alot more talent in my opinion, they know how to make their games and they know how to balance them out, but this is just my opinion ofcourse =) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted August 30, 2002 999cop said:Then why did you actually suggest mod makers will be able to create a TC themed of Doom 2 if they would be using Doom 3 engine? In order to archieve creating the atmospheric feelings of Earth, it needs more outdoor environments displaying in lvls than it will have in Doom 3. Just because doom 3 wont use too many outdoor environments doesnt mean that teh engine cant handle it. New Idea please 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted September 1, 2002 DooMBoy said:I don't agree. That would be like Nintendo dumping the Mario franchise. It would make millions of gamers unhappy, including me. id is connected to Doom, and Doom is connected to id. Why sever the connection? I want them to keep making new Dooms. If they gonna remaking DOOM2,they should move to other franchire before coming back to DOOM.Each Mario title`s release gap is 4-5 years.Nintendo doesn`t release next Mario tile right after former Mario title.and Nintendo still have other game mascot too (Metroid,Star Fox,Zelda).Instead of rehashing DOOM and Quake,why not id make new franchires? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SyntherAugustus Posted September 1, 2002 bigbadgangsta said:*snickers* a mod that RG plans on making (no joke, I'm 150% dead serious). Technically it's my dream project. I chose it's going to be on the Doom3 based engine. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
gatewatcher Posted September 1, 2002 RailGunner said:I chose it's going to be on the Doom3 based engine. O_O Do you know you make fun of other peoples English? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted September 1, 2002 Dark-tenshi said:If they gonna remaking DOOM2,they should move to other franchire before coming back to DOOM.Each Mario title`s release gap is 4-5 years.Nintendo doesn`t release next Mario tile right after former Mario title.and Nintendo still have other game mascot too (Metroid,Star Fox,Zelda).Instead of rehashing DOOM and Quake,why not id make new franchires? True, however, they should make new releases of old games, such as Doom :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted September 1, 2002 Xian said:Just because doom 3 wont use too many outdoor environments doesnt mean that teh engine cant handle it. New Idea please I have said if the game would supposedly be taking settings on Earth and it should have quite a lot of outdoor scenes than Doom 3 currently has been planned. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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