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DooM 3 System Requirements


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no.. thats going to be my system when doom3 hits shelves.. the AMD Clawhammer 4400+ will be released spring 2003..

Clawhammer is a slower version of the Sledgehammer, why not just get a Sledgehammer, it's better. Also they are 64 bit chips and I don't know if there will be a 32 bit converter. If there is, it will play games slower then the p4's and AMD chips do. Makes more sense to me to get the p4 3 ghz then a 64 bit chip that is designed for office work

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yah, i knew my tnt2 wasnt wothless. i only have a p2 250 but i am saving on a car and i can get a celeron thats 600 mhz and kick it up to 1ghz and ill be playing just fine. possibly ill get a geforce 2 and overclock it. i dont buy things because they are expensive. i buy things that i need now. ill probly wait atleast a year befor i buy doom3 so ill have anough money. hopefully ill have a fast enough street car( modified honda) that i will shift my attention to computers.

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if you want a fast car by a MUSTANG nothign like an 8...and you yout say you dont by things cause they are expensive? then dont by a honda cause to make it fast you will need a ton of money. I know i work on cars all day. It will cost you less to have a great handling and performing v8 then a weak not really made to be beat on 4cyl.

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lol, um, but didnt you know??? poor poor fool. that sound comming out from your cars isnt that deep exhaust, or your intake. its the motormounts breaking. but i bet i could still run doom on a tnt2.
i bet it atleast needs a 32 meg video card thats 150 mhz or more.

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Lord FlatHead said:


Livo said in a now pretty dead smartass post:

Now now Children, lets calm down and use our inside voices.

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kain said:

lol, um, but didnt you know??? poor poor fool. that sound comming out from your cars isnt that deep exhaust, or your intake. its the motormounts breaking. but i bet i could still run doom on a tnt2.
i bet it atleast needs a 32 meg video card thats 150 mhz or more.

Uh... I thought Doom3 wouldn't run on a TNT/TNT2 due to no T&L and no texture compression...

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kain said:

lol, um, but didnt you know??? poor poor fool. that sound comming out from your cars isnt that deep exhaust, or your intake. its the motormounts breaking. but i bet i could still run doom on a tnt2.
i bet it atleast needs a 32 meg video card thats 150 mhz or more.

No, you can't run DOOM III on you'r TNT2 card. Need proof? Download Tenebrae that uses the same techniques as DOOM III and convice yourself.

I have ASUS V3800 Deluxe (RIVA TNT2 Ultra chipset) and I am unable to play it. It's because TNT2 cards don't support dot3 bumpmapping.

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The_Tonx said:

No, you can't run DOOM III on you'r TNT2 card. Need proof? Download Tenebrae that uses the same techniques as DOOM III and convice yourself.

That's not proof - Tenebrae is not programmed by John Carmack and is therefore not necessarily as "well executed" as Doom 3.

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dsm said:

That's not proof - Tenebrae is not programmed by John Carmack and is therefore not necessarily as "well executed" as Doom 3.

Tenebrae uses techniques that ARE written by John Carmack. But anyways.. the point wasn't to compare DOOM III and Tenebrae but to tell that DOOM III and Tenebrae BOTH are using DOT3 Bumpmapping that isn't supported by TNT cards.

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TNT2 GPU doesn't support GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3. I doubt that id is going to use something other just for those who use TNT2 (or lower) because DOOM III already can run on a pretty old GPU (Ge-Force 256) and that already supports GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3.
If you really wanna go the cheapest way, buy Ge-Force 256.

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The_Tonx said:

TNT2 GPU doesn't support GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3. I doubt that id is going to use something other just for those who use TNT2 (or lower) because DOOM III already can run on a pretty old GPU (Ge-Force 256) and that already supports GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3.
If you really wanna go the cheapest way, buy Ge-Force 256.

Never heard anything about a GPU on a TNT2 !?

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TNT2 will NOT run Doom 3. Anyways, I recently upgraded my rig and got a GF2MX, and Tenebrae runs like utter crap. I have a Athlon XP 2100 and 512 megs RAM, so that's not the problem. I certainly hope that Doom 3 runs better than Tenebrae, although I was planning on getting a new vidcard for Doom 3 anyway.

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Linguica said:

Anyways, I recently upgraded my rig and got a GF2MX, and Tenebrae runs like utter crap. I have a Athlon XP 2100 and 512 megs RAM, so that's not the problem. I certainly hope that Doom 3 runs better than Tenebrae, although I was planning on getting a new vidcard for Doom 3 anyway.

Yes, that is what I am hoping. Well I guess i'll be running it at 320x240 then.

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Well.. I have XP 2000+ with 256 MB DDR333. I plan to buy another 256 MB DDR333 chip and some decent graphics card like Ge-Force 3 Ti 500 or Ge-Force 4 Ti 4600

Well.. Unfortunelly they all cost money :p

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Its weird, some people are getting EXCELLENT framerates with geforce 2s and above, some people see slow results on geforce 3! Tenebrae is just strange programming

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Xian said:

Its weird, some people are getting EXCELLENT framerates with geforce 2s and above, some people see slow results on geforce 3! Tenebrae is just strange programming

Yea.. it's weird..
The first version of it, wich had ONLY stencil shadows w/o bumpmapping, ran pretty good when I tried it with my TNT2. Well.. OK, it wasn't GOOD, but OK for TNT2..

When there was about 5-7 lightsources my FPS dropped down to 15-20..

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Linguica said:

TNT2 will NOT run Doom 3. Anyways, I recently upgraded my rig and got a GF2MX, and Tenebrae runs like utter crap. I have a Athlon XP 2100 and 512 megs RAM, so that's not the problem. I certainly hope that Doom 3 runs better than Tenebrae, although I was planning on getting a new vidcard for Doom 3 anyway.

Ummm, no offense Ling, but why didn't you get a Geforce 3 Ti200 since they're really cheap now?

Hell, even a Geforce 2 Titanium would be better than a GF2MX card probably.

I understand if you're saving up for an über card for future games, but the price difference between a GF2MX and a GF2 Titanium or Geforce 3 Ti200 isn't that bad for saving up, is it?

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The_Tonx said:

When there was about 5-7 lightsources my FPS dropped down to 15-20..

Ya... I got that too. And I'm on a GF4 Ti.

Heh, another thread successfully hi-jacked into a Tenebrae discussion.

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AirRaid said:

Ya... I got that too. And I'm on a GF4 Ti.

Heh, another thread successfully hi-jacked into a Tenebrae discussion.

Well.. I guess you were/are using the new version of Tenebrae where was bumpmaps and other stuff for eye candy, right?

Well, the version that I tried was pure GLQuake with stencil shadows..

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Doom 3 now runs 30 fps 800x600 on a ATI radeon 9700 PRO! What would you get with a gf 3 with 30 fps then, lowest resolution and quality? Either way, keep going id! I like those graphics:) ( I am willing to pay for it hehe )

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Threads like this are why I don't post in the (or even read the) Doom 3 technical forum.

Let's do some clarification:

1) Picklehammer, your Geforce 2 was likely a Geforce 2 MX. And no, a Geforce 2 MX won't hardly run anything more advanced than Quake 3. They suck. They sucked last year.

2)HAMMER-STROKE, you know nothing. Every post you have made and will make from now on is officially declared invalid and completely void of accurate or useful information. Stop breathing.

3)S|aVe.3rN., your 2.4Ghz P4 with outdated RDRAM and your Ti4600 will likely run Doom 3 well, but not with the quality settings maxed out. I'm pulling 50FPS on what is admittedly an unoptimized beta, with a MUCH more powerful system.

4)Dima, NV30 will not be out this year. Sorry.

5)Gatewatcher, 30FPS is fine for photographically-captured movies, but for computer-rendering, without advanced motion blur hardware, I framerate in excess of 54FPS is necessary to make the image seem truly "smooth" to the average human eye. End of discussion.

6)Typing arguments are stupid.

7)Alientank, you don't know anything either. The Hammer is what is known as an "x86-64" architecture. While it is a true 64-bit chip, it is also fully backwards compatible with existing 32-bit applications without the use of emulation in neither hardware nor software. It can run existing x86 applications natively. In addition, it supports SSE2 (found in the Pentium 4), as well as the SSE, 3dNow! Pro, and MMX already found in the AthlonXP. The 32-bit core in the Hammer is somewhat faster than the AthlonXP, clock-for-clock, as well. In addition, the Sledgehammer is NOT merely a "faster" Clawhammer. There are significant technical differences, not the least of which are the triple hypertransport links between the Sledgehammer chips and the main memory, as well as the "crossbar" links between Sledgehammer CPUs and memory buses. But you obviously wouldn't know anything about that. The Sledgehammer CPUs will likely be over a thousand US dollars apiece when they come out, and motherboards will be similarly expensive. The Clawhammer will be released as Athlon64 and is a much more logical choice for a gamer, even though the Sledgehammer WILL perform considerably faster.

8)The term "GPU" is a marketing term made up by Nvidia. It officially only refers to graphics cards with onboard T&L hardware. Thus, the Riva TNT series of cards are NOT GPUs.

If aren't sure you know what you're talking about, don't say it. Please. Help stop the spread of misinformation on the internet.

It's a fact: stupid people have stupid children. If you're stupid, please, don't have sex! If you insist on having sex, please, do it with animals - preferably, animals smarter than you are. That way, if by some miracle of science, you do concieve, the creature will probably be smarter than you are. Always use protection. If the animal has a condom, or, if female, some sort of intrauterine device, please use it! Help stamp out this mindless mindlessness.

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DOOM 3 is playable on my computer (GeForce 2 TI, Athlon 1.4 GHz, 512MB DDR) in medium quality - I get 15-20 fps and 10-15 fps with 2xFSAA. Mind that it is an unoptimized alpha version.

The game does slowdown to some horrible 0-1 fps when I get close to enemies, but I've heard that the same thing happens for people with a GeForce 4, so that's obviously the result of some code that needs to be and will be improved, and probably nothing to worry about.

While I said "playable", that doesn't necessarily mean fully enjoyable, so I'll definitely get myself a new graphics card by the time the game comes out.

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Katarhyne said:

.. "x86-64" ..
.. 64 and 32 support ..

seems like "x86-32/64".. :)

8)The term "GPU" is a marketing term made up by Nvidia. It officially only refers to graphics cards with onboard T&L hardware. Thus, the Riva TNT series of cards are NOT GPUs.

Sorry.. I always thought that GPU means "Graphics Processing Unit"..

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gpu is made op by nvidia, thats right. And it also means graphics processing unit. So the thing is, the name has been invented later, for newer nvidia cards. But the older cards are also graphics processing units, allthough its a term made up by nvidia. So its a endless circle.

ATI came up with something as well right? I forgot the name...

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