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Heretic support proceeding nicely


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The menus are about 99% complete, the console is "reskinned" to look good in Heretic mode, the music, mapnames, title/demo screen sequence, and misc. static screens are all working, all the episode endings are in place (even the episode 2 ending with the bizarre palette change, which zdoom didn't have right for like a year ;), and early this morning I got the intermission map screens working completely. The stats don't show at the beginning yet, but the fullscreen maps show up and it draws the X's and "you are here" arrow and shows the appropriate leaving and entering level names.

To support the intermission stuff more cleanly, I tore apart DOOM's wi_stuff.c module, moving everything that was gamemode-inspecific to a new module, in_lude.c. The functions in that file use function pointers stored in the gameModeInfo structure to call the appropriate intermission stuff for each game. I think it ends up saving enough code to make the call overhead worth it.

BTW, some of Lee's BOOM enhancements are really helping out with Heretic integration ;) For instance, BOOM has a neat trick of only drawing the intermission pic from data when its been changed; regular frames just call a "slam background" function that swaps in the previously drawn graphics from a back buffer. This saves some speed, and was very easy to integrate into the Heretic system.

Fraggle's menu code saved me tons of time too :)

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There is really no clean way to support Heretic demo compatibility, so I have no plans to do so. The Heretic demo format is different since it includes info for look up/down and artifact usage, and plus, Heretic changes a lot of internal stuff that would just make demo sync impossible. For that matter, Heretic demos seem to never stay in sync in the original engine itself. I think it had problems in that respect.

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