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The DWIronman League dies to: Osiris


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September, 2017


> Download Osiris

> Download OSIRIS-fix.deh

> 2017 Season Standings



  1. # Survived [0:30:07] Demon of the Well - An Old Evil resurfaces. 2017 hangs in the balance.
  2. # Survived [0:31:02] Veinen - Could that one missed run in March become the deciding factor in this year's competition?
  3. # Survived [0:32:47] Bloodite Krypto - Blind run. FMD.
  4. # Survived [0:33:09] Vorpal - Not a blind run... but blindingly fast! A masterclass from one of Osiris's greatest champions.
  5. # Survived [0:45:24] RjY - Carefully and methodically dismantles the challenge. Love the write-ups as always, RjY.
  6. # Survived [0:46:27] Ancalagon - Completely blind and completely ahead of the curve. This month could get all sorts of interesting.
  7. # Survived [0:56:01] Beginner - I can't wait for the Bloodites to Begin.
  8. # Survived [0:56:10] Ribbiks - ...and he could have saluted a full 2 minutes sooner! Nicely done by Ribbiks.
  9. # Survived [0:57:40] WH-Wilou84 - Another strong finish from the Frenchman, who stays in touching distance for an end-of-year spectacular.
  10. # Survived [1:08:02] Memfis - ...and he was walking (it in) in Egypt. That barrel trap could have been nasty.
  11. # Survived [1:08:41] Aquasa - It's looking like a sardine finish, now! Aquasa completes his round with a flamethrower flourish :)
  12. # Survived [1:08:53] Roofi - Smooth sailing. Gave the ferryman the middle finger.
  13. # Survived [1:10:20] Bashe - The feel-good stories keep flooding in. Good effort from Bashe after a string of disappointing turns.
  14. # Survived [1:14:15] Archi - No one was more surprised than Archi, probably.
  15. # Survived [1:15:14] Scotty - Claims he got lost a few times. Not enough for my liking!
  16. # Survived [1:22:20] Alfonzo - I paid the ferryman double to get here. Expect some just desserts in October.
  17. # Survived [1:24:21] dobu gabu maru - The second green badge for dobu sees more pity for the arch-vile replacement than true challenge.
  18. # Survived [1:24:55] dt_ - Prince of the Almost Dead. Some lucky rolls get this dark templar into the green fields.
  19. # Survived [1:43:40] DoomLover234 - A couple of close calls in an otherwise smooth run. *That's the power of Loovvve...*
  20. # Survived [1:46:10] Sparktimus - First green; no dramas.
  21. # Survived [2:00:21] Suitepee - Finds himself shouldering the rest of the league like Atlas, again. Indifference may yet be our greatest enemy.
  22. # Survived [2:13:50] Tactical Stiffy - "Arm's getting a little tired, here" ―Tactical Stiffy, Temple of Amon-ra
  23. # Map06Crusader No Regret - Had the battle plans all drawn up; the prep work done. Still died to a pharaoh.
  24. # Map06an_mutt - Too distracted by the arch-vile's DeHackEd halloween costume to dodge effectively.
  25. # Map06loveless - Shot to shit by a pharaoh's closet gimp.
  26. # Map05bzzrak - Did his best not to pick up any health in the BK room. Call it the Way of the Cellar Dweller.
  27. # Map04ClumsyWizard - Nothing if not fast! A marked improvement over last month's performance.
  28. # Map04Anima Zero - This had "botched run" written all over it. Ouch! Killed in the opening room after several pints and a bad miss.
  29. # Map04rodster - Another urnfortunate end.
  30. # Map04A2Rob - The urns have it (does that even qualify as a play on words?).
  31. # Map04SSGmaster - Reminded me of that one steamroller scene from Austin Powers. A well-urn'd death.
  32. # Map04rathori - A quintessential crushing.
  33. # Map04cannonball - Picked off by a blue man in his pursuit for blue skull power.
  34. # Map04JudgeDeadd - A broken enfilade of bullets leads into an embarrassing demise.
  35. # Map04vdgg - It was always going to be the barrels urns.
  36. # Map04Steve D - Welcome, Steve! Nice melt. My Dr. Weird quote below seems a little out of place now that you've joined, though.
  37. # Map03DaIcemann76 - As far as embarrassing deaths go, this one's a contender. Straight-up missed the staircase then melted. Gold class.
  38. # Map03guineu - Someone contact the BTSX team. Tell'em they might want to do all their testing in Egypt, from now on. It's got ghosts. (DNF)
  39. # Map02Dime - Tripped over TMD's corpse he was moving so fast. It's slipping away, now, Canada!
  40. # Map02TMD - Ser Hubris returns. It's not different at all, is it, Steve?
  41. # Map01Eris Falling - I knew it was a possibility when I made the selection. Just this once, I'd hoped I would be wrong.
  42. # Map01NoisyVelvet - Picked a good month to discover an irrational fear of blue people.


What is the Doomworld Ironman League?

The DWIronman League is a monthy competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given mapset, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag below for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome; it could change the way you play Doom!

In September 2017 the DWIronman League dies to Osiris, -complevel 2 (Doom (strict)), an eight-map partial conversion for Doom 2 with an eclectic marriage of Egyptian and tech base ideas. This is a significant step down in difficulty from the mauling of August, which saw not one of the contenders (including ser Krypto!) make it past the finish line for the first time in DWIronman history, so you can expect not to be challenged to the same extent; on par with Mapgame, roughly. Most of the items have had their sprites swapped out and there are some unique weapons and monsters, to boot. I could talk about what those weapons and monster are... but surprise is a virtue in the world of the ironman.


Good luck! I want to see plenty of green come the end of the month. That means you, NoisyVelvet.


Potential Game-stoppers and Bugs

  • ZDoom* users are required to load the OSIRIS-fix.deh alongside the main WAD file instead of the base OSIRIS.deh. This is due to an hilarious misreading of the file by ZDoom builds which causes gibbed zombies to spew out infinite drops of ammo when cycling through their looped corpse animation. Thanks go to vita for the fix. This has not been tested with other port families, nor has the bug been verified by me in them, so if you're using Eternity or something it may be a good idea to load up the base .deh file first to make sure this issue isn't present.
  • ZDoom* users using even the fixed .deh file will run into an issue at the end of map01 and at the beginning of map07 where a BOSS sound bite plays and loops at odd moments. While we couldn't find a fix for this issue in the 5 minutes we were prepared to invest, it's not a big deal: the sound correctly plays out the moment you leave the area.
prboom-plus -file osiris.wad -deh osiris.deh -complevel 2 -warp -skill 4 -record my_demo




  • One attempt per month. Good luck!
  • Demos (PrBoom+ and GLBoom), stream highlights and single-take video recordings are the only accepted proofs.
  • UV only continous; no pistol-starting.
  • No auto-loaded wads unless they are purely cosmetic.
  • No hard-coded cheats or features that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set).
  • If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatability options, you must not enable any flags that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port. In most cases, this will mean that you can comfortably use "Doom/Boom(strict)" behaviour in ZDoom, for example. You must also display these settings on-screen before your run.
  • If you choose to stream your run rather than provide a demo and you die before completing a single level, either on map01 of a set or because of a single level being selected for the month, you must display the number of monsters killed/remaining in the level before you quit. The number of kills registered will determine your ranking versus other players who died on that level.
  • You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels will rank higher than his competitors.
  • You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point. This includes "scouting ahead" for map details "just to check on something."
  • You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details. Your viewers may, however.
  • If you die for any reason, tough luck! Your little brother snuck into your room while you were paused and getting tea and walked your marine into an inescapable pit? Brilliant. You went to answer the doorbell but knocked over your mug of hot chocolate and a baron ripped your arm off? Walk it off, hot stuff! You're through.
  • If your operating system fails during the run such that the stream/recording becomes irretrievable, you are permitted a second or subsequent attempt offline. Technical difficulties during streams or recordings that present as merely an impediment (i.e. the run is still observable, in the case of a stream) do not count as system failures. In these instances, you should save the game, if possible, and resume when the issue has been resolved.
  • Death exits do not disqualify a run (duh!) but accidentally restarting the level before the tally screen appears will. Stay frosty!
  • In the event that the leaders are tied having died on the same map, the player to have arrived at the map of death in the fastest time will be deemed the winner.



Previous Threads


Jenesis (winner: Demon of the Well)
Crusades (winner: Ribbiks)
Nilla Doom (winner: Demon of the Well)
Khorus' Speedy Shit (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Perdition's Gate (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
UAC Ultra (winner: Bloodite Krypto)

Jade Earth (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Legacy of Heroes (winner: Bloodite Krypto)

Back to Saturn X E1 (winner: dew)

Mapgame (winner: Bloodite Krypto)

Vae Victus 1 & 2 (winner: Demon of the Well)

Disturbia (winner: Bloodite Krypto)

Insertion (winner: Bloodite Krypto)

Unholy Realms (winner: Bloodite Krypto)

Edited by Alfonzo
I am an update.

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Here's another bumper post reminding you video recorder folk to make sure you have OSIRIS-fix.deh loaded, or at least tested for if you're using a port that isn't (g)ZDoom. If your dead zombies start vomiting machine guns, something has gone wrong :)


I'll be streaming the recorded run of my attempt in about 8 hours: https://www.twitch.tv/st_alfonzo

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Just did my run.  Pretty easy, like Alfonzo said.  Especially blind.  Advice for anyone else: I wouldn't even prepare for this one at all because it's a total cake-walk.  In fact, it's one of those weird mapsets where you probably have an edge if you haven't played it before.  That's all the advice I can give.  Good luck





-reads a couple words out of OP: 'easy like Mapgame!'; doesn't read part about new monsters; doesn't question .deh file

-"'easy'? I'll do this blind! nevermind that i have am sick with a fever and down a couple shots of whisky."

-"pfft. I won't even check Map01 ahead of time!"

-loads game.

-stumbles into door, shoots zombie; gets confused by new pistol sounds but thinks sound is just quiet and muffled.  pauses and tabs out of game to turn down -youtube background music and turn up game sounds.

-maximizes game again and goes down an elevator, sees scary blue man. "oh fuck what is that! it will probably one-shot me".

-tries to find safe place to hold out and figure out what's even going on, but it's just hallways with scary blue men around the corners.

-turns around a nearby corner and sees another scary blue man, kills it and grabs its gun, hopes that it is just a reskinned shotgunner.

-doesn't matter, everything feels off anyways, have hard time aiming at scary blue man because he looks too different.  They're everywhere! can't make heads from tails, gets more disoriented

-checks headphones to see if i mixed up Left and Right

-nope! it's just sound of uncertainty and death; behind every wall.  The sounds are from all directions and countless

-stumbles around for another minute; even the new sound of lifts catch me off guard: anything could signal certain death if I let my guard down.

-goes back up lift, stumbles around,  forgets all about earlier traps because of over-stimulation.




Edited by NoisyVelvet

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Woah, not bad; I should call people out in the OP more often.


Really, though, you should check out the Blue Man Group if they're still performing. I hear they no longer incorporate shotguns in their routine.

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Never played this before! Blind it is then. It'll be fun I guarantee. If it is as easy as Mapgame, I must make sure I don't Fonz myself between two monsters on the last level :P

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Survived in 1:08:53 (Blind run)


A very easy and fun egyptian mapset ! I had a lot of fun finishing these levels. New sounds are cool but become annoying very quickly. All maps are very mazy so it's very easy to be lost. This is one of the easiest wads chosen for the ironman challenge , I found mapgame harder.





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Survived in 1:43:40 I think.


Surprisingly easy. Went in blind, as I've said I will. There are two huge near misses (spoiler for blindlovers)



In MAP02 I think, I had 7 or so HP at one point. Luckily I've got better at Stayin' Alive™ so I managed to somehow live.

In MAP05 or 04, there's this red key platform which lowers into a crusher... luckily the platform itself isn't a crusher so I just barely managed to survive. I really thought that was the end... I was surprised when I saw I'm alive.


I agree with Roofi, this is definitely the easiest set so far, as it doesn't have turrets :P


whoops forgot to attach a zip file



Meanwhile, in the All-Time standings, Veinen becomes the fourth person to score more than a thousand (or million?) points and steadily becoming a serious threat to other frontrunners. With only two appearances, stewboy has managed to get into the upper half of the leaderboard already. In the midfield, a battle is going on between Crusader No Regret and bzzrak. I suck at making short paragraphs btw.


Edited by DoomLover234
added alltime

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A map set that can be easily completed on a blind run? This is my time to shi-- oh fuck what's happening??



Not sure if I broke something and it was my fault or prboom+ glitched in some way. The recorded demo reproduces the problem so with my limited knowledge I assume it's something engine related?


Anyway it was funny experiencing this, here's the full demo: guineu_ironman_osiris_prboom+_2.5.1.4.zip

So yeah... Map03.

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2 minutes ago, guineu said:

A map set that can be easily completed on a blind run? This is my time to shi-- oh fuck what's happening??



Not sure if I broke something and it was my fault or prboom+ glitched in some way. The recorded demo reproduces the problem so with my limited knowledge I assume it's something engine related?


Anyway it was funny experiencing this, here's the full demo: guineu_ironman_osiris_prboom+_2.5.1.4.zip

So yeah... Map03.

 You are not lucky  , this is a all-ghost bug which occurs sometimes on vanilla.



Edited by Roofi

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Intercept overflow, also knows as the all-ghosts behaviour... that's an incredibly rare overflow to happen... as far as I know a hitscan attack must travel across 128 lines or things and it renders everything as ghosts. Easiest way to reproduce it is to make 128 corpses line up and fire a pistol. That's rare - too bad your run got destroyed by it.


edit: ninja'd by Roofi the Dragon

Edited by DoomLover234

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The all-ghost bug, yikes! That's an astonishing stroke of bad luck, guineu. When I saw that it was map03 my immediate suspicion was that it happened in the main hall where you can fire across whole rows of dead zombies and ammo clips... but apparently not. I guess you can rest assured that this will at least go down as one of the most amusing runs this year. Heh.


...Anyway, I survived in 1:22:20. Pretty slow going, all up. Kind of inexcusable, too, seeing as I was fairly familiar with at most half the content in the episode. A credibly stupid moment of conservatism almost sits me on my ass in map07 and I played decidedly poor at various moments of the run (map06 is pretty embarrassing). Lady luck smiled upon me, I guess. Mid-table finish here we come!


P.S. God dammit, @Eris Falling. I was sure you'd be able to cover some distance this month. The episode really opens up after that nervy bit of tiptoeing and corner hugging at the start; a perfect runway for your brazen style of running and gunning. Oh well! I'm sure ancalagon will find a way to push you up the ladder. :)

Edited by Alfonzo

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I find it interesting that the two "easy" WADs of this year have brought out my worst performances :)


Also seems DL234, dobu and rodster are all right up my arse on the table, so looks like I'm getting knocked down a few pegs for this one ^_^

Edited by Eris Falling

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Be happy for your green blocks, for they are the true currency of Ironmen. Survival over dominance, that's what I say.

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Rushed through everything.

Played this mapset long time ago, so before recording an ironman attempt I've revisited the maps just to be sure that my horrible memory won't play tricks with me.


In example I was thinking there's an unavoidable Spiderdemon battle somewhere in later maps.


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Right then, I need to make a real effort for this month's Ironman since an_mutt now has an unhealthy lead of 5-3 in the Britbowl. An_mutt will go first this month. (I'm hoping this doesn't come down to time, with him surviving and myself having to play much faster just to have a chance...)


Also this wad was requested on my huge request list by Steve D, so perhaps I can get my second Ironman survived! tag and fulfil a wad request in the same livestream.....

Edited by Suitepee

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An important note to avoid the all ghosts bug:


If your using PRBoom+ make sure 'Try to emulate intercepts overflow is disabled'


Go to: Options > General > scroll to the page where it says Emulation > 'Warn on Intercepts Overflow' just below it 'Try to Emulate it?' > set to No



23 minutes ago, Ancalagon said:

This wad seems so easy the thread should be called the ironman league survives to osiris.


True that, but it makes sense to go from a very challenging wad to a more leisurely one in the following month, as the average player can enjoy the wad with a lower difficulty curve rather then suffer the frustration of a premature death after getting battered from the previous month. It also changes the aspect of the challenge, if a wad is hard your only concern is to survive as it's unlikely anyone else will do so, where as if the wad is easy, the focus becomes beating it quickly as it's likely many will survive, therefore time becomes an important factor so your encouraged to change your play style to be more fast paced. In my case it doesn't make a difference as I'm always fast and reckless ;D


As for Osiris, uhhhh I think I played it once? Back in the 90's, on ye olde Doom95 xD I vaguely recall playing some Egyptian themed wad from that decade, but it could have been it's predecessor Anubis.

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Paging @Steve D, front and center! I expect to see a run from you on this, seeing as you're one of its greatest fans. No excuses! If I can snark at realtors over the phone while simultaneously playing Moonblood and whatever else, you can find an hour for this. ;)

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42 minutes ago, Demon of the Well said:

Paging @Steve D, front and center! I expect to see a run from you on this, seeing as you're one of its greatest fans. No excuses! If I can snark at realtors over the phone while simultaneously playing Moonblood and whatever else, you can find an hour for this. ;)

Oh, hell yeah!!!!! I LOVE this mapset. Just watched a quality death from Eris. It's an easy episode, but you gotta be careful with all them hitscanners everywhere, especially since the sergeants get their shots off quicker than normal, and there always seems to be just one more than you thought there was. Haven't played this properly in years, and I figure I'm most likely to die on Map02, 03 or 04. If I make it past those, I could go all the way.


Edited by Steve D

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finished in 56 minutes or so, completely blind. could've been a lot faster, but I played at a moderate pace because I wanted to (that, and I'm occasionally dense wrt going where the map wants me to go).


I remember poking around this wad in slade a few years ago though when hunting for various assets. I really wanted to use those imp sprites (which are fantastic, btw) for something, but never got around to it. Wonder where they're from, anyhow (orig to this wad?).


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Survived in 1:08:41. Pretty good, considering I wasn't rushing at all.


I had very limited foreknowledge from an old coop playthrough. Some of the map layouts were familiar, but that was about it. Only tight spot was in the first map, where every single shotgunner had it out for me.


One problem: At the crusher room in map04, I hit the freelook key without thinking, and quickly shut it off. It's the only time that happens, and I didn't really gain anything from doing it.


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3 hours ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

where as if the wad is easy, the focus becomes beating it quickly as it's likely many will survive

Yeah if anyone thinks this month is going to be easy, you're probably thinking about it the wrong way; the challenge this month isn't Osiris, it's defeating other players.

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Haha, bravo me! Very satisfied with how I performed, tbh. :]

Died in the latter half of MAP05, which is great for my level of pseudo-skillz. I wasn't blind though, I've played this badass mapset about half a year or so ago, so I did remember some of the more evil traps... but unfortunately not the one that killed me (I did have a gut feeling, but I thought it'd be a crusher).

Also, I think this is the first time I ever got into the second half of a mapset during an Ironman challenge. Feels good. :]


One more thing, @JDoyle your music kixx0rz assz0rz. You're the superstar! :]


12 hours ago, DoomLover234 said:

In the midfield, a battle is going on between Crusader No Regret and bzzrak.


Hey, Crusader!

I'll give you a cookie if you die on MAP01!


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