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Your dumb Doom habits


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45 minutes ago, Mr. Trotl said:

Same, i don't care if the health pack is big or not, i just take it :-)

Then you're walking around with 8 health and wish you hadn't wasted the 24 in the pack.

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2 hours ago, TootsyBowl said:

Then you're walking around with 8 health and wish you hadn't wasted the 24 in the pack.

just sometimes :-)

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- Shooting an extra rocket when a mancubus/arachnotron is already dead. Inertia I guess...

- Switching to a different weapon if I'm with the SSG, to kill low-tiers. Not always, just depending on the situation. 

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25 minutes ago, galileo31dos01 said:

- Shooting an extra rocket when a mancubus/arachnotron is already dead. Inertia I guess...

This, quite often.

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12 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:

- Shooting an extra rocket when a mancubus/arachnotron is already dead. Inertia I guess...

Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only one that counts the connected shots.

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On 09/06/2017 at 5:04 PM, Scotty said:

Trying to open clearly marked locked doors when i don't have the right key "just to check".

^ me

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4 hours ago, silentzorah said:

Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only one that counts the connected shots.

Nope, me too. Only time I don't count as closely is when firing on tight groupings or slaughter maps (due to abundance of ammo). 

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Lemme just throw in my habits, be it dumb or not.


~Saving every two seconds.

~Having some rather romantic times with the walls while waiting for doors/lifts to open.

~Killing Archie first. Archie's a dickbag that likes to raise the dead. No necromancy!

~Sometimes taking in the scenery, even if it wouldn't be a good time to.

~Never using the plasma rifle. Not even the BFG.

~On rare occasions I like to punch fancy goatmen, even if it'll get me slapped onto the floor.

~Examining monsters' sprites on occasion just to see what details I can notice.

~Seeing if I can shoot LSouls mid-charge just to see if it makes them slowly fly backwards.

~Having fistfights with revenants.

~Once a berserk pack is found, I take every opportunity to punch something into red mush.

~Never taking items if it means even a single number increment that item will cause will be wasted by it. Everything must be perfect.

~Contradicting that right after, I grab mega/soulspheres as soon as they are seen. Even if it means wasting armor/health I could've used.

~Sometimes when I feel like a death was either cheap or unfair, I res myself via console. If it still feels cheap, I godmod it.

~Multiplayer-wise, I actually get salty in PvP modes on occasion. Though I don't spew insults or be a big bad bitch about it.

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Whenever I save in a megawad, especially if it's a megawad that has fairly realistic level design, I always have to save in a room with a health kit in it. The room also has to have a bed or at least a chair in it, and I always have to be pointing my gun at the entrance to the room, juuuuust in case some sneaky imp gets the jump on me when I least suspect it.

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31 minutes ago, valkiriforce said:

I like opening and closing fast doors rapidly because I like the sound that it makes.

I am doing that with switches... ^^

Edited by xAn

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-Constantly trying to instigate infighting and sometimes losing health for it.

-Berserk punching hitscanners.

-Actively trying to avoid picking up large ammo or health when I don't need it in narrow corridors.

-Savescumming, especially when recording.


59 minutes ago, valkiriforce said:

I like opening and closing fast doors rapidly because I like the sound that it makes.


I like doing this too.


30 minutes ago, xAn said:

I am doing that with switches... ^^


This as well.

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Nothing too much, though I often try to cheese Doom levels (or other idTech 1 powered games) by using the infamous glide bug whenever I see an opportunity for it.

When editing my own Doom levels, I have the habit of curving every otherwise angular wall. I'm sure I'm not only one to have this minor compulsive behaviour.

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5 hours ago, GeorgeCostanza94 said:

Never finishing wads.

In my opinion, this is a bad habit... not dumb habit. Anyway, I actually do this quite frequently, so you made me feel bad ;P

Edited by GarrettChan

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1 hour ago, GarrettChan said:

In my opinion, this is a bad habit... not dumb habit. Anyway, I actually do this quite frequently, so you made me feel bad ;P

Well these days I have the attention span of a golf ball. I don't know if that'll make you feel better though lol

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What if the Doom WAD in question is a bad one? I remember trying out an 8 level WAD for Doom 64 EX called Earth. Played through the first two maps and then I was done. The level design was well below average. What point was there in my continuing? 

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1 hour ago, Ajora said:

What if the Doom WAD in question is a bad one? I remember trying out an 8 level WAD for Doom 64 EX called Earth. Played through the first two maps and then I was done. The level design was well below average. What point was there in my continuing? 

If that were the case, I'd understand, but we're talking wads like Scyth and the original iwads lol

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be honest everyone sometimes do this. Me too because of my free time, i start to play wad and after few days i dont remember i play something like this, but it didn't happen so much for me at least :/

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i used to be a total 100% perfectionist type


bad times....


i think my bad habit is playing in hmp

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