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Your dumb Doom habits


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14 hours ago, Kiyohiro said:

Facing a wall with the RL out and "accidentally" hitting Ctrl. 

Almost the same thing for me, but I rush into a monster and hit LMB.

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- spamming plasma rifle on a single revenant so motherfucker don't have a chance to fight back.


2 - ignore the cybie if the section is too cramped..... mostly failed to dodge its missiles.


3 -  chainsaw-ing the cybie if there's a invulnerability nearby

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I don't know how times I save the game. Keep the amount of ammo as even numbers. When I play Doom2 in DosBox, I kill every Lost Souls, even the one that goes outside the wall when PE explode near a wall. Taking items even when it's not necessary. Pick up every items on a map no matter what and I don't even go to exit until I pick all of them :D

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Whenever I see a cyberdemon, I try finding a covered spot from where I can still shoot at it and finish it off my my most crappy weapons possible, preferably shotty or chaingun tapping, in order to save ammo, even if that means waiting for 2-3 minutes as it uselessly blasts away in my direction. Bonus points if I can just hide behind a decoration that blocks projectiles ;-)

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1 hour ago, Kotzugi said:

*Bunch of Stuff*

Almost all of that is me too. I play maps assuming items will be tight. I'm so frugal.


A habit I have. I go through phases of playing Doom. I have all these new megawads to play, but when I start playing again, I go through all the classics that I've played before.

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29 minutes ago, Maes said:

...and finish it off my my most crappy weapons possible, preferably shotty or chaingun tapping, in order to save ammo, even if that means waiting for 2-3 minutes...


Something like this, I assume?



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10 hours ago, GarrettChan said:

Or the ones you can shoot unlimited times, like from Map08 and Map18 of D2.

With the chainsaw!


-pinkie approaches

-pinkie sees me chainsawing a switch

-pinkie thinks *crazy doomguys are the worst, nope...*

-pinkie goes away

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... thinking to know which direction a Mancubus fires that second round of Fireballs and STILL after years and years of practice running directly into it almost every time ; )


... thinking "there still might be a chance..." after missing that nearby chaingunner with my first shot while using the double barrel.


... once I found the exit switch walking back for absolutely no reason, checking if there was a secret in this lava or acid pool... just to find out it is a death trap.   When health is down to 15% it slowly dawns to me I didn't save. 


... assuming crushers don't exist in any map released later than '99.


... attempting to fistkill cacos or barons while in berserk mode.... just to save some ammo.  Very bad idea... especially the cacos seem to dodge 4 out of 5 hits.



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If I pick up the berserk, I try to punch everything on sight, even spooders or cybies in a rare case and that can be dumb enough...

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Just now, leodoom85 said:

If I pick up the berserk, I try to punch everything on sight, even spooders or cybies in a rare case and that can be dumb enough...

I used to do that when I found out that it lasts forever.

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7 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:

If I pick up the berserk, I try to punch everything on sight, even spooders or cybies in a rare case and that can be dumb enough...

And at that moment I knew.... that I fucked myself up.

*Instantly gets stomped by cyberdemon*

Edited by TFK

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- Firing the Super Shotgun at large groups of monsters fifty meters away as if I'm a one-man British musket line.


- Spawning fucktons of friendly Zombiemen and overwhelming monsters with 300-some disposable mooks when I get bored with a level.


- Firing my weapon randomly.


- Firing my weapon to get the ammo count to a nice rounded number.


- Wasting all my chaingun bullets on pinkies and then having to confront shotgun guy hordes with a basic shotgun.

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Pulling out the chainsaw or fists if I'm under 20% health.


Using nothing but fists after getting a berserk pack.

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16 hours ago, Kotzugi said:

- Humping walls.

- Never picking up that medkit/armor if I'm like 85% or higher.

- Never picking up the supercharge if I'm below 100% health.

- Never picking up the mega armor if I'm over 100%.

- Compulsively picking up every health/armor potion, but feeling bad if I'm below 100%, since I should have picked up medkits/regular armor first, since the potions can go above 100%.

- Always fetching the furthest medkit first.

- Shooting out exactly 100 bullets/20 shells/etc. (even if there are no monsters) before I pick up the next one.

- Feeling bad if I'm only a few short and I pick up the ammo item. Because waste.

- Getting rid of that one shotgun shell if I'm uneven.

- If I SSG a caco/arachnotron/HK/etc. twice, I switch to chaingun to finish it off, just in case the next SSG shot would be a waste (if it's almost dead). I do this especially when speed running on maps with tight ammo requirements.

- Never using my cells because what if.

- SSG'ing pinkies/specters when I have berserk on, then feeling bad that I've wasted shells.

- Obsessively trying to take out arch-viles, PEs and revenants first, even though there are other, more dangerous threats in the room (but often it IS a good idea).

- If I run over an ammo pack and I'm full and don't pick it up, I always switch to that weapon so that I can pick up the ammo later.

Wow, yes, this is me on a nutshell. I also have some of the compulsions other members shared earlier in this thread. 


I'm case you're wondering, no, I don't have fun playing Doom. 

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4 hours ago, pnptcn said:

Pulling out the chainsaw or fists if I'm under 20% health.

Pulling chainsaw or fist while near death, have to go down in a fist fight before you die!

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6 hours ago, IncognitoMode said:

I always take big health packs even when i'm at 99% health.

Same, i don't care if the health pack is big or not, i just take it :-)

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