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Doom Builder X 2021.1 (September 20) - map editor


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First Lilith, now this? You're the best thing to ever happen to the Doom community, man. <3

Can it run alongside classic DB2 though?


EDIT at below post:

I know, but I still allow the possibility that I will find something to dislike. :]

Edited by bzzrak

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24 minutes ago, bzzrak said:

Can it run alongside classic DB2 though?

One of the implicit goals of the project, I presume, is to make it so you'll neither need nor want to.

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4 hours ago, anotak said:

 GZDB-BF, which is a good program by ZZYZX

If this was a true statement, I wouldn't need this.


But I do need this, DB2 was already superior and now it's finally updated, thanks for your hard work!

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3 hours ago, bzzrak said:

Can it run alongside classic DB2 though?

it copies your old DB2 config on first run but then it uses its own + logfile. It shouldn't interfere with DB2 running, I still have DB2 and I occasionally boot it up to compare speeds/memory usage to make sure I don't make anything worse.

But, like Xaser said, the goal is that any behavioral differences that affect your workflow will be optional.

Edited by anotak

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2 minutes ago, Poohlyash said:

But can it edit decorates with script editor, and not crash?

I never edited decorate in DB2/DBX, so the bug probably still exists. If you can give me the steps to replicate the crash and/or a crashlog (that dbx now creates), i can try to fix it for the next ver

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31 minutes ago, anotak said:

"If you can give me the steps to replicate the crash"

1) Save
2) Open script editor.
3) Edit something that is not Dialogue NOR Scripts.
4)Try to save.


Edited by Poohlyash

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3 hours ago, Poohlyash said:

1) Save
2) Open script editor.
3) Edit something that is not Dialogue NOR Scripts.
4)Try to save.

It looks like you recorded a video of GZDoomBuilder. i think DB2 / DBX may not even have that feature?

You should try to find the latest version of GZDoomBuilder-Bugfix by ZZYZX, it may have fixed that issue. If not, report the issue to him, he will probably be able to help.

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On windows 8, I have this weird issue where the OK and cancel buttons don't appear on the the Edit Thing window, because they're located below where the window ends.



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It appears to be something with the way the form elements are snapped, because if you resize it, this happens: 


Edited by Edward850

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gotcha, i'll look into it. that's a p big issue so i'll probably post a fix sooner rather than later. allowing that Irma doesn't knock out my power again

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So basically a more performant and stable version of db2? Yes please!


I've poked around a bit, I like the small usability improvements, better window sizes. like a comfier db2. It also seems to handle drawing weird overlapping sectors better than db2 (recall drawing some random shapes within or around other sectors and under certain conditions they'll refuse to create a new sector), here they get constructed more intuitively.


If you try really hard, it looks you can invoke some of the same crashes that kill db2 (e.g. try merging many sectors together, then spam undo and watch everything go up in flames :D).


But yeah, looks great thus far. Thanks for this!

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7 minutes ago, Ribbiks said:

So basically a more performant and stable version of db2? Yes please!


I've poked around a bit, I like the small usability improvements, better window sizes. like a comfier db2. It also seems to handle drawing weird overlapping sectors better than db2 (recall drawing some random shapes within or around other sectors and under certain conditions they'll refuse to create a new sector), here they get constructed more intuitively.


If you try really hard, it looks you can invoke some of the same crashes that kill db2 (e.g. try merging many sectors together, then spam undo and watch everything go up in flames :D).


But yeah, looks great thus far. Thanks for this!

i still havent been able to replicate the spam undo crash, despite people telling me it happens in db2. can you send me the BuilderX-lastcrash.log file, it should be in

C:\Users\  ** USERNAME HERE ** \AppData\Local\Doom Builder

or if you just paste


into an explorer window

that log should have a stack trace i can at least narrow down to where it might happen.


edit: btw you should check out the new thing with holding alt while drawing geometry, specifically got the idea from watching a video of you making a map!

Edited by anotak

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1 hour ago, Grain of Salt said:

On windows 8, I have this weird issue where the OK and cancel buttons don't appear on the the Edit Thing window, because they're located below where the window ends.



followup question:

does this happen for you on the linedef, sector, or vertex forms at all?

edit: also can you tell me your desktop resolution, and dpi settings if possible?


also thx Edward for pointing that other related weird thing out


55 minutes ago, Ribbiks said:

Sometimes hard to replicate, had to try a few times :D




In general I'm already impressed by how mean-spirited you can be in scribbling linedefs and have it still get resolved nicely.




ah thx

Edited by anotak

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2 hours ago, anotak said:

followup question:

does this happen for you on the linedef, sector, or vertex forms at all?

edit: also can you tell me your desktop resolution, and dpi settings if possible?

Linedef: yes.

Sector: no.

Vertex: no.


Resolution: 1366x768, and I think my DPI settings are default.

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Edward & Grain of Salt the new version ( https://github.com/anotak/doombuilderx/releases/download/v2.1.3.1/doombuilderx- ) fixed those 2 issues (I hope). If you get a chance, can you double check for me Grain of Salt?

edit: apparently I accidentally broke plugin support by changing the version number because of some weird stuff that I didn't notice, so I edited the OP to downgrade back to, but can you still download that one i linked and check?


This also made me notice something disturbing: opening the Thing Edit window on here and DB2 takes between 60 and 70ms on my machine, which is... unacceptably long. I'll be looking into speeding that up. will have that fixed hopefully


Ribbiks: I have some hypotheses why that crash is happening but that part of the code is very unfamiliar to me so I'm spending more time trying to understand it.

Edited by anotak

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The thing type selector now resizes when I change the size of the Edit Thing window, but the buttons at the bottom of the Edit Thing/Linedef windows still don't appear :/

Edited by Grain of Salt

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- linedef / thing / sector edit windows partially loaded when you open a map. vertex one loads first time you open it. once loaded all these should open about 50-70ms faster, in case of individual objects selected it should open in 4-8ms.
- change some window scaling stuff
- fixed plugins issue from (sorry)
- minor bugfixes


1 hour ago, Grain of Salt said:

The thing type selector now resizes when I change the size of the Edit Thing window, but the buttons at the bottom of the Edit Thing/Linedef windows still don't appear :/

ok i did a bunch of shit, should be fixed in this version. it will maybe need resizing the first time you open it, which is something i will be fixing later. i need to go through and do the same thing to the sector and vertex forms probably but i'll hold off for now.

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I just checked and the button issue is fixed now. Thanks!


Edit: I don't suppose you feel inclined to create a flood fill tool for adding Things, by any chance? I keep wishing such a thing existed. But if it's beyond the scope of this project, never mind :)

Edited by Grain of Salt

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8 minutes ago, Grain of Salt said:

I don't suppose you feel inclined to create a flood fill tool for adding Things, by any chance?

That sure doesn't sound like something that would be abused to turn every map into nuts.wad. You could call it the Slaughtomator. Why place monsters manually when you can Slaughtomate it?

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26 minutes ago, RjY said:

That sure doesn't sound like something that would be abused to turn every map into nuts.wad.

I'd argue that flood filling smaller cabinets or teleport-batteries with a tool like that would save a lot of time for a lot of people anyway. In fact, the slaughter mappers are probably the ones who are the quickest when it comes to manual flood filling. ;-)

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The pun was pretty good though, I've gotta say.


Really though, since i know virtually nothing about coding at all, let alone how doombuilder operates, how realistic would you guess is it for such a feature to be implemented?

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To elaborate on why I think a flood fill would be useful,


  • Obviously the main use is to add lots of a given monster. Adding 20 cacodemons, even in the most efficient way currently possible, takes up time and energy that could be better spent testing and editing.
  • It's annoying to try to populate weirdly shaped sectors in a consistent way.
  • If the fill was restricted to the current grid, you could use it as a quick way of tweaking monster density and seeing how subtle changes play differently, which would be a godsend imo.
  • If it was partly random it could be a quick way of scattering scenery onto sectors outside the map, which can be tiresome to do by hand.

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no promises but i'll look into it or maybe at least something that can fill that niche. like another thing i was thinking about just maybe like a "brush" tool for thing placement where you can just set a "brush size" and just hold down the button and drag the mouse around and place things in various patterns


just i dont want to overdo adding new things that clutter the interface either, like i think that one of the strengths of db2 as an editor is its simplicity. there's also possibly some performance concerns with adding new UI stuff in certain ways bc of the way db2 is architected (which i can't do anything to change because it would break plugin compatibility). i think there may be some workarounds though. i also just have to think about the time i can put in too.


so ideally i'd like to find a solution that balances these competing interests.

Edited by anotak

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Just tried this and liking it. I think very soon it will replace db2 for me.


One very tiny cosmetic thing I noticed is when in 3d mode if I select multiple walls and right click to open the edit linedef dialog it will say the number of selected linedefs in parantheses after "edit linedef" in the title. Then if I close that and select a single wall and edit again the title of the dialog still says (3).


The same happens for sectors (also in 2d mode the same). It seems this number only changes when the number of selected entities is greater than one.


As I write this I just checked how it behaves for Things and this is more serious because the difficulty flags behave as if multiple things are selected even after you press "c" to clear the selection. Hope this makes sense...


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10 hours ago, theJF said:

Just tried this and liking it. I think very soon it will replace db2 for me.


One very tiny cosmetic thing I noticed is when in 3d mode if I select multiple walls and right click to open the edit linedef dialog it will say the number of selected linedefs in parantheses after "edit linedef" in the title. Then if I close that and select a single wall and edit again the title of the dialog still says (3).


The same happens for sectors (also in 2d mode the same). It seems this number only changes when the number of selected entities is greater than one.


As I write this I just checked how it behaves for Things and this is more serious because the difficulty flags behave as if multiple things are selected even after you press "c" to clear the selection. Hope this makes sense...


ty! will be fixed in the next version. might do that later today

Edited by anotak

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the bug is actually kind of serious, i don't know how i did not catch it considering i've been using dbx myself. please please update


- fixed bug in with linedef/thing edit windows, please upgrade
- including zokumbsp-1.0.10-beta4. Doom 1/2 configs have zokumbsp extensions listed under linedef specials now. You need to build your map with zokumbsp to use them. There's chance they won't work with anything other than vanilla/chocolate, so be aware!
- optimized sector label positioning algorithm, should have speedups on initial map load and whenever you do anything that changes geometry
- fix for slow loading of maps that use a lot of sidedef compression

Edited by anotak

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