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Doom Builder X 2021.1 (September 20) - map editor


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Is there a way to clear map history inside the 'File' tab? I recently made a switch from GZDoom Builder to Doom Builder X and I'm currently liking it so far. Also would it be possible to add the feature of arrows pointing out from a linedef with certain action and tag to the actual affected sector? I think it's really useful when constructing maps on a bigger scale.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to bump this, but I ran into a couple bugs using DBX.

First one is the fact that no matter if I change the default textures or use the randomizer; it's stuck on the default ones from the first time you use DBX.

Second one is a really bad one.  When I make a mapset starting from MAP01, and I use Save Map Into, it deletes MAP01 like I never made it.

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Some steps on reproducing that first issue (may not be exhausted), 'cause I noticed it last night:

- open a map that uses texture resource A. The default textures get set based on this.

- open a map that uses texture resource B. Make a new sector -- the defaults are stuff from resource A.


The end result was I wound up with some OTEX texture references in a BTSX map, which vanilla don't like. :P

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Ahh, thank you for letting me know. I'll look into it. That 2nd issue is especially high priority. Don't apologize for bumping the thread, I need the information.


I've been mostly taking a break from coding and doom stuff for a month or so, but I'm slowly dipping my toes back in working.

Yesterday I was working on fixing some crashes in the previous alpha. I will probably release a new alpha again soon.


Today I worked on adding tooltips for linedef/thing flags:


This required more coding work than it might sound like because of the need for it to work within the existing game-config framework. I also had to work around some strange windows forms quirks. I need to do more testing to make sure this is 100% right.


Before I release the next alpha I want to:

- look into the "save map into" issue you mentioned.

- I want to merge the rotatable grid pull request made by Volte.

- I'm considering setting the "square things" setting on by default, as Doom's actor collision detection is all squares, so the circles are really just a lie.

- I want to look into fixing this issue for certain resolution screens.


Before the next actual proper release I want to:

- Fix a geometry stitching/merging bug I found.

- Fix the default textures bug you mentioned.

- Clean up the Lua plugin UI a little bit somehow. Maybe add a link to the github wiki from the program.

- Investigate a bug report I received about the find/replace popping up behind the main window.

- Finalize the 1st official version of the Lua plugin API, and add a few more example scripts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After using Deep and Deepsea my whole life, recently switching to DBX has been quite an eye opening experience. In nearly every imaginable way DBX is far superior to Deepsea. But there is one thing that drives me nuts, and the obvious fix really does not have any drawbacks. When I mark a bunch of linedefs and then I right click on them to modify them, if I am not precise with my right click, DB will deselect all my selections and start drawing. This is very aggravating, because why would I want to draw after selecting a bunch of linedefs? A simple fix for this is: if there are lines marked (selected) DB should not be able to draw, period. I don't want to carefully right click every time; I don't want to lose my selections every time I miss. It's not hard to hit the 'c' button to clear selections.


It would also be nice to see sector references on the linedef information panel. This is very useful info to have at a glance.

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37 minutes ago, Hellbent said:

 A simple fix for this is:





37 minutes ago, Hellbent said:

It would also be nice to see sector references on the linedef information panel. This is very useful info to have at a glance.





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This is very good, and i really like that it is less RAM-hungry than GZDB and also a bit faster.


But i got a couple feature suggestions:


1- Some way to tag sectors in an ordered manner. I know that GZDB has a "tag sectors" option but the order of the tags is extremely messed up. I want to select a big grid of sectors and have them tagged left-to-right per row, and then proceed to the lower row. Or something like that, as long as it has at least some order.


2- Some of the GZDB drawing tools, specifically the ellipse, box and grid drawing tools, which help speed up mapping a lot.

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in fairness, that line is rather squshed on top of the linedef images




that is not the case in DB2












Edited by Kappes Buur

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hmm. i'll look into adding an option for that when i get around to it Hellbent.


i'll also see about adding a key for just "edit selected" maybe as opposed to the context-specific right click

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GZDB(-BF) has an option that disabled the drawing/thing insertion behavior. I think an option to disable this behavior only when elements are selected (and open the editing dialog instead) could be a better solution.

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2 minutes ago, boris said:

GZDB(-BF) has an option that disabled the drawing/thing insertion behavior. I think an option to disable this behavior only when elements are selected (and open the editing dialog instead) could be a better solution.

Which is exactly what I was meaning when I said if there are lines marked (selected) DB should not be able to draw, period. But you've said it better than I as you are more technically accurate in your expression than I was.

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1 hour ago, Hellbent said:

Anyone know how to resize a selection (of sectors) in DBX?

Yes :-)


1. in linedef mode highlight and drag out/in the linedefs

2. in sectors mode highlight the sectors and press E to enter edit mode

a.) click and hold the grab points and drag them out/in



b.) in edit mode open the edit pane from the right side and use Scale to move linedefs in/out


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dragging doens't do anything. I can rotate by dragging, but not resize. I'm not sure what I'm missing. I also see how to flip in the menu. I scanned the controls but didn't see any for resizing.


Thanks for reply!

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I'd like to make another "feature" request if I may: always draw.


If you improperly draw a sector in DBX all the lines you draw will disappear when you finish drawing the bad sector. Losing the shape of what I just drew is difficult. Sometimes I draw a sector even if I know the lines are not facing the right way because I need to draw it starting at a certain place for "creative process" purposes. If I try to draw it from the other end so that the lines will face the right way, well the shape will not be drawn from the right place, from a creative impetus standpoint.



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I keybound Q to be my Insert key, and thus press Q to start drawing sectors while in sector mode. When I am done drawing, I right click on my mouse to stop drawing.

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2 hours ago, Hellbent said:

Sometimes I draw a sector even if I know the lines are not facing the right way because I need to draw it starting at a certain place for "creative process" purposes. If I try to draw it from the other end so that the lines will face the right way, well the shape will not be drawn from the right place, from a creative impetus standpoint.

can always flip the linedefs while in linedef mode. Default hotkey is "F".

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The point I was trying to make is if you draw a sector with the lines facing the wrong way you will lose everything you draw when you finish drawing the bad sector. My request is that when you draw a bad sector, instead of it disappearing when you're done drawing it because it was bad, instead, the lines remain as you drew them, but without any sidedefs added. Then, manually, I can mark the lines, flip them, and assign them the necessary sidedefs and sector references. 

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2 minutes ago, Hellbent said:

The point I was trying to make is if you draw a sector with the lines facing the wrong way you will lose everything you draw when you finish drawing the bad sector.

I guess I don't have that issue. I can literally draw squares, circles, or any other geometric figure, and have it not disappear regardless of drawing direction.

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