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Doom coming to Nintendo Switch!

Jaxxoon R

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Just revealed on Nintendo's Nintendo Direct stream, Doom will be coming to the Switch handheld later this year, alongside Wolfenstein. This also marks the first time since the GBA that a Doom game has appeared on a Nintendo system, and the first time since Doom 64 that the series has appeared on Nintendo home console.


Wonder how well it'll run...

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Well that i didn't expected to see, but considering how well it ran on consoles, i guess it wasn't something really surprising
Also there was no mention of snapmap, maybe it was dropped for the switch version?

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I honestly think there's nothing on this planet that could make me buy a Switch, but I won't lie, the lineup is looking better by the day.

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22 minutes ago, dmg_64 said:

They're also going to Bring Multiplayer over, as a separate Download.

You haven't quite explained what's going on.

The way it works is this; Due to cart size/price ratio limits, the physical version contains just the campaign on the cartridge, and the multiplayer portion as a (apparently optional) download. Buying it from the digital store will download the complete game.

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12 hours ago, ZeroTheEro said:

Endgadget said that this one will not have SnapMap.




Every time a big game from the other consoles makes it's way to a nintendo console it seems like a rule of law that at least something must be gutted. This is why nintendo consoles are a joke to me. Nintendo is in denial about the importance of proper console hardware and it keeps paying the price. If it wasn't for brainless nintendo fans always buying these things anyway (well except the WiiU) then nintendo would be bankrupt ages ago.

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Well, Nintendo was never about having the #1 hardware in the industry (though they arguably came pretty close at the time of the SNES, and in a pretty subtle way too), but rather asserted their market value by licensing "killer apps" and having the exclusivity on many franchises, beyond their own Mario games. In other words, you didn't buy Nintendo so that you could -eventually- get a port of something that was already out on other consoles or the arcades, but to have access to games and franchises that weren't available anywhere else.


To this day, Nintendo still does follow this model. Sure, they do get ports of famous games, but as an afterthought. Didn't seem to hurt them particularly at any time, despite Sega trying to market themselves as "more badass" because they had blood in Mortal Kombat or whatever ;-)


FWIW, this same business model was what kept Apple afloat in the 80s and 90s -exclusivity of apps especially in the multimedia/DTP sector, never anything particularly special or "killer" about the hardware or OS. This also helped forge their community of die-hard fans and aficionados, and even today it still gets them some traction, even though the scene has changed dramatically.

Edited by Maes

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2 hours ago, hardcore_gamer said:


Every time a big game from the other consoles makes it's way to a nintendo console it seems like a rule of law that at least something must be gutted. This is why nintendo consoles are a joke to me. Nintendo is in denial about the importance of proper console hardware and it keeps paying the price. If it wasn't for brainless nintendo fans always buying these things anyway (well except the WiiU) then nintendo would be bankrupt ages ago.

Given how awful performance SnapMap had and still has, it's likely they couldn't unfuck it enough to place it on the console.


Edited by Csonicgo

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Nintendo also has weird restrictions when it comes to online stuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had something to do with it. I also wouldn't plan on the Creation Club going to Switch, for whatever its worth.

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50 minutes ago, wheresthebeef said:

Nintendo also has weird restrictions when it comes to online stuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had something to do with it. I also wouldn't plan on the Creation Club going to Switch, for whatever its worth.

The Creation Club as a concept is pure hot garbage, so perhaps that is for the better.

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1 hour ago, wheresthebeef said:

Nintendo also has weird restrictions when it comes to online stuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had something to do with it.

This couldn't be further from the truth; Nintendo have been unusually lax about online content, to the point where they are even letting Microsoft use Xbox Live infrastructure on the Switch for Minecraft crossplay, including the logins for all the paid content.


It's actually Sony who have been ultra restrictive this generation.

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Doom Amiibos would be cool! or some amiibo compatibility, would be interesting what the amiibos would give you.

Also if the card comes in red like the DOOM SNES cartridge. That would be cool!

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  • 1 month later...

An interview with the id developers about the Switch version was posted a few days ago.


And the release date is confirmed for November 10th. I got a Switch earlier this year at launch but never thought it'd be getting a port of the new Doom. Really looking forward to checking it out!

Edited by Triple_sSs

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just got DOOM in the mailbox today. Haven't played it on any other system yet, so it will be a new game for me. Only seen a few gameplay videos, so I really know very little about the game. But it got good reviews, even the Switch version doesn't remove any single-player content, so that's good for me.

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On 9/14/2017 at 6:25 PM, DoctorFrickinRetro said:

Doom Amiibos would be cool! or some amiibo compatibility, would be interesting what the amiibos would give you.

Also if the card comes in red like the DOOM SNES cartridge. That would be cool!

It doesn't, unfortunately. Just the standard black Switch card.

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On 11/9/2017 at 4:01 PM, scalliano said:

Got my Switch last week. Damn, did I pick the wrong month ...

You picked the PERFECT week.

As someone who didn't enjoy Breath of the Wild, it took a long while before I finally had Switch games to play; it was just Mario Kart for a while, and now Mario Rabbids has come out and is great, LA Noire comes out very soon and I haven't played it since it was released and look forward to doing it again, Doom has just come out, and Mario Odyssey being fucking A+, this is right timing.

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So I've played it for a bit now on the Switch. This is the first FPS I've ever played on a console. I'm getting used to the controls, having quite a bit of trouble with them. They seem far too slow. I'm messing around with the sensitivity, seems 60% works okay for me. But I think I'm going to have to restart on the easiest difficulty, this game is quite hard for me...

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4 minutes ago, wheresthebeef said:

I've heard that turning aim smoothing off helps a lot for the Switch version

I'll have to give that a try. Aiming does seem to be the main issue for me, it's very hard for me to run and aim at the same time. I keep missing the enemies. It's probably me just not being used to the controls since I've never played a FPS on a console before. But I'll play around with the settings some more and see what I can do.

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