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2002ADO demos [-complevel 3]

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E2M6 UV Max in 7:08
Shame about those 2 missed rockets, if I had not wasted the one in the red area and one missed rocket on the baron in the outdoor area, sub 7 minutes probably would've been achieved :/
Oh nice run btw for E3M2, looking at that run I'm sure sub 7 minutes is doable :)


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With the current strategy, I already had lots of luck. Much more time can probably be saved in the passage leading to RK, as we kill all these lost souls which I could skip for a Max - the only problem is: how to do it without missing other kills?

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Memfis said:

Thanks man, now I have the motivation to improve my lulzy run. :D

Glad my run had the desired effect. It had quite a few lulzy moments of its own (e1m5 is cursed) :(

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E5M1 Pacifist in 0:56
It stinks, it stinks, it stinks, it stinks. Yes....this map stinks and so does this demo.
Just don't download this, it will waste a minute of your life (I had to do this for youtube)


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I found a rj that let me finish e2m3 (nomonsters) in 0:29, including about 4 seconds of me getting confused heh. Only useful in episode run, although a thing glide may also be possible (Let me know if you're able to do it, I haven't succeeded yet). Starts on e2m1, just hit pgdn twice in prboom+ or skipsec to like 240.


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  • 4 months later...

These runs are pretty awesome. :43 on E1M2? Geeeez! I am sure the successful demo will be posted soon, every time you upload your failed attempts, you later record a successful demo within a day or two.

I probably should refrain myself from criticizing anything there, since my runs are so sloppy compared to yours, but what's wrong with getting that blue armor on E1M6? One, maybe two seconds lost and a huge difference in comfort later on (for example, you can skip some more sergants on the next map).

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Memfis said:

e1m1-e1m6 UV-Speed Movie in 9:07

Still looks awesome to me. I like it.

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Wow, I didn't know about that "super secret" blue armor. Thanks, it's very useful! If I miss some other obvious stuff, please tell me. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Memfis said:

E3M6 UV-Max in 6:04

The 2002 demopack is finally beaten...

Great demo, shame about the baron after the red key door, he really didn't want to walk out of that room. You are right though, this map is properly cruel, so little health.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So the tenth year anniversary showed up in newstuff today and I'm...not too impressed. It is still impossible to get 100% kills in e4m4, and e3m3 is just as broken as before. In addition, the changes made to the maps seem to be just enough to break every single demo previously recorded. Which brings me to the question, is there any reason to switch to the new version, other than for the two new maps? The gameplay changes are minor and rather pointless imo, almost as if Paul did it to spite speedrunners. For example, the secret exit in e2m5 is now tagged, which does nothing more than force backtracking in a max demo. The only nontrivial gameplay changes to existing levels I found are a new area with 19 enemies in e1m5, and the replacement of all zombiemen with ss soldiers in wolfenstein level, but only in zdoom(in prboom the map is just lacking 70 or so enemies...). Oh, and he raised the window in e3m6, no more shooting the switch for speedrun route :( I know another trick though but it's more annoying and slower...
So what do you guys think? Obviously the two new maps are worth playing, but for recording on the other levels not so much...

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I didn't bother downloading, so I just trust your decription.

E3M6 change seems reasonable for me (it's a "fix", you were not supposed to finish the map quickly).
E4M9 change seems horrendous for me (I tolerated the map due to NO blue wolf3d SS).

I'd say you, me, Memfis, Cannonball, SAV, 1ntru, Daiyu, Didier and others: we are NOT the target audience of the new version. Hey, we were not the target audience of the old one, it just worked for us ("appealed") by coincidence :) By not downloading the new version I can live in peace, but keep in mind that I'm a weirdo who uses an 8-year-old phone (it works, why buy one), never allows web browsers to auto-upgrade and is fine with PrBoom+ ;)

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Agreed. I also didn't like the changes in music: they're slight but enough to distract me. I listen to any MIDI in XWE and keep thinking "oh, this part sounds a little different" instead of just listening. :)
So, I'm sticking to the old version. But it would be interesting to see some demos for the new maps (E3M5, E4M1) even though I didn't like them much.

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vdgg said:
By not downloading the new version I can live in peace, but keep in mind that I'm a weirdo who uses an 8-year-old phone (it works, why buy one), never allows web browsers to auto-upgrade and is fine with PrBoom+ ;)

omg you're me.

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