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Are there any Dangerous Dave Doom WADs?

[McD] James

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I know there's a bunch of Commander Keen Doom WADs, but I can't find any about Dangerous Dave. I find that very strange. 

Edited by Ajora

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Eh, I was thinking the same... Anyway It must be for the fact that Dangerous Dave is not really that well known around there... Also I was thinking of Catacombs 3d series based levels (actually I found the textures from this game in the net some days ago...) And rescue rover... They will be a good concept, I think...

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Oh, that sounds like a great idea for a fun little total conversion. Perhaps using a style similar to Shadow of the Woolball, with hand-drawn sprites that look similar to the ones in Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion.

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2 hours ago, SiFi270 said:

I don't really know of that many Keen-themed TCs. Just The Quest for Spot's Collar and a few cameos here and there such as D2TWID's secret levels and the Neural Stunner being a rare weapon in DRL Arsenal. If there's a bunch, then what others am I missing?


Commander Keen 4. 


Doom of Mars isn't a Doom WAD, but rather a Commander Keen mod where our hero fights demons on Phobos. 

Edited by Ajora

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