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Dynamic lights not lighting up a wall, help?



Hi again :) I have made some more progress on my first map but I have ran into a somewhat annoying issue regarding lighting. The wall in the attached picture refuses to be lit by dynamic lights which is kind of a problem since not only is it a big wall and the whole wall should be lit up, like the other ones around it, but also it's right near the start of the level which would not exactly give a very good first impression to the player šŸ˜ I don't know what is up with the wall that would cause it, it's just a normal lower sidedef wall that stretches up to the ceiling height of the sector just like the other ones that the lights are properly shining on. Rebuilding the nodes didn't help so it must not be that. It doesn't have any line specials on it so it's not that either. Every other wall will react to light but this one... I mean I guess I can change the sector color to a bright yellowish color to match the light but I would rather not


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Update: tweaking the angle slightly did fix it mostly. But the edge of the wall still isn't getting lit. Oh well, I'll just work on that later, it's pretty insignificant now, especially since I added the first secret and am working on the first major area :)

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Is the wall going either straight north-south or east-west? if my hunch is right, you could fix it by either putting evenlighting in the MAPINFO or by moving one end of the wall by even as little as one unit to change the angle slightly.


Of course, my hunch could be just plain wrong.

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1 hour ago, Empyre said:

Is the wall going either straight north-south or east-west? if my hunch is right, you could fix it by either putting evenlighting in the MAPINFO or by moving one end of the wall by even as little as one unit to change the angle slightly.


Of course, my hunch could be just plain wrong.

Huh, I didn't know lights didn't work on walls if they are at certain angles, that totally sounds like a bug with gzdoom to me šŸ˜• I also didn't know there were different lighting settings you could adjust in the mapinfo, will try that out tomorrow. And pointing perfectly vertically or horizontally doesn't seem to be the issue either, all the walls pointing those ways work fine, this one is at a bit of an angle though, like I'd say around 20something degrees or so in relation to the x axis, maybe that has something to do with it I guess?

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Fake contrast wouldn't makeĀ that muchĀ of a difference. It seems the dynamic lights aren't beng applied at all, while fake contrast merely makes NS/EW walls slightly darker/brighter.

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If the dynamic light source is of the attenuated type and the light source is behind the wall, then no light will be applied. I'm not entirely sure if this also applies to light types based purely on distance as well - it might be the case.

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Nah they are just generic point lights though I will be using attenuated ones in the future. Those are angled ones right?

Edited by therektafire

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