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The DWmegawad Club plays: Plutonia Revisited Community Project

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MAP06 - “Stony Halls” by Matt Tropiano


Pretty good map and the largest so far. Quite a few parallel routes to take using different elevation, which is nice. What's the deal with no cell weapons these past 2 maps though? map03 handed out a Plasma Rifle and map04 a BFG. The rocket launcher is also obtained rather late here so this map's largely a case of shotgunning dudes for longer than seems necessary. I do like the start with the Baron which forces you out to hunt for more ammo as well as the few setpiece-style fights.

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MAP07 - Caughtisle:


Yeah, it's a Dead Simple clone and about as Dead Simple clone as a Dead Simple clone can be, but as Dead Simple clones go I found myself enjoying this Dead Simple clone for what it was: a Dead Simple clone.




ANYWAY, the dual Cyberdemon intro was pretty intense, but also the only bit that actually managed to kill me: the other waves had their hazards but with the extra space to maneuver I managed to avoid leaving more pelts on Joshy's wall. Maybe a 3rd Cyb to accompany the Revenants, teleported into the outer area? I dunno. I also noticed one of the Cacodemons float through some of the decorative rail textures, which could probably be fixed by altering some of the linedef properties or just whacking down a self-referencing sector or two. Visuals are mostly just functional, but then again this is vanilla. All in all, it's a fun romp but not overly impactful.


Also a Dead Simple clone.

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MAP06: It's better than what I have seen so far I think, the gameplay here goes well with the layout of rooms connected with various routes and with those few staged fights. I think that the map looks like it was made too much "by the book" in the style and texture selection, also there's (almost) only orthogonality and combined with the lack of more complex architectural features it makes everything look drab. At least the gameplay was good enough to sustain the level and the author knew where to stop, if the map had been longer it would start to get on my nerves.

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Map07: Caughtisle by Joshy


More like map07 of speed of doom instead of caughtyard. Good luck with the 2 cyberdemons.



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MAP07: Caughtisle, by Joshy|5:15|100% kills|




Yeah, it's a harder verson of Dead Simple! I mean it's pretty good, but I don't like how you have to prod the cybs down to death until you get to any other action. Not to mention the cheeky AV at the end that caught me off guard, but that's just excused as me being bad at the game. Good stuff though, feels like a Joshy map so I can't complain.

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MAP07. Time: 5:38. Kills: 100%. Secrets: 100%.

This whole map maintains tension until the end. Pretty fun map, though killing two cybers with plasmagun might be a bit boring.


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MAP06: Stony Halls

Death Count: 1




Pretty awesome map, Tropiano made what it felt like a sequel to map 01, my type of straightforward mixed non-linear map, with good visuals. Getting the first important items (berserk and green armor) was kinda tricky and I died in the hitscan crossfire looking for them. In my second try I was again near dead, those wooden bars don't serve too much as cover... but after getting a foothold, the rest of the map was much easier. The secrets are easy to find, two of them are only hinted by intuition, meaning, if there's an alcove with a soulsphere, the entrance is close. Check the automap if you still have troubles. Oh, one mancubus was stuck. Lots of chaingunners, the exit trap had a lot of them and adding a couple of barbecuers was a spicy mix. Good memories overall, my rate: banana split.

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Oh DAM son welcome to some CO-AUTHOR COMMENTARY


or something i guess -- gonna keep comments short since I'm not actively playing through with folks; just reminiscing over my recent replay a month-ish ago.


MAP01: Stonewall

Joshy delivers a strong opener right out of the gate. Evocative of Congo without being derivative, interesting layout, and just the right amount of challenge for a Plutonia opener. Good vibes.


MAP02: Temple of Cetza

I like the 'zerking. Sue me. :P


MAP03: Escape from Ghost Town

I don't remember being so frustrated with this one back in the day, but upon replay, it's indeed a hitscanny hellhole. Bit of a shame considering it's so early in the set. :(


MAP04: Emerald Pools

I've never been fond of this one -- it's really cramped and monster-cloggy; feels like the layout should be like 2x the size given how many monsters it chucks at you. It seems enough folks enjoyed it though that this may be a "just me" thing, which is good. More power, et. al.


MAP05: That Flooded Place

Ugh, those movement-blocking pillars wreck this one. I remember griping very specifically about this way back when and it unfortunately never got addressed. Reading the thread a bit, it seems this one ain't "just me" this time around. Retro-welp. :P


MAP06: Stony Halls

I really need to buy MTrop a beer next Quakecon just for this map in particular. It's so damned fun, and it's also a much-needed breath of fresh air after the last few. This is where the project really starts to shine, in my probably-slightly-biased opinion.


MAP07: Caughtisle

I've always loved the cleverness of the MAP07 special here -- you've got to kill the cybie to progress, since he's blocking a manc from teleporting in. A fresh twist on an old idea.



Overall, PRCP does get off to a bit of a rocky start, as its weakest maps (03, 05, all 04 i guess if you're me) are front-loaded, but things immediately pick up at MAP06 and never cease -- not that Plutonia itself is much different IMO; can't stand Aztec, but Caged more than makes up for it.


BTW, I'd better warn folks in advance that MAP25 is not going to be everyone's cup of tea gameplaywise, as it's intentionally a bit of a beefy monster shotgun-plinkfest. The goal was to make it hard without breaking the 100 monster barrier; it's got exactly 99 on UV. :D

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1 minute ago, Xaser said:

Oh DAM son welcome to some CO-AUTHOR COMMENTARY


or something i guess -- gonna keep comments short since I'm not actively playing through with folks; just reminiscing over my recent replay a month-ish ago.

Oh are you the author of map15? I have just finished it and go to secret levels.





Celebrate it after finishing this map.


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Yep, I did MAP15 and MAP25. Also did the music for 15, somewhat unintentionally (it was a thing made for another project that I repurposed for reasons).


A comment I missed re:MAP06: there's one unfortunate thing about the map, and that's the fact that the name is so darn similar to 01's. Having both "Stonewall" and "Stony Halls" so close to each other makes my fake-OCD flare up. :P

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2 hours ago, Xaser said:

BTW, I'd better warn folks in advance that MAP25 is not going to be everyone's cup of tea gameplaywise, as it's intentionally a bit of a beefy monster shotgun-plinkfest. The goal was to make it hard without breaking the 100 monster barrier; it's got exactly 99 on UV. :D

I like MAP25 but I outright hated MAP15.


MAP07 Caughtisle


Well it's got the homage to the original, using those juicy 666 and 667 tags with a cramped opening. Worst part of all this is having to kill the cyber to wait for one more mancubus to teleport in. Fresh idea? Sure. Fun idea? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no. Once that is done, it's now time to do a little tactical analysis. You've got the arch-viles on the far end being snipers, and arachnotrons are both outside and inside. Best plan? Honestly don't know. Having these health pickups nearby helps, just so long as you don't run into them by accident during the first bout. This level is one of those that promotes killing everything by the way. I'm fine with that, but I didn't really give much care for the map as a whole anyways.

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MAP07 – “Caughtisle” by Joshy




This map is a simple clone of a “Dead Simple” clone. The Plutonia Experiment’s “Caughtyard”, just took the template of DOOM 2’s “Dead Simple” and stuffed in some Plutonian tropes. The Mancubi were supported by Chaingunners, and once you cleared them out, you had to handle the Revenants and Barons of Hell (and Arch-viles) before the Arachnotrons. This map shakes these elements up to some pretty good effect.


First off, the dual Cyberdemon fight was a blast! You’re given plenty of health, armor, weapons and ammunition at the start, much like MAP04. But, unlike that map, this start is a third of all the map has to offer, so it never feels annoying to repeat. You have to maximize infighting here. Potential targets include Mancubi, Cacodemons, Revenants and Hell Knights. When you kill a Cyberdemon, a Mancubus pops up in its place. Clearing them out allows the Arachnotrons (and Arch-viles) to teleport in.


I was half expecting a couple of Spider Masterminds to show up and use the same gimmick as the Cyberdemons. I thought it would be rather fitting. Instead, you have an onslaught of Arachnotrons, supported by Arch-viles. This third of the map is also quite fun and requires you to use the limited cover wisely. After clearing them out, you head to the Hell Knight area and rush to the yellow-key. The final bout begins as a group of Revenants teleport in and ambush you.


This map has few monsters but is relentless with their usage. The short and very punchy nature of the map led to it being pretty fun and engaging. The secret contained borderline essential items, although it was extremely easy to locate. I actually enjoyed this clone of “Caughtyard” way more than “Enemy Caught” from Plutonia 2. This map is a good example of improving an idea, rather than rehashing it (although, this is a simple clone of a “Dead Simple” clone, so ‘improving’ and 'rehashing' are subjective).

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MAP07 - “Caughtisle” by Joshy


Obligatory Dead Simple-type map on an island fortress. A somewhat intimidating start with the dual Cyberdemons, but you can safely flip the switches lowering the PR and RL, which then gives you enough resources to handle the starting room. There aren't that many other enemies to get in your way, so it's largely a case of hosing down the Cybers with plasma. The 'Tron wave did the most damage to me as I had the RL out and didn't expect them to teleport in my face. The rest of the map is easy in comparison once you clear out the central building. The turret Viles are easily dispatched with rockets from safety and then you're left running around, picking off the remaining 'Trons and monster-blocked Cacos that like to fly out of autoaim range. Grabbing the YK unleashes a modest amount of Revenants and the AV in the exit room is no biggie unless your health is super low or you blew all your rockets and cells. Pretty good map.

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Map 07: Caughtisle by Joshy

PrBoom+, UV, Pistol Start, No saves




          Y            N


Joshy turns in an homage-of-an-homage that actually manages to be easier than “Caughtyard” from the original wad. I pistol-started this one too because why not. Turns into “Mephisto’s Mausoleum Revisited” for a minute at the end of the map.


Not much to say about this one. The identical outcrop buildings after the yellow key grab are not cute (stupidly tossed myself into the inescapable lava once). Again with the easily avoidable exit Arch-Vile. That’s an Alm thing; not so much Casali. I think it’s kind of stupid, but w/e.


Maxing this is going to take more conservative ammo-usage than I managed, because this was how I entered the next map:




Guess I’ll be pistol-starting that one too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Cipher

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MAP06: Stony Halls

100% kills, 1/3 secrets


Decent map if a bit... generic? Pretty easy to blast through, and while it's not nearly as room-hallway-room-hallwayish as the last map, it still feels like it there's a lot of medium-sized boxy rooms and doorway camping thanks to all the curved staircase mini-hallways. Enemy placement is a bit repetitive too, with lots of revs/mancs/hitscanners perched on ledges and other enemies on the ground floor. The first key ambush (one 'tron?) was underwhelming, but the last fight made up for it, though the block monster line made it a bit easy to cheese.

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Glboom-Plus - UV Pistol Start - Saves


This map is really short, but very brutal. First thing to do is lower the rocket launcher and plasma gun, then get the megasphere (or don't if you're that confident.) Once you've killed the mancs, you then have to kill the cyberdemons, which is more irritating than difficult, but after that you have have the hordes of arachnotrons to deal with. Thankfully there's several soulspheres and the aforementioned megasphere to help you out because you will take a lot of damage unless you're some sort of god. The arachnotrons in my opinion were the hardest part of the level due to them being in every direction.

Overall this is a pretty good 'Dead simple' map and although it doesn't really feature any surprises, the fights are quick and enjoyable as long as you don't mind a death or three.

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Map 07


This map feels more balanced for the megasphere at the start being a green armor instead. As is, you kind of have to eat a rocket early for the rest of the map to have any tension, given the two soulspheres and some medkits scattered around in addition to the already ample health from the megasphere. It's also a tiny Dead Simple clone with cacos drifting off into the distance and 'trons and viles fought through doorways, which are all things that would amount to a bad map, but I enjoyed this one. It's fun to play with a mind towards taking little damage (forgoing the megasphere pickup and at least one soulsphere entirely, for example) and played conventionally it's too short to be unpleasant. 


Bonus content is 4shockblast's nomo of this map. I was surprised to learn it was doable this way. 



His text file: 



Comments: Finally figured out this trick from Looper's demo pack run. It's not that bad, actually. Strat is to push against the wall, then to use vert movement to move at a small angle towards the wall, and then, movement parallel to the wall will get the player at the .0000000 coordinate which is where the boost happens. Then, strafe50 at a big angle into the wall almost always results in the jump, so this is definitely doable in an episode run. Most demos failed at the exit wallrun jump, though it might be possible to take a safer setup there for consistency. Eventually got 9s, so I decided to incorporate the wallrun before the exit wallrun jump and this was the next exit, luckily enough. Maybe 6s is possible with a really fast start jump.




DOUBLE BONUS, did a reality run.



Edited by rdwpa

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Plutonia Revisited Community Project
MAP06: Stony Halls
HMP Difficulty, using GZDoom and Brutal Doom.


Wow! An entrance of more than 5 seconds of tranquility! And then a merciless massacre without mercy. This map was quite funny, I do not know what it has, but it feels very neat, I love the design of the map, it is of average size, with a good typical PE style and many, many enemies.


The advance is entertaining and the combat is constant, with multiple ambushes and several enemies to destroy, this time they emphasized enough the Hell Knights. The strategy is kept in the face and we always have to look at every corner, little by little I feel that the difficulty of the map is increasing, now we are facing more enemies, but something that I love, is that although we are already advancing, the maps do not become sickly large or repeated, we do not have to walk for 5 minutes to activate a door and return the same way, nor do we have to face complex puzzles, so far I can only describe this with a word '' Fighting ''.


Stony Halls is quite funny, I even feel the nostalgia, a nice style that reminds me completely of PE, despite being much more recent, I can say with certainty that this map has modern designs with old touches of astonishment.





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MAP07: Caughtisle


This one largely follows the familiar Dead Simple recipe though a couple of cyberdemons spice things up a little at the start, raising the cost of early clumsiness or mistakes before things settle down into a more familiar rhythm.  The arch-viles seem like they're intended either to catch out an unwary player who bolts from the start room early, or to keep the player in that room for longer, beyond what the patrolling arachnotrons on the outer ledge can already manage, so... I don't know.  Overall it feels like "Dead Simple, but with more monsters!" is the point of the whole exercise and I'm not sure each of the additional monster types really adds much, but at least it's an attempt at a variation on that well-trod theme.

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map06 fda

+ lots of options to flank/encircle enemies or try and get a different vantage point

+ unlike 05, the corridors were mostly short and empty of enemies, leaving the encounters to the larger rooms

+ easy secrets! :D

- texturing is getting dull already at 06 - this isnt this maps fault but im slightly worried for the next 26 maps...

- midi is dull and plodding

- slightly too SSG centric - the berserks are welcome but a lot of the enemies are on balconies/not easily punchable, and demons/spectres have to be drawn towards chokepoints to avoid being caught in rev and mancubi crossfires

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4 minutes ago, rehelekretep said:


map06 fda

+ lots of options to flank/encircle enemies or try and get a different vantage point

+ unlike 05, the corridors were mostly short and empty of enemies, leaving the encounters to the larger rooms

+ easy secrets! :D

- texturing is getting dull already at 06 - this isnt this maps fault but im slightly worried for the next 26 maps...

- midi is dull and plodding

- slightly too SSG centric - the berserks are welcome but a lot of the enemies are on balconies/not easily punchable, and demons/spectres have to be drawn towards chokepoints to avoid being caught in rev and mancubi crossfires

I like your format of pros and cons! Wish I'd have thought of that. 

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i used this format ages ago when i joined the club and i dont know why i stopped. im not a very good writer or 'thinker' about maps/mapping as ive never tried it myself so it helps order my thoughts properly.

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map07 fda

+ cool idea with the cybers blocking the mancubi from spawning in

+ good uptempo pumping midi - suits the map well

- circle strafing two cybers with the plasmagun isnt very challenging (although i almost fucked it up!) or interesting. wouldve been nice to have the BFG and 4 shots try add a risk/reward to trying to take them out more quickly

- the Fort Boyard floating fortress with funky horizon line still isnt doing anything for me - at least we dont have brick wall + vines in this one >.<

- cacos had a tendency to drift off and get stuck out at sea. there's one particularly annoying one in my demo that i just ended up ignoring because he wanted to stay out there!

- ammo balance? i spammed everything dead without missing too many shots (following the original Dead Simple template of using the RL & PG) and then had to try and CG the last AV. not that fun so i ran away from him to the exit.

Edited by rehelekretep

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Map08: Rules of Death by franckFRAG


Actually, I should say this map is not a good one because of two ridiculous designs.


One is the moving platforms with hitscanners on it. Same reason why I dislike The Omen of original Plutonia and this kind of platforms is a torture for me.


The other is the stairs to the blue key platform. It must be the MOST ridiculous design and you have to try many times and lose much health before you get onto the platform and pick the blue key up.



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Oh, seal broken on Map 08?


Long post incoming; sorry.


Map 08: Rules of Death by FranckFRAG

PrBoom+, UV, Pistol Start, No saves


Hello, difficulty spike! “Rules of Death” indeed, as pistol-start players will be dying aplenty here (unless they’re better than me, which, more than possible, is probable on DoomWorld). I died here tons, but never minded it, as the encounters were fun to solve. I really liked this level, but I want to get a few things out of the way right off the bat:


1) We have another instance of the vine mid-textures possibly obscuring combat at the beginning:




Look, we get it. Plutonia used vines. I like vines. Do like the Casalis did and get them out of places that might obscure vision during combat, please. That’s such an avoidable flaw.


I get that it's probably part of the Imps' encounter here, making them a little more threatening as they approach, and it does push the player to gather them all into the middle, so it becomes part of consistently making it through the first room. I ultimately don't hate what it does for the gameplay in this case, but it did start me off on a sour note.


2) The bridge in the next room could have been better telegraphed. Maybe I’m just an idiot, idk. But the few green torches don’t stand out as well against the background here as they did in its obvious inspiration, “Aztec.” My first few attempts, I actually wound up riding the Arachnotron lift on the side up, as I thought that was the only way to progress. (Needless to say, this made the beginning of the level way harder.) I didn’t realize it was a bridge until I came back to the room, confused on where to go, and bumped into its invisible walls while on the damaging floor.


3) The stairs in the Hell Knight room at the end have a really picky linedef for lowering, which you don’t have much reason to hit as you, say, run out to grab the BFG. It's hidden behind the Megasphere, in an alcove you aren't encouraged to go into right away, as you'll already be stocked up on health and Plasma ammo. I didn’t realize where it was until my successful attempt, and I died at least once due to teleporting back into it after the BFG secret when the stairs were still up, vastly restricting movement. Consequently, on my next, successful attempt, I took them out the cowardly way:



(Though I do like that it allows you to do that.)


With a few fixes, this would be my favorite level yet. I like how many options most encounters present. The Hell Knight fight can be handled the way shown above, with BFG spam, with a Plasma Rifle and circle-strafing, etc. Over my multiple attempts, I tried all of the above. The Arch-Vile by the Rocket Launcher is another favorite; ultimately I wound up tossing myself down into the Yellow Key area, which I cleared out first, and engaged him by coming around the other side, but there are definitely other ways to do it. The optional (but encouraged) jump out the windows to the Plasma Rifle area is nice, and telegraphed by noises below. The escalation in the final part of the map actually made me laugh out loud the first time, tackling each portion individually (the Hell Knight ambush, then the Cyberdemon, then the crowd behind the lowered walls), but eventually I figured it would be easiest to encourage infighting between the Cyberdemon and the wall crowd (flipping the switch quickly before running away to the barred window room). But again, I tried all sorts of things during my multiple attempts that could have worked out: doing everything piecemeal, running up the stairs and BFG-rushing the crowd; sniping the crowd with rockets from the window, etc., etc.


Ammo is tight enough here that if you’re killing most things and miss even one pick-up, which can sometimes be tucked away, you might find yourself hurting, depending on how efficiently you use your Plasma and infighting at the end, anyway. As you learn the layout and understand where most pick-ups are, though, rations should be fine.


All in all a really good balance of difficulty, Plutonia-esque puzzly combat, and multiple options. With the fixes above, I’d have loved this one.


I also have to say that of all the entries so far, I think it's the one that feels truest in design to the original Plutonia (even more so than Map 03, which goes so far as to take its setpieces wholesale). Plutonia is more than vine textures, Revenants, and chaingunners. It's a style and flow. There's little if any incidental combat here, with the level instead taking the shape of a compact (but not too compact) sequence of demanding but solvable encounters.


Plutonia homages:


The encounters here are mostly original, but it works in a few nods.


  • The invisible, torch-lit bridge, drawing from "Aztec."
  • The rest of the second room is heavily reminiscent of the end of “The Omen,” blown up to a massive scale.
  • The Cyberdemon with the four candle sticks seemed to be a reference to “Speed,” though unlike the original level, I couldn’t find a position where his rockets would always get caught on the architecture, and I tried. Still, he’s easily picked off from the doorway after he's done his job.
  • The wall lowering on the crowd of enemies at the end is something the original turned to at multiple points; I’m having trouble thinking of a specific example, but it reminds me a little of the end of “The Final Frontier."


Final tally:




Favorite levels so far are Maps 06 and 08. Least favorite are 04 and 02. 06 and 08 feel like they could hang with the original episode of Plutonia, which is about as high a praise as I could give.

Edited by Cipher

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35 minutes ago, Cipher said:


  • The wall lowering on the crowd of enemies at the end is something the original turned to at multiple points; I’m having trouble thinking of a specific example, but it reminds me a little of the end of “The Final Frontier."


Genesis, the partial invisibility area

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5 - That Flooded Place


Loads of square rooms connected by corridors, annoying detailing obstructs movement. Fighting through vines that block your view entirely annoys the fuck out of me. Some traps are passable but most of the combat is just picking guys off in front if you through doorways.


6 - Stony Halls


I enjoy this map and have occasionally revisited it since i first played the set. Playing continuously makes careful play very manageable but i know that pistol starting makes this a different beast entirely, the map goads you into making a mad dash for the SSG, grabbing the secret blue armour and then heading for the rocket launcher, waking everything up in the process and from then on it's pretty chaotic, and i like that kind of gameplay. I feel like a lot of original Plutonia maps play better with foreknowledge and this one is perhaps in the same boat. There’s a couple of instances of doorway combat but nothing too bad. The pillars, like map05, are a bit of an annoyance albeit not as abundant here. Southwest area is a really damn good fight. Kinda wish this map had more rockets... but i feel that about most maps!


7 – Caught Isle


Wasn’t a fan of the start, i got dizzy running around and around and around grinding down the cybers. After that the map is a pretty fun little romp with Arachnotrons pinning you down inside the building from all angles. Plenty of health and big guns to play aggressively with too. Not as good as OG Plutonia’s Dead Simple clone, but then again that is probably the single best version of that kind of map.


8 – Death Rules


This map is homage central:

First area – a combo of the Speed starting area and various parts of Congo

Second area – the bridge room from Aztec and the gunner room from the Omen

Northwestern area – the upper area from Compound with that water area from Well of Souls

Bridge past the yellow door – straight out of The Crypt

Blue key area – Speed and that bridge trap from Genesis

Overall it was pretty fun though. Gunners on the raising/lowering bridges were a bit annoying. When i got the BFG i went back down the stairs to the teleporter in the blood, which put me in the Hell Knight room and made for a pretty fun fight, having to stave off hordes from both sides at once, although i don’t know if this was intended. Very cool midi as well.

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1 minute ago, Scotty said:

Gunners on the raising/lowering bridges were a bit annoying.

Seems I am not the only one feeling the raising/lowering bridges or platforms are annoying. 


That's why I dislike map12 of Doom 2, map16 of Plutonia, and map16 of D2twid.

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