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The DWmegawad Club plays: Plutonia Revisited Community Project

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MAP17: The Unholy Crypt

UV, pistol start, saves

Death Count: 0




Evocalvin presents a fun map with many good looking areas connected by a central ring where the exit lays. They did a nice job adding green slime as a sort of sewerage, and for the outside parts some blood and nice details, there is a section that evokes a crypt, like the title says. It's another one of my favourite maps for aesthetics, the blue key room looks really good for example, and the way the BFG is placed looks really tempting.


In regards to gameplay, we get again heavy use of chaingunners, in almost every section. These guys were the health vacuums in the map. It still isn't a hard map, but challenge is there. I guess the presence of many hitscanners, in the way they are placed, may slow down the run a bit. I'm okay with that but I know others might find this less fun. There is no place where you can't retreat, which makes every battle not as intimidating as they might look like. For example, pinkies can't cross the invisible bridges, and revs and arachnotron didn't attack me when I was on the bridge, strange. Many teleport ambushes can be skipped, though I prefer to kill everything in a map. One good dangerous part is the chaingunners + revs + potato + archvile place, I lost all my armor there. I found the red skull one that suffered the same problem as in map 16, you can go and kill the revs that teleport quite early, but if you leave them alive, there's a linedef enemies cannot cross. You can use the stairs as a safe place, it takes more time to kill the monsters, without foreknowledge and the BFG the first archvile can be problematic. At the end, I didn't have enough health/armor to consider the two-shot I wished I did, cause it's a ring semi-tight, so I just used the plasma rifle.


Secrets, quite a lot of good ones. First, backpack + chaingun, I just love backpacks when there're cells in the map. There's a secret soulsphere too, quite useful. A computer map, and a hidden switch in the same secret that I never figured what it did. Energy cells in the L shaped corridor, I love hidden small switches. There's the BFG as the last secret, another demanding tool.


No problems with ammo. The midi is one cool Doom track. 


Overall, good map, if a bit overpopulated by chaingunners. I know the next map is going to be a hard one, and it's by the same author, so that will mean more chaingunners, though the worst monsters will be the cyclopes.  

Edited by galileo31dos01

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MAP31 - Cyberdemon Vertigo:


Ehhh....the general concept for this one is neat, but ruined by one particular hiccup that some have already mentioned: the door in the western room. I somehow skipped over a W1 linedef on entering the room and triggered it after opening the door, effectively sealing off progress and forcing me to use IDCLIP. It's a pretty irksome bug and did kind of make me leery of the rest of the map's progression, to the point that I ended up hopping into the secret exit without all the monsters killed in case I couldn't return. Another thing I noticed was the monster choices: obviously there's Cyberdemons, but I also noticed a more than generous amount of Archies populating the map. They kind of compete with the Cybs for screen time, to the point where you could theoretically toss this map in with the main 30 and it wouldn't be out of place. I dunno, I don't feel like the map really lived up to the Cyberden archetype. That aside though, the gameplay's nice. C+?

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MAP17: Unholy Crypt

100% kills, 5/5 secrets


A quest to find a rocket launcher so you can suicide exit in peace! Ok, not really, but seeing the exit teleporter tantalizingly close, unreachable only due to Doomguy's Mance Rayderian refusal to bend his knees even slightly... couldn't help but think it. In any event, this is a fun level, if one that will likely prove a bit forgettable down the road. A pretty linear path with some good ambushes, and also some filler monsters in-between. The secrets were right at the perfect difficulty for me, I found a couple naturally and went back and found the rest after. While the texture scheme is a little too varied for my tastes, I did really like the use of unreachable waterfall areas to make the rooms seem larger than they were and add some detail.

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MAP17: The Unholy Crypt
20:30 | 100% Everything


This one I liked a lot. Some pretty dickish pop-up/teleport ambushes, but I miraculously survived them all, except for the cyberdemon at the end which I totally saw coming (even had my BFG ready) but couldn't evade the first two tries. (I will say that as much as I loathe "lock-in" arena battles, this map would have been far more challenging if you weren't almost always able to safely retreat at the first sign of an ambush.) Secrets were fun, and combat was usually pretty simple, but engaging. I loved all the detailed little "peeks" off into side areas that you could never reach looked; made the map feel much bigger than it was and gave a sense of just happening to wander through a larger area.

MAP18: Phantom Silence
36:41 | 100% Kills | 83% Items | 33% Secrets

This one felt really familiar, though I couldn't tell you from where. It felt very Plutonia-ish, though, aside from the trek through Arch Vile Town to the yellow key. Also a very high volume of decoration adorning the canyon walls throughout, which gives it a bit of personality. Fun map, though Vile Town felt kind of tacked-on, to be honest.

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map17 'The Unholy Crypt'
glboom+ - uv pistol start - saves - 10:54


This map offers a rather fast and brutal map. There are also quite a few rather nasty fights laying in these areas. Some of them start you with the enemies facing away so you have time to think about how you're going to tackle the situation. Others just unleash the hordes and let you figure it out on your own. All of the fights are really fun so I didn't really mind dying quite a few times. Ammo, at least for me, is on the scarcer side, which adds another layer of strategy to how you approach things. I ended up skipping the final fight because I didn't have nearly enough ammo by the end to deal with that cyberdemon.

Overall, this map is a fun experience.

Edited by Spie812

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MAP18: Interesting theme and mood, it takes a lot from MAP05 of Sunder. The gameplay is a sequence of setpieces and ambushes, but it was laid out nicely here. The Hunted-style part should have been erased or being something totally different, I liked the idea of going to a place with a different theme but that was lame.

Edited by gaspe

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MAP16 - “Gambit” by Matt Tropiano


This map has a very slow start as you have dick-all weapons or armour. Takes way too long to get the SSG after grinding through hordes of Imps and other crap. Then you get the PR and BFG in rather quick succession. The latter isn't really necessary for the mild Revenant ambush at the end, although it does make removing the Mastermind a lot quicker. Also, the blue armour had 2 secrets associated with it. Yeah, I dunno. This map's kind of there.

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MAP17 - “The Unholy Crypt” by evocalvin


So this map's pretty cool aside from a few snags here and there. Detailing is unusually high for this project and the layout, while very much linear, is pretty cool. There was some visual weirdness beyond the window here, and the questionable block lines trivialized this room. The finale with the Cyberdemon doesn't work out great either, as he splatters his Chaingunner entourage and is then either easily 2-shot with the secret BFG or cheesed through one of the windows.

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MAP32 - Have @ It:


"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no BOLLOCKS!"


-Obsidian, 2017


You've no doubt heard of the term "balls to the wall". No doubt it's been often used to describe the action in this very game we hold so dear. A question remains unanswered though: what type of wall is it that the balls are pressed against? The wall of a rubber room? Well that's not very impactful. The wall of a log cabin? Too rustic. The Great Wall of China? I imagine that'd get some funny looks from the locals. Truly a question to stump the wisest of men.


In this case though, I know exactly what type of wall we are dealing with. We are dealing with the wall of a dungeon, hewn from cold stone and adorned with iron manacles. Maybe those manacles are the very thing pinning our distressed testicles to the wall! Who knows what other horrors are being carried out on our poor abused scrotum, but whatever it is we cry out for more and relish the pain. This is what MAP32 of the Plutonia Revisited Community Project is, ladies and gentlemen: balls to the dungeon wall action.


Of course, to expect anything otherwise from MAP32 of a Plutonia megawad would be folly: the dual monoliths of Go 2 It and Go 4 It loom overhead and the pressure to surpass would've weighed heavily on the mapper's mind. With that being said, I think this map does a fine job of embodying the hectic psychotic melees that its forefathers pioneered and perfected. I won't heavily compare the maps, seeing as it's been a long while since I've played Go 2 It and I haven't beaten Go 4 It yet, but by the general parameters this map succeeds admirably.


Also: I used saves for this map too, because fuck you if you think I can punch through all of this bastard in one shot. Bite me.


Gameplay is decidedly mental, favouring Arch-Viles to revitalize the hordes and Cyberdemons in the second half to turn Doomguy's green marine pants brown. There's a few around in the first half, but it isn't too difficult to lock them into infighting and neutralizing them that way. It's especially fun with the Pain Elementals that spawn in, although getting rid of the remaining Lost Souls feels like cleanup sometimes. Needless to say, I died a lot: I did my best to hold out, but eventually had to use the odd save here and there to avoid my eye twitching too erratically when I got pasted by a Cyb rocket for the umpteenth time (also hey, spellcheck recognizes the word umpteenth). I feel like there's a good likelihood in certain parts of the map where you can get caught between 2 mobs (or Cybs) in a pincer movement that cuts off your escape routes, which does mean that you may have to try these bits multiple times: I imagine I'd be much more annoyed at this map if I didn't start saving, heh. As it stands it isn't too hideously trial and error, although it borders on the edge sometimes. Ammo is plentiful, while the health is...slightly less so. It's still around, but you'll likely chew through it faster than a lawnmower through dandelions and the moments between revitalization can be pretty tense, especially with Cybs on the prowl. 


The final area is definitely the one that sticks out in my mind, for various reasons. As you can guess it's a bloody free-for-all, but the main threat is the good half-dozen Cyberdemons that constantly stalk you through the final arena, with another six waiting in the wings. It's crazy levels of tense and exciting and I'm glad that the map ended on the highest note it could. I do have one nitpick though: once you trigger the penultimate ambush the blue key bars that guard the tunnel come back down, effectively trapping you in the final area. In itself not unusual, but what irked me was the fact that you can't raise them again! I tend to explore maps more than play them and I've never been fond of the habit of locking parts of it away for good. Thankfully I'd already gotten the (hideously easy to find) secrets, but it still bugs me.


As for visuals....well, I'd describe them as tasteful. That's the thing I've always liked about advanced vanilla maps, they do their best to get away with as much detail as they can while staying in limitations and the result is just enough to look good without being overbearing or garish. The E1M1 homage in particular tickled my fancy, I tell you what.


So yes, Have @ It is an excellent callback to its predecessors. Now where did I leave my scrotum?

Edited by Obsidian

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Map 16, Gambit


There is some shotgun action before taking the ssg but sure not against hordes of monsters, suppose you know where to go, of course. I had fun to replay it with a fast pace letting back all the midtiers for dealing them later with the ssg/rl present in the exit area. Visually is a good looking map, the indoor sections in  particular: beginning, exit area, PR cave; also good midi choice

Edited by Paul977

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MAP31: Cyberdemon Vertigo


I'm left with a sense that this one is probably more meaningful for players who've run through Plutonia more regularly, repeatedly, or recently than I have; its stand-out thematic quirk is "lots of Cyberdemons," beyond which it's not a particularly elaborate or coherent playing field.  Given the name I was wondering if there might somehow have been references to Quake's E1M8 baked into it, but I didn't encounter anything that really put me in mind of it.  The way the secret exit is hidden is pretty classic, the switch needed to access it tucked away in one of a battery of alcoves that the player is likely to dash past at first and only return to when scouring the level later.

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MAP32: Have @ It


So there's not a lot that can be said about this one that others haven't already said with more words, more enthusiasm, and more panache; this is an epic bloodbath in the vein of Plutonia's MAP32, complete with a structural reference to MAP01 (and later a cheeky nod to E1M1) and while it doesn't make as much of an impression today as Go 2 It might have done in 1996, it's still a dramatic and enormously satisfying succession of brawls.  I'll admit that I skipped out on the final wave through sheer fatigue, letting the Cyberdemons and their various reinforcements free and bolting for the exit while they set to wandering.

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  On 10/18/2017 at 7:01 PM, galileo31dos01 said:

Map 18 is going to take some time, it's literally my hate map and that's not even adding the vile town.


It's probably the hardest map of the set


Map 17, The Unholy Crypt


I like The Crypt and I really like this map which is one of the best remake in this mapset, in my opinion. The author take some of The Crypt "tropes" (Lost Soul at the start, vile + chaingunners fight etc..) enhanced and put them in a neat designed map. The RSK encounter is tricky if you don't abuse of the two monster block lines (I agree with Spectre) and the cyberdemon plus chaingunners is a nice final encounter. I also basically like all the other fights of the map aswell as the visuals (high level of detail present), layout and the general flow. 

Good work evocalvin !

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  On 10/18/2017 at 7:53 PM, Paul977 said:

It's probably the hardest map of the set


Probably, but it has a lot of obnoxious pain elementals to waste ammo, platforming I keep slipping and falling off, occasional obligatory damage by lava type worst, and maybe other stuff I'll have to confirm. The vile town was my hate part when played on continuous. 

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Double post! I still insisted.


MAP18: Phantom Silence

UV, pistol start, saves

Death Count: 6 maybe




Another map by Evocalvin, this time a good looking canyon, segmented in several open spaces connected by a cave. A second part is a Hunted-like sequence of caves which is populated only by archviles, ergo "Vile Town". I liked the visuals and more or less the height variety. Lava type 16 (or type "worst") is present, so it kind of seemed like wandering in a volcano, yeah let's say that... 


Gameplay was, in short words, not my cup of coffee, not even my cup of tea (I barely like tea). I knew what to expect from this map, it's very Plutonia-ish, just the unfun part, from my perspective. Pistol start is waaaaay different than continuous here, if you're not mixing both. First example, the obnoxious presence of pain elementals that immediately spam lost souls. That and falling into the lava numerous times. Having only the SSG and RL (and a little of the chaingun) to get rid of potatoes in such an open space was, annoying. The next thing is to choose a path, one leads to the blue key, and the other one to the red key. Both have quite a lot of ammo but I think going for the blue key first is the best choice. Either way, after their corresponding battles against tall/huge monsters, there's a bunch of enemies waiting for you, where the must-kill-soon-or-soon ones are pain elementals. And it's important they never get accidentally hit by another monster, cause that will mean ammo drain to zero, trust me... The plasma rifle is a greatly important weapon, and it's better to save it for later. Returning to the canyon, a lot of chaingunners will suddenly teleport to eat your health without a warning, not a fan of that but whatever. There's a useless archvile at the starting point, why is he there? Idk... Now, entering to Vile Town. I have some memories of this part being a nightmare. I'm still not good at fighting two or more archviles at the same time with limited cover. I took for granted a couple of deaths, in the pool with two archies and a sniper one. Oh yes the BFG doesn't exist here, that's a minus for pistol starters. You have to rely on the plasma rifle and rocket launcher, and a little bit of luck. The last ambush is the only part I had fun, at least the megasphere saved me from dying again.


Secrets, one is only available after grabbing the blue key if I'm not wrong, it takes you to a beautiful soulsphere. There's a megaarmor in the Spiderdemon's arena. And finally, some useful ammo in the vile maze.


Ammo, well it's pretty limited at first, granted you'll waste a lot against pain elementals if they are in labor. It's generally tight, and like I said before, cells are better reserved for the vile town, rockets too.


Overall, I'm glad it's over cause I hated this map. That is not to say it's a bad map, it just has it's tedious parts that opaqued the fun parts, in my experience. Whatever, next map is a little better.

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Did not expect to log on today and be treated to Obsidian's opus regarding balls and walls.


MAP18: Phantom Silence

100% kills, 1/3 secrets


This one had the potential to be annoying (with stuff like high-up catwalks and Pain Elementals over said catwalks) but turned out to not be too bad for me. Same author as last map, and there's certainly some shared design quirks here, like having lots of setpieces with not much in-between. If anything this map actually has more emptiness rather than token enemies, not sure which I prefer to be honest. The setpieces didn't excite me the same way last map's did - the rev/SMM was alright, the manc/cyber one was a bit of a dud. The refilling of old areas didn't do much for me either, just busywork. I did like the second half though with the Viles, it might be a bit of an overused trope nowadays but I think it works well here and was just the perfect length.

Edited by Magnusblitz

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MAP18 - “Phantom Silence” by evocalvin


This map turned out better than I remembered it. But please, keep your Sunder-platforming memes out of my Plutonia!


So this one's obviously inspired by Sunder's infamous Precarious, using the same midi and theme of brown brick platforms over lava. There are thankfully teleporters to take you back up but, with 20% damaging lava, you still don't want to fall off. Setpiece-style traps are more prominent here compared to the rest of the wad. They aren't particularly difficult, though I did manage to somehow end up in the Mastermind fight with no armour and die. The strong Hunted reference didn't really mesh with the rest of the map, both visually and gameplay-wise. It was decently challenging though to kite the Viles around the circular room while rocketing them down. 

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map18 'Phantom Silence'

Glboom+ - UV Pistol Start - Saves


I did a rocket suicide to see what was on the other side of that barred teleporter and was greeted with this.


The first thing people notice when playing this level is the platforming. Then, when they inevitably fall, they notice that the floor is -20% health, punishing you severely for mistakes. The third thing they notice is that, at least at the beginning, ammo is very scarce. This leads to a rather irritating opening to this level. There aren't really any shots to waste until you fetch one of the keys, which by that point there's plenty. But until then you're pretty much rationing every shot. Health is also pretty uncommon at the beginning of the level. Mistakes hurt in the beginning of this map.


The red key provides a nice little distraction with a group of revenants infighting a spiderdemon. Then, you're promptly teleported onto a small balcony and forced to dance around several mid-tier enemies while waiting for the teleporter to open again. The blue key provides a cyberdemon surrounded by mancubus snipers off to the sides. This fight can mostly be skipped if you don't want to fight anything. You're then taken to a small room where you get to shoot rockets through a door. (real fun right?)


The arch vile section of the map was interesting. Most of it was just fighting arch viles, made harder by pitting several against you at once. However, I found the final bit really interesting given just how many there are. I ended up running in circles until the lift lowered since you usually are out of sight by the time any individual arch vile attacks. However, I still took a blast or two, and I was rather thankful for the megasphere.


Overall, this map is... just kind of another map but with an irritating start.

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Weird, I never even came to close to falling off into the lava on MAP18. (I did jump in once to see whether a teleporter led somewhere secret.) It seemed more like just an aesthetic choice than an intentional platforming challenge. Just me?

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MAP19: A rather long map with a strong creepy mood, thanks also to the good music track. This feels to recall more Doom 1 and more specifically E2 with this twisted base with wooden halls, brick and stone, sewers and even some caves where everything is tied up by the damaging blood. The blue key encounter is quite insane compared to the gameplay of the map, and the cyberdemon at the yellow key is the other tricky moment of the level. The usage of the barons was delightfully old-school. The ammo was too abundant, also being so well supplied removes some tension you can have for the potential encounters and the exploration. The quest to access the red key was cool. I wish that the ending would have shown more teeth but it was suitable enough. I have few nitpicks with this level but it's my favourite of the wad so far.

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MAP16: Gambit


Maybe it's just the fact that this comes, depending on the path the player takes through the WAD, on the heels of either MAP15's sprawling grandeur and intricacy, MAP31's succession of Cyberdemon duels, or MAP32's utter blood-drenched madness, but this level feels a little bit softballed?  Which is perhaps a funny thing to say given the squad of chaingunners right in the player's line of sight at the very start of the map, but that's how it seemed to me, with fairly abundant weapons and ammo including a plasma gun and rocket/plasma ammo stockpile that are dressed up like the bait for an ambush that, at least on Hurt Me Plenty, simply doesn't happen.  I did like the two courtyards spanned by bridges that progressively construct themselves as the player advances through the level and explores different caves and routes; there's a pleasant sense of the level adapting to the your presence there, of once-significant obstacles getting out of the way when cleared to make later navigation smoother and further objectives clearer.


MAP17: The Unholy Crypt


This one's fun and twisty, although for some reason I'm left with a sense that much of it wants to be gloomier than it is; the lighting's bright enough for the titular crypt to feel like it's been opened up to tourists, rather than lying sealed for ages until the player's invasion stirs some slumbering evil.  There are some satisfying secrets to be found here along with a sense that the map is laid out with theatricality and presentation in mind over straightforward challenge; there are a lot of dramatic and finely-crafted vistas to be found here, and the way the path loops around through the balconies that overlook certain early or central areas is especially pleasing.

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Map 18, Phantom Silence


The hardest map of the set as individual encounters, more then map 15 and, also, a map which is among my favorites. The author did an excellenct job in putting the player on the razor blade in almost every encounter and the platforms really helps to create this kind of tension. I like the first half of the map with the red key fight being my personal favorite, a rather adrenalinic fight; Cyberdemon encounter is also well cooked and can be dangerous if you stay in the area.

Visually is very good, well detailed and well crafted like the previous map. The maze area is great and holds a crazy fight against 6 arch-viles which I manage to complete in my first try this time (I died several times in this fight in my last playthrough...) the key here is make sure that the viles are grouped within the structure so you can deal with them with the RL, although it is not easy to stay cold in this difficult final fight. 

Again very good job evocalvin :)



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MAP19: Venom

UV, pistol start, saves

Deaths: 4




A rather big map by Waverider, this has to be the most labyrinthish map of all the mapset. I couldn't stop thinking this was inspired in Tombstone, but in fact it isn't! It's actually inspired in Bunker, Speed, Anti-Christ and NME, as well as parts of other megawads. I could see all of them too, bloody level. Mostly wooden textures, but there's a mishmash of green marble and greenish bricks here and there. There's something about mixing textures the way this level does, that looks so weird and good at the same time. 


Progression in this map is tricky. Not only because it's a complete labyrinth, but also because combat is presented in a way that there aren't many choices to select at first. In fact, without foreknowledge, this map can be quite frustrating to find a way to eliminate each monster and get the damn red key. You get your weapons at the start, it's on you to find ammo to charge them. It took me three times to find the least dangerous way to grab some ammo and not stomp on monsters that would kill me without warning. There are a lot of archviles, revenants and barons, and specially some pain elementals that could fill the space with ammo sponges. So my initial way was to go the right first and use my ammo carefully until I get to the blue skull. This is a brutal part, the exact millisecond you touch the key a revenant will automatically punch you, and wtf with a second archvile teleporting there? One is enough! My best way was to escape through a window and start to kill stuff from there, though another life went there. Going to the left side would greet me with a sniper archvile, no thanks... Then I wandered in the spectres maze, I liked that there were many optional rooms with supplies. The yellow key trap is another tricky one with hell knights, but the cyberdemon can be killed from inside, which makes the battle odd. I'm not sure how better would be leaving that room, there're some trees that can interfere. This is an important key, behind each yellow door are the switches to get the red key. One of them is in a very obscure place, back then (months ago) I lost a lot of time looking for this last switch. Behind the other cyberdemon is a tight entrance to a cave leading to that switch, it's not easily visible. With all the switches flipped, the red skull becomes available (actually after a baron blah blah...). Behind the red door is another brutal part. By the time I jumped through the hole, I had two archviles on opposite sides behind two arachnotrons, I'm not sure how is that fair to the player, or maybe that's just what happened to me, but with the spiderdemon outside I couldn't do anything else than leave it to chance. The level was pretty much done after killing all those pesky monsters. A final archvile will appear if you get the soulsphere on the small island, this one without cover, it's not that necessary though.


Secrets, the berserk is a tricky one to find, and the soulsphere is tricky to get in its room, plus it's well protected. The third one is neat, a megaarmor and energy cell pack. Creepy midi.


Ammo is very tight at the beginning, ergo less options to start the map. However, there's a big amount of rockets in the map, I was practically full of rockets by the time I got to the exit. Maybe I don't like to use the RL so much in a map full of tight corridors.


Overall, it was better than the previous map. It's one of those maps that flows better a second time. Good.  

Edited by galileo31dos01

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MAP20: A remake of The Twilight mixed with some homages to Caged as well. It keeps the infamous regenerating chaingunners, and the level it's quite heavy with chaingunners in some parts. The secrets are mostly unchanged but I'm glad that the level also had this nice aspect of the original. Favourite parts are the encounter before the red key in the courtyard that was previously hidden by the sky, and the end part.

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