Paul977 Posted October 23, 2017 Map 23, Necrogenesis I enjoyed this map. Thematically rather original for a Plutonia level; gameplay has a good combination of traditional Doom encounters and harsher ones. Cyberdemon fight (settled in a well designed arena) was a fun one aswell as the secret invulnerability fight. Good level 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Magnusblitz Posted October 24, 2017 Might be hard to catch up depending on how long/tough these last maps are... MAP20: Sinister Daybreak 100% kills, 5/7 secrets An obvious homage/remake/rip-off of "The Twilight", this one wasn't actually as tough as I feared. Still quite annoying due to all the goddamn chaingunner snipers, some of which get resurrected by hidden AVs which is one of my biggest pet peeves out there. Wouldn't have minded leaving that little homage out. Still, once you're out of the main room, it's not too bad. The map is certainly more ornate than The Twilight, but still not too long, a good balance. Looking for secrets was fun too. A "powerup pickup progression" with the green armor is another pet peeve, though a minor one. The last cyberdemon battle is pretty lame given the height difference (quite easy for the player to shoot him safely while his rockets slam into the lip of the ledge. Overall the new side areas were the most fun, and the homage parts the least fun. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheOrganGrinder Posted October 24, 2017 MAP20: Sinister Daybreak As noted earlier, this one is a solid tribute to MAP15 of the original Plutonia, albeit scaled up and with additional layers of intricacy and deviousness baked into the recipe. The overall flow is a looping one, with the player heading off along some branch or into some side area only to be funnelled back into the central spine of the map for wave upon wave of enemy reinforcements; the sky panel that gives way to reveal a new arena and its denizens (including a Spider Mastermind that's really going to be your biggest ally at that point) is a nicely surreal touch. There are plenty of secrets to be found too; I left the map with two undiscovered, which turned out, upon some post-map perusal of the editor to be the invulnerability sphere in the western lobe of the T-junction walkway and the hidden BFG in the eastern lobe. I do love the way the map ultimately loops back to the exit which is visible but inaccessible from the start point. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
gaspe Posted October 24, 2017 MAP24: Interesting to have this map right after MAP23 that felt like a more modern interpretation of "The Living End" and its homages while this map sticks to its roots very firmly. Here we have the classic combo of grey and tan rocks with blood. I was expecting something a more insane to play given what are the map inspirations but the level was pleasantly engaging instead. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheOrganGrinder Posted October 24, 2017 MAP21: Asmodeus Circle This one's on the grindy side, with a lot of meat being repeatedly shovelled into a relatively small arena and little to do except blast away at it. The design seems to encourage exploratory suicide runs to scout out resources and the practicality of different routes (e.g. identifying the radiation suit locker in the north-western quadrant before making an earnest attempt to retrieve weapons from the pools of boiling blood; not waking up the cyberdemon beyond the eastern door until some of the pressure elsewhere has been resolved) but overall there just wasn't a lot here to hold my interest. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Capellan Posted October 24, 2017 It's the 25th here, so .. +++ 99 Ways to Die, The Trooper's Playground, The Talosian Incident 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Magnusblitz Posted October 24, 2017 MAP21: Asomodeus Circle 75% kills, 2/2 secrets Got a bit bored with this one towards the end so just ran from the last few enemies after the red key. Despite being a small level the progression isn't super intuitive (gotta jump into the blood to grab weapons and hit switches, which eventually undoes the AV in the west wing, freeing the wing with the red key?) It's a bit repetitive with a lot of the middle-to-high tier enemies slammed into small spaces, and took me longer to get the RL than I'd like (and needed more rockets in general). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted October 24, 2017 (edited) [I change my votes a lot] Edited October 28, 2017 by Memfis 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted October 24, 2017 (edited) MAP24: Terra Incognita UV, pistol start, saves Deaths: 2 So this person's only contribution is a Living End-like map, the second one in the mapset, curiously right after the first one. It's perfectly inspired by The Final Frontier and Anti-Christ, to the point it has some homages. It's all big and dark, quite open and all spacious. The combination of textures didn't particularly catch my attention, although the indoor parts have some nice green marble textures that look good in the darkness. The music used is apparently an unused Doom 2 track, I think I liked it but I didn't pay much attention to it. The map starts in one of those popular little cabins with a switch, it's always smart to check the wall behind doomguy cause you'll never know what you'll find. Depending on you finding the first secret, you can take the opposite coop lift and ignore the turrets archviles. There's a secret way to telefrag them, but I do not recommend trying to find it earlier. Better use the rocket launcher that is in a small cave. The secret way is complex and punishes you if you don't get it the first time, which is lame cause it's still optional and pointless if you own enough rockets. Anyway, combat is about open fights with lots of turrets and ambushes easy (or not) to escape, some of them can even be ignored and skipped, like the rev ambush in the blue key square, and in others cases you have to expose yourself to potential harmful hits to off your enemies correctly, again like the archvile in the blue key square, because autoaim fails from afar. Homages are the rev/hell knight arena where you can escape, although revs will probably teleport next to you; the pillars bridge which is similar to the one in Final Frontier, it's much easier to cross it though and I liked that; the wall of chaingunners/archvile which is a little bit similar to the Anti-Christ chaingunner in "god mode"; or the exit room that has several mancubus and one cyberdemon, which is better tackled from below with the plasma rifle, even though at the end the map gives you a secret BFG, cause riding up the lift while monsters are there equals risking yourself to a banquette of projectiles right in your face. Regardless of these moments, the map is not hard, and you have plentiful of health scattered to afford a few mistakes. Nice green armor at the end for continuous players. Secrets, the first one has some ammo and a megasphere. This is an important one for a reason. You can then use the rightmost archvile to access earlier to a room that leads you to a teleporter to telefrag the archies. It's a bit tricky and non-intuitive, in fact I found out you can do that by watching Lingyan's video, and you can afford damage because you got the megasphere. If not, the other regular way is, you have to straferun into a cave below the start with some spheres, to trigger a cubicle that has the aforementioned teleporter. If you fail to straferun into the cave, and you'll fail because it's too far away and your position and velocity have to be too damn precise, you'll have to teleport back in the middle of the two turrets. That's lame! You don't even need that telefrag chain, apart from that, some cacos and pain elemental will teleport in, but lost souls can't hit you from outside the ring, so what's the point of them??. The only good thing is that, on your way you can get a secret invulnerability that is useful for when you have to pass the archies protecting the blue key. Other secrets are a berserk and a room with some goodies and a lot of f***ing revenants, where I died twice. To get the BFG, it's a really obscure sequence and because you get it near the end it's not that useful. Ammo is more than enough considering the secrets, without the first one, taking out the second squad of archviles requires both plasma and rockets, and plasma is better left for the exit room in my opinion. Overall, I enjoyed the map as a whole but it has a few parts I didn't like. The tributes are there though, that's still nice. Edited October 24, 2017 by galileo31dos01 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheOrganGrinder Posted October 24, 2017 MAP22: Suicide Mission As mentioned in @valkiriforce's notes above, the closeness of this one to Plutonia's original MAP22 stems from somewhat of a misunderstanding of the purpose and theme of the project; that doesn't stop it from being a fun and fast-paced romp through surroundings that are familiar enough to feel welcoming and just different enough to keep the player on their toes. I'd agree that the map could stand to provide a bit more in the way of armour, but otherwise I enjoyed its balance of weapons and encounters. There's a little bit of a fake-out with the exit door that's not an exit, and the switch beyond that the player might rightfully assume triggers a trap but instead provides access to a supply of radiation suits for the multiple nukage runs necessary to progress; that was a nice little bit of messing with the player's head. I'll give the alternate level offered, Kamikaze Suicidal, a look some other time. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted October 25, 2017 +++ Suitcase of Gor + SlayeR 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spie812 Posted October 25, 2017 map23 'Necrogenesis' Glboom+ - UV Pistol Start - Saves Look at that texture variation! This is a large cavern map in the vein of Plutonia map24, featuring a lot of that cavern action or whatever you want to call it. Although I poked fun at it in the screenshot, most of the level actually looks pretty cool. The level has an annoying progression. At least for me, the path to get the next key was not clear at all. Couple that with teleporters everywhere and you've got yourself a rather confusing experience. Contrary to what some other people have said, I did not enjoy the cyberdemon fight. It wasn't hard or anything, It just came out of nowhere. My reaction was something along the lines of "Wait, why is this necessary?" Another thing that bothered me were the switches you had to press twice. I just kept forgetting and it became annoying after a while to realize you didn't actually pull the real switch. Overall, the map was okay, and it had its moments, but it's definitely not going into my favorites list. Map24 'Terra Incognita' Oh, here's our real map24 clone, featuring many of the same features such as the caged arch viles, the pillared platform challenge, the raised cyberdemon, etc. The first real bump in the road comes at the perhaps somewhat challenging blue key section, which is only really difficult if you suck at killing arch viles. Anyway, you then proceed to the next large section of the cavern. The battle in the fenced-off arena (to the left in the screenshot) is pretty damn fun. What isn't fun is the section after that, populated by numerous sergeants and the occasional uncannily accurate distant chaingunner. The level is pretty much done after that, but to anyone who plays the level after me, kill the pain elemental as soon as possible. It has this tendency to start infighting and spawn lost souls all over the place. Meanwhile, it's in the middle of a horde of cacos and you can't hit it with anything. Don't use all your ammo on cleaning up lost souls. Kill the pain elemental. Overall, this map was really fun, except for the hitscanner section. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheOrganGrinder Posted October 25, 2017 MAP23: Necrogenesis This one's an excellent example of naturalistic cavern design as far as the Doom engine can realise it, with ledges winding around the walls of a yawning toxic gulf and a handful of shrines and fortified bastions built into the stone like barnacles. Combat is kind of stop-start, with long stretches of navigating tunnels and walkways relatively unihindered interspersed with rather intense encounters, though supplies are abundant enough that mistakes that aren't fatal are seldom crippling. Overall I feel as though the map could have done with fewer choke points, intentional or otherwise, though as open as it is, there's always a danger that greater freedom for the monsters to roam would lead to a situation where the player is swarmed uncontrollably from all sides. The atmosphere and design is fantastic and the player's given at least some freedom to tackle encounters in the order of their choosing... which can lead to missed weapons and supplies on early attempts, but that's the nature of non-linear design and I embrace it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Paul977 Posted October 25, 2017 (edited) On 24/10/2017 at 4:47 PM, gaspe said: MAP24: I was expecting something a more insane to play given what are the map inspirations but the level was pleasantly engaging instead. Yeah pretty much agree with this. Basically almost all the fights in this map are weakened versions of the encounters presents in the map inspirations. BK area is from HR 24, fight of the blue key of Plutonia map 27 is present, final cyberdemon fight is from Plutonia map 24/MM 24 final encounters (both Dario Casali maps) etc. Visuals are actually really nice (very solid lightning) and the layout is Casali likes with some cute details, but the gameplay didn't reach the maps from which it tooks inspirations so, overall I didn't liked much this map despite the high promises Edited October 26, 2017 by Paul977 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheOrganGrinder Posted October 25, 2017 MAP24: Terra Incognita Honestly I feel like this one struggles a little, coming as it does on the heels of another cavern-crawl map that, to my tastes, manages a more atmospheric and engaging presentation of the setting, with combat that feels meatier and less gimmick-driven that the encounters here. Which isn't to say that this is a bad level or an un-fun one, but it feels less ambitious and seems to do less to differentiate itself from other maps or from the Doom canon. On the other hand, there are some delightfully satisfying experiences to be found amongst its staged firefights, with no shortage of demonic meat lining up to be splattered and the rocket launcher offered as the weapon of choice for much of the map's running time. There are no shortage of arch-viles to be found here but they're presented as prey just as often as predators, which can be a rather satisfying inversion of how they're usually deployed. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
gaspe Posted October 25, 2017 (edited) MAP25: Interesting level overall, it doesn't feel at home in this mapset, whereas all the other maps rely on their homages and the mimic of the style of Plutonia this one sticks out as something that barely fit the core of the project. Visually Xaser stays with the same combos of MAP15 but I didn't have problems with it here. The setting was pretty cool with the outdoor gardens adorned by the barbed wires, and the central hub with the time-skip for the ending. Very nice secrets. I have only some mixed feeling about the gameplay, there's a very limited arsenal on pistol start and the combats tend to drag. Perhaps it's only a coincidence that this map shares the same slot of Themple of Darkness, which is the strangest map of Plutonia. And even Plutonia 2 on the 25th slot has that iced-themed level, but maybe I'm just speculating too much. I didn't enjoy all the features of the map but it's quite remarkable on the whole I must say. Edited October 25, 2017 by gaspe 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted October 25, 2017 MAP25: Wicked Garden UV, pistol start, saves Deaths: 2 and an angry reload Second map by Xaser, shorter but punchy. All bloody and heavily detailed, I haven't seen so many dead trees in a same map since D2INO, maybe. Also, aesthetically is one of the bests of the mapset, I liked the spooky atmosphere and specially the last part which reminds me to Wormhole from TNT, because of the gimmick. The music is really really good, it sounds similar to the story track from BTSX in OPL3. What I haven't enjoyed too much was the gameplay. The map shouts from the beginning the limitations of weaponry, you can only get the chainsaw and the shotgun, and a (conspicuously mandatory) secret berserk for the first 1/3. I had to leave some monsters behind, like all of the sniper imps and the two nobles, and backtrack to kill them later. I died twice in the YK trap, without a berserk, that part is like a death/health drainer trap, and I didn't find the berserk until much later, so yeah I hated it. The chaingun and rocket launcher are presented in the indoors part, but rockets are quite limited. That archvile though, the barriers blocked my rockets and he was always behind them, and a few cacos were stuck in the ceiling. And that's all the weaponry, the good part is that monster count is low, but most of them are positioned as snipers, like revenants, mancubi, arachnotron and imps. A lot of barons too, I mean, even though there were no more than five, but the ones behind the red door were a bit threatening so that's fine. The lost soul/pain elemental was a nice cinematic surprise, but nothing more than that. I didn't get the 4 stuck cacos, they are easily skippable. The last part is my favourite, the gimmick with the archviles is intimidating a first time but a second time is kind of time consuming, but I still liked it. Oh and this time I found the non-secret teleport to take me back to the other portion of the map, on my continuous run I found it bad that I couldn't return but, my mistake. Secrets, pretty sure the first berserk/shotgun is mandatory to avoid damage in the YK trap. There's a secret teleport behind two health bonuses to take you below the indoors bridge, I took it and immediately got blasted by a mancubus. This reminded me to map15 where a secret teleport takes you to a tight room with a mancubus in front of (if you happened not to telefrag him). Ugh, what's the purpose?... There's a neat soulsphere useful for the YK trap, in case you don't own powered fists. Another one has some rockets, and the other one has a computer map and a blur sphere. This one is the least useful as there aren't any hitscanners in the map. Ammo is very tight, chainsaw and berserk are good for the pinkies and maybe a few nobles, but only the shotgun and chaingun for the snipers can be time consuming, that if you don't find the secret rockets. At the end I had like 15 rockets left, since I was very careful with the archies, but almost nothing of bullets and shells. Overall, the map is good though, perhaps if I found the berserk earlier for the YK trap, or maybe if it wasn't a secret, I would have enjoyed it more. Uh, at least it doesn't start like map 26... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted October 26, 2017 MAP23 - “Necrogenesis” by William Huber Wasn't this trap already meme'd in the Not-Realm map? A sizeable monster count by PRCP standards and a map featuring lots of cave-crawling and navigating ledges over damaging slime. There are two linear paths to pick from the starting room, although you still have to do both to finish the map. The author was very kind to scatter backpacks all over the map, and ammo is usually a non-issue here. What did bother me were the small groups of Barons encountered early on, which felt like an HR-style SSG grind or a rocket/plasma tax. They weren't really used in a threatening manner. Powerful secrets too, which I found 3/4 of. 2 of those required strafe jumping over to ledges while the BFG room was hidden behind a slime fall. Never did manage to find the last secret, and left the map with 91% kills. Pretty good overall, though visually a bit too brown/grey (where software mode is probably not helping). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted October 26, 2017 MAP24 - “Terra Incognita” by 4mer First of all, I just want to state that in software mode, this map is dark. And I mean really dark. Can you spot the Imps? 95% will get this wrong! Also, there's a very powerful secret if you just take a step back at the start, which I discovered after walking into a Cyber rocket the first time. I assume this map is referencing Plutonia's Anti-Christ, which has been imitated in HR, AV and a bunch of other wads. Never been a fan of this visual style, but the gameplay is generally fun here. Sniping these Viles is kind of meh though. Amusingly, all the big traps are rather easy to escape from; like taking the teleporter back out after being thrown into a gangbang. Assuming you don't play too reckless, the difficulty is lower than a lot of the other maps in PRCP. I wasn't sure if that Cyber was monster blocked by the elevator, so I just sniped him from above. Yeah, this one's ok. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted October 26, 2017 (edited) MAP25 - “Wicked Garden” by Xaser So is I recall, this is map #2 which served as inspiration for map31 of Resurgence. The first being map15 of PRCP. This map, like a lot of Xaser's stuff that I've played, is visually interesting and has some clever ideas and mechanics. It's not particularly fun to play though; largely due to weapon/ammo starvation combined with a bulky amount of mid-tiers to take out. It seems like half the enemies here are snipers, mostly on various hills and behind windows, obscured by some barbed wire. They are not difficult to remove, assuming the player is patient, but aren't particularly engaging to do so. I actually managed this map on my first attempt and found all 5 secrets, but it took over 35 minutes. The double Vile trap at the end is surprising at first, but it safely handled by hugging the wall and backing up to fire a few rockets when one decides to target you. Would be interesting to get some insight from @Xaser , since, as @gaspe mentioned, this map is rather unusual for what you'd expect in E3 of a Plutonia-style set. Also, RIP club activity. D: This month started off with unusual enthusiasm and now we're back to 3-4 dudes posting. Edited October 26, 2017 by Spectre01 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Forli Posted October 26, 2017 (edited) MAP17 - The Unholy Crypt Another good but not very memorable map ("the crypt" could also be described that way so I guess it works). I liked the visual theme and the way the layout takes you to the exit area near the start is nice (you just know something will happen here later). The fights are not much more difficult than map 16 but some of the encounters in small spaces gave me trouble (I'm bad at dealing with that), also the chaingunners will almost certainly take some health away. The Best part was the red key fight, worst was the cyber at the end, but that was probably because I insisted on circle strafing on that entire area. MAP18 - Phantom Silence Why is there a sunder map in the middle of a plutonia wad? Even the archviles at the end felt more like something sunder would do than it felt like a hunted homage. This was way easier than precarious, I only had trouble at the start, maybe because the pistol start is a bit troublesome or maybe because I needed to get on the mindset for this kind of map. The archviles at the end were certainly a curve ball, specially the last group, they killed me twice because I tried to keep track of each individual vile which is really not the correct strategy against this many of them. Map 19 - Venom I really didn't like this one, the map mostly consist on my most hated layout design, large, mazelike areas with a lot of damaging floors everywere that will sap all your health if you are not sure of where to go (which is specially bad for me because my sense of direction sucks). The fights were also rather annoying, a lot of monsters appearing suddenly surrounding you so the only choice is to find the gap between them so you can squeeze trought, if you fail to do that immediatedly, you die, if you do it you just escape to another room from where you can kill them with no danger (the blue key was the worst in this aspect), also a few barons in narrow corridors that pose no threat but are annoying to kill. I decided to skip the rest of the map when I was halfway trought, this is really not my kind of map and I'm too far behind to play something I dislike. Map 20 - Sinister Daybreak At first I thought that I would hate this map, I saw a bunch of distant chaingunners, then realized which map this was referencing, meaning that there would be resurrecting chaingunners too. But I basically ended up loving everythig here that didn't involve far away chaingunners (too bad there's a lot of them). I really liked how this map looks, it makes the most of the original's style with a really good use of midtextures and a nice color contrast with the sky, there's also a really cool part when said sky opens to reveal more of the map. Most of the fights were really well done, the one behind the sky was a weird moment for me, everything was dead before I even knew what was going on. I guess the 2 cybers at the end were not as challenging as 2 cybers at the end should be but I still enjoyed killing them. Edited October 26, 2017 by Forli 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheOrganGrinder Posted October 26, 2017 MAP25: Wicked Garden This one's on the creepy and threatening side and I genuinely don't know how I'd have gone about tackling it had I not been playing continuously from the preceding level, since weapon/ammunition starvation seems to be a pretty key component of its intended gameplay. It's atmospheric, certainly, a lovingly-rendered shrine environment surrounded by a wasteland of blood and barren rock, with a path that takes the player through gore-choked sewers and a surreal teleporter to a desolate future or altnerate world where the previously-explored shrine lies in ruins, but I feel like I want to approach this one like a tourist, enjoying the architecture and design that's on display rather than worrying too much about the intended gameplay. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xaser Posted October 26, 2017 Dang, I'm quite late on posting about Helix. Now I've got two maps to post-mortem -- I'll get on that at some point. To quickly answer @Spectre01's question, the simple version is I'm rubbish at following a theme unless I try really hard to do so (and even then, the authenticity wavers; D2WTID MAP28, anyone?). For Helix I was trying to consciously make something Plutonia-themed (hence all the Neurosphere architecture ripoffs), but when the call for more maps came out and I started Wicked Garden, my focus was on keeping the scale & monster count low. I kinda forgot how Plutonia worked in the process. :P 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted October 26, 2017 (edited) Quote Also, RIP club activity. D: This month started off with unusual enthusiasm and now we're back to 3-4 dudes posting. @Spectre01 with Urania happened the same, I think players (excluding the ones that are busy with their lives) tend to lose interest when the second/third episode maps aren't so speedrun friendly, or get very hard for them. MAP26: Poison Ivy III UV, pistol start, saves Deaths: 4 Speed of Doom has the prequel, and Claustrophobia 1024 has the first of the saga, and here is the third one. This is probably the second most brutal map of the mapset. It's all greenish and wooden, the visuals are simple but that green texture is good to my eyes. There's nukage but non-damaging. I was not a fan of all the vines obscuring the view, this was a minor issue anyway. I sincerely didn't pay attention to the music, I was busy trying not to die too often. Combat is classic Joshy, that is to say, exhausting. Right from the beginning, you can salute an archvile and a couple of chaingunners. Then add several mancubus on the road, many revenants on ledges, an angry spiderdemon in a cave, and a surprise army of chaingunners behind the RL. What's the good and the bad? The good is that you get to move and be quickly and careful, you feel pressure from all sides. The bad is, that hidden megasphere, without it I don't think anything is possible on a regular run. It's not a secret, but you may not notice it unless you casually look into that place. It took me three times to come out alive, I was killed by a rocket and super bullets. That was just the start, there are many surprise archviles too, many(!) surprise chaingunners (whose weapons are unreachable), pain elementals(!!), and barons that come out one by one from a corridor(!!!). In contrast, there are also some encounters that are a complete breeze, bordering the unnecessary, like the revs in the plasma rifle room, or the arachnotrons on the nukage. One memorable section is the spectres pool, made by Belial according to the text file. The problem is, there's a barrel right on your face when you fall inside that part, why oh why?!?! I mean, with foreknowledge you can quickly punch it to push it away, but if not spectres will immediately block you (and that's a lot of spectres in a pool where they are practically invisible) and you'll take damage. Another important section is the circle from The Sewers, there's a lot of infighting there, and you can call the cyber earlier to join in. And last but not least, the last room with a cyberdemon, and another surprise archvile that blocked my dodge. Epic fail. It was awkward to fight the guy with the plasma rifle, but I wasn't counting with the BFG that I saw after everything was dead. Again a BFG at the end of the entire map e__e Secrets, there's only one and it's impossible to miss. I don't see the purpose of it though. Ammo is very tight, but it gets better at the circle room. I run out of bullets and shells anyway, I never understood that thing of Plutonia of placing chaingunners on unreachable parts, there's a lot of ammo going on there and you can't get it. It feels like a missing opportunity to idclip. At the end, cells are overly abundant, maybe I should have used rockets and cells more deliberately. The BFG should be, at least, right behind the red door and not semi-hidden, in my opinion. Overall, it's a memorable map, but I think Joshy has made better maps. It's unpleasant sometimes, but it's not bad, I've never been a fan of Poison Ivy II, and I have yet to see the first of the saga. Uh, approved, I guess. Edited October 26, 2017 by galileo31dos01 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted October 26, 2017 7 hours ago, Spectre01 said: MAP25 - “Wicked Garden” by Xaser So is I recall, this is map #2 which served as inspiration for map31 of Resurgence. The first being map15 of PRCP. This map, like a lot of Xaser's stuff that I've played, is visually interesting and has some clever ideas and mechanics. It's not particularly fun to play though; largely due to weapon/ammo starvation combined with a bulky amount of mid-tiers to take out. It seems like half the enemies here are snipers, mostly on various hills and behind windows, obscured by some barbed wire. They are not difficult to remove, assuming the player is patient, but aren't particularly engaging to do so. I actually managed this map on my first attempt and found all 5 secrets, but it took over 35 minutes. The double Vile trap at the end is surprising at first, but it safely handled by hugging the wall and backing up to fire a few rockets when one decides to target you. Would be interesting to get some insight from @Xaser , since, as @gaspe mentioned, this map is rather unusual for what you'd expect in E3 of a Plutonia-style set. Also, RIP club activity. D: This month started off with unusual enthusiasm and now we're back to 3-4 dudes posting. map15 killed my motivation, plus life intervened >:( 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xaser Posted October 26, 2017 Nothing's stopping you from skipping to MAP16. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted October 26, 2017 thats what im doing now :D it was mostly real life stuff in truth and the Plutonia theme is quite same-y and wearing, the crusher was just the straw 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted October 26, 2017 map13 fda didnt like this one much. damaging floor, plus multi-levels mixed with flying enemies (eugh), plus ammo scarcity = not much fun for me. map14 fda this is pretty cool - the opening fight is the most memorable unfortunately. the bloody pool area is funny how you can just 'nope' right out of it :D map31 fda i liked how tense this was, as you knew there were AVs and cybers coming, but youre not really sure exactly where from. the sniper enemies up top are completely superfluous and obnoxious. theyd be much better on the ground getting splatted by rockets and getting in the way to create infighting. progression is a little confusing (lots of teleports and one-way doors). 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted October 26, 2017 (edited) on map32, the area after the BK 'gate' locks you in and you can run out of ammo (BFG & RL) and get stuck with barons, with about ~100 enemies left on the map. enraging >:| Edited October 26, 2017 by rehelekretep 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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