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@Ajora Memories.




Sums up how I'm feeling right now. Why do I have a feeling I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown...

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Drunk shenanigans from my fraternity's Christmas party.

(the blow up doll was my present for 'Dirty Christmas'...)











Edited by K3K

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22 hours ago, Agent6 said:




Sums up how I'm feeling right now. Why do I have a feeling I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown...

I know how you feel man. This is like the ballad of our day. With an increase in Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Autism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME), Adrenal Fatigue, and other hidden illnesses this makes life tough these days. I am always tired all the time, I am severely burned out and I don't know how I have the strength to continue on sometimes. To think the governments have been trying to cover up these things for years. It's so sad. I think it's the universes' way of telling us to slow down and try to enjoy our life again.


20 hours ago, reflex17 said:


OMG I love cats. Thanks for sharing this is adorable.

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