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trying to find out how to embed tweets

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On 3/8/2022 at 11:10 PM, Skeletonpatch said:


Because the people in charge of that big red "end the world" button have more important things to worry about than the unconventional manner in which the people of this world express themselves through imagery. It is quite shallow to assume that just because someone created an image you find grotesque or disturbing that those people have somehow 'tainted' the entire world with their weirdness, the only 'cure' for which is complete unexistence. The vast majority of those weird people are just seeking an outlet for a part of themselves that society has deemed 'wrong' by some arbitrary criterion. They have no control over these 'dark' aspects, and trying to suppress a part of oneself is harmful.


I understand that your statement is hyperbolic, but that doesn't change its message. You may not realize it, but statements like that are not harmless. The fact that there are people, like you, who will say things like this without a second thought I feel is much more damaging than whatever it is they, and you, are reacting to.




Back to your regularly scheduled randomness.

You are not wrong. Just one thing: the problem isn't that something has been deemed wrong by sociaty, but that sociaty itself has become so complacent that it fears or straight out gets wierded out by something different. Even worse, when it is quite frankly just a normal part of human psychology. 

Long sentence short: You're right, but it's not sociaty deeming things wrong, but sociaty becoming complacent and afraid of differences. 

As for me throwing it around, I hate to say this, but that reaction came when I entered this thread after reading local news which were about so stupid things I couldn't find any other way to express myself. Was my first mistake. Second one we already agree on.

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On 3/5/2022 at 2:47 AM, Megalyth said:


I'm not sure how to feel about this. I may require a paper bag.

For vomit or nut?

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22 hours ago, Solmyr said:



Let me get my hands on that. Some upgrades and a copy of Win98SE takes care of all your DOS gaming needs. Then just dual-boot Debian or DSL for whatever modern things you do. Buy a capture card that supports composite out and you can even stream from it.

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1 hour ago, Bucket said:


Let me get my hands on that. Some upgrades and a copy of Win98SE takes care of all your DOS gaming needs. Then just dual-boot Debian or DSL for whatever modern things you do. Buy a capture card that supports composite out and you can even stream from it.

I definitely wouldn't mind having that thing around. I'd love to be able to play a bunch of my old DOS games natively without messing around with DOSBOX.

I tried throwing my brother's old HD with 98 on it in a more modern system, but for whatever reason I couldn't get it to play nice. 

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