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On 12/3/2022 at 10:03 PM, Wadmodder Shalton said:


more like "Palette-Swap Kombat"


The funny part is: modern MK is so uncanny that they could easily pose the models in SFM or whatever and then digitize them. The end result would be so much more realistic than... whatever this is.

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On 11/30/2022 at 1:41 AM, Agent Slacker said:


Whimsical Porch Rock is my favorite music genre

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2 hours ago, leejacksonaudio said:



M-my man, Lee Jackson fan of Cowboy Bepop and Pulp Fiction?!?!?!




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Our oldest male cat, Loudmouth, was put down today after a long illness. He was suffering, losing weight and coughing up blood. He shall suffer no more.


So long, Loudmouth. You will be sorely missed.

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@leejacksonaudioΒ I am very sorry for your loss... How old he was?


I have a male cat that is near 16 y.o. and there was days when he got a something like heart stroke. One night his heart wasn't beating at all until manually "enabling" it by the wiggle motion.

I know that sometimes cats can live for 18 y.o. and even up to 21 y.o. (in the very rare occasions), but even just thoughtΒ that one day my cat can completely stop moving is greatly depressing me.

Edited by RastaManGames

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1 hour ago, RastaManGames said:

I am very sorry for your loss... How old he was?


I think he was around 14 or 15. We had a necropsy performed on him. He was suffering from congestive heart failure and kidney failure. It was time for him to go.

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2 hours ago, Wadmodder Shalton said:





Only two words to say about these PCs with awful build quality and the same specs: OVERPRICED REPAINTS


The Hot Wheels one at least looks like it could do a fully sick loop-de-loop.

The Barbie one is... something about the bright pinks and purples combined with generic chrome is especially grim and I can't put my finger on it.

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3 hours ago, Grazza said:


This was a real thing, apparently.


Lol yup have heard of this a few times. It looks like a fake from the halcyon days of Something Awful (Photoshop Phriday: Questionable Kids Toys) but is completely real. The past was wacky.

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