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Hacking the actual PSX Doom?


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Hi there. If you want to see something really cool related to this, check this thread.

Old post:



In this thread you can see that Kaiser have released some useful tools for console Doom hacking.


While this thread is really old (2008), I can't post something there and I want to start the new topic about PSX Doom level hacking.



Eric194 did the great job on this.


Ancient post:



I've tried this several times, but always failed. Today I've failed again, but now I've got really far than before. But still, nothing impressive. I have some experience in console Doom hacking, so I want to try it again. Yeah, like THE REAL Lost Levels project.


As always I just doing first steps in same way:
1) Get the working tools

2) Create a simple "box" map

3) If everything is ok - do the real levels.


And I stuck at first step. Kaiser did the glBSPX program - a modification of the glBSP for PSX Doom. It seems working, but I can't run even re-converted E1M1 map.


I mean, I just tried to extract this map (successful), convert it to PC (successful), convert it back to PSX (hm...) and replace it in the image file (.bin+.cue).


And when I run my PSX Doom [starting new game from menu], I'm getting the error "Z Malloc: Failed allocation on 3336". Well...what does that mean??? For me it says nothing.


Maybe somebody can explain, please? But honestly I think that nobody (except Kaiser) will help me :\

UPD: Tried to swap Map 16 to Map01. Got "Cache miss on lump 1068". Hm, I think that's because the original texture pack (for each level), but it seems that everything is not good (easy, right) for PSX hacking.

UPD2: Tried to replace every map01-related files (including texture packs) - failed again.

Hm, is this tutorial can help with PSX Doom too?


OK, FORGET ABOUT IT, I DID THIS! Screens/video will be soon.









Edited by DeXiaZ

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  • 3 months later...
7 minutes ago, Cacodemon345 said:

How did you do this?

Created a Vanilla Doom 2 map, opened glBSP via glPSX gui by Kaiser, added GL data and converted it into PSX format by another Kaiser's program. Next I just opened CDMage and changed Map01 file.

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afaik textures/sprites/whatever else is needed is cached in each level's directory and I recall Kaiser lamenting about how most ISO tools modify the LBA when you change files on the disc which is a big no-no for PSX Doom

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3 hours ago, Nevander said:

What ceiling texture is that? Sorry for random off-topic question but, curiosity...

Club Doom flat texture.


2 hours ago, DILDOMASTER666 said:

afaik textures/sprites/whatever else is needed is cached in each level's directory and I recall Kaiser lamenting about how most ISO tools modify the LBA when you change files on the disc which is a big no-no for PSX Doom

CDMage allowed me to run this map. I think it's ok. The main problem is "SSECTORS". If you do some subsectors (for example - square) - game will crash with SSECTORS error. And I didn't found anything useful to fix that.


Also, by the way, if you'll shoot (like in the video in OP) - game will freeze.

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It won't work. Lost Levels contain large, open areas with a lot of monsters and making it run on actual PSX hardware will most likely end up with Texture Overflow error.

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2 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

so I guess we still cant see if Lost Levels would run on the actual hardware?

Without people who can explain me EVERYTHING related to Doom BSP and Doom mapping - yes.


Because it's maths.


1 minute ago, Cacodemon345 said:

It won't work. Lost Levels contain large, open areas with a lot of monsters and making it run on actual PSX hardware will most likely end up with Texture Overflow error.

Incorrect. Lost Levels consist of UDMF maps. And also uses too much textures.


Reduce the ammount of textures, reduce monsters - and this will work.

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2 hours ago, Cacodemon345 said:

porting UDMF back to PSX Doom format will take a lot of work. And as you said, changing subsectors will crash PSX Doom.

You misses 2 points.

1) I don't want to reuse UDMF maps. As I did for the GBA Doom Lost Levels - I will do it by myself again. Yeah, our PSX Lost Levels TC will be something like a concept support, but I'll just do it again from scratch.

2) PSX Doom crashes not because of changing subsectors - the problem are the LEAFS. I need to understand how to create normal LEAFS lump with Subsectors lump. Kaiser did something wrong, his program doesn't work right. I sent a message to him but he doesn't answer me. So I need to find an alternative path to create new version/new program to convert maps into PSX format.

Edited by DeXiaZ

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4 hours ago, Quasar said:

Maybe try again when we're not neck-deep in crunch mode on a Nightdive Studios project :)

Is perhaps Nightdive Studios planning to make a PSXDoom project on PC??


Edited by Erick194

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I don't care about the PSXDoom TC because I'm working on the PSXDOOM [GEC] Master Edition for GZDOOM, besides I'm also working on the reverse engineering of PSXDoom.

Edited by Erick194

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In this moment the project is paused because I wanted to go inside the PSXDoom code and also started working on the reverse enginnering to see that nothing was out of its own place, but in this case i could say it has a 87% to be done. Sorry for being late but it will last a bit more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm, when I always come out with something surprising almost everyone gets silenced and I wait questions and answers, well it doesn't matter.

Getting back to the topic of this thread, I was editing the Hangar level and these were the results:



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20 minutes ago, Erick194 said:

It has always been there! You can find it in Ballistiyx level in PSX Final DOOM. Saludos Gothic.




...holy shit

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45 minutes ago, Eris Falling said:

Puedes ver un poco del edificio principal a través de ese agujero.





You're right! here is a video of the level:


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3 hours ago, Erick194 said:

I was editing the Hangar level and these were the results

My respect to you is bigger than 9000 points.


I even don't know how to extract, edit Hangar and put it back into game. I mean, for me it's just crashes. But this is the first step of hacking anything Console Doom related. So how did you do this?

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