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NewDoom Community Project (NDCP/NDCP2) demos

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Nice to see some NDCP2 demos! Do you have any recommendations on which other maps to max? I guess I could record something.

I wonder what happened to the bugfix project btw.

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I'm playing NCDP2 starting from MAP01, for the first time in my life. I'm currently on MAP14. Nothing remarkable except these two I threw in, plus I liked MAP10 for the layout at the start (later it became too slow, SSG against barons and such, SSG/RL vs cyberdemon...) plus MAP06 was visually very impressive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Newdoom Community Project 2 map 22 UV-Speed in 4:43.

My first thought doing what is known as the "eye level": "I am clearly crazy for trying to attempt this."

My second thought: "Third attempt and I exit? Ok sure whatever I'll take it, heh."

Kind of stinks that NDCP2 map 27 has four revenants at the start that never warp in because of those lovely zdoom-isms, meaning a true 100% kills is not possible for the map. If I do a max for it (and I probably will because River of Souls music from Turok 2 is awesome), it'd have to exclude those four revenants from being killed.


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Newdoom Community Project 2 map 27 UV-Max in 18:22

Told ya I was going to do this one, heh.

Bear in mind that due to zdoom-isms, 100% kills in GLBoom Plus is not possible. Maximum kills possible here is 98% (332/336 enemies), assuming there are no resurrections.

With that being said, have fun watching my nervous rear end try to get that YSK a few times, among other tense moments.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

NewDoom Community Project 2 (2010) demos:


MAP15s UV-Max in 13:03 (ZDoom 2.8.1 with two secrets unattainable)

MAP22 UV-Speed in 3:22 (PrBoom+, -complevel9)


Had to use ZDoom for MAP15 as the level breaks using PrBoom+ (and yes, this time I made certain that this version was from the DSDA :P).



Edited by TheV1perK1ller

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Does n222-322 play back OK for all of you? When I play it back, the player shoots at the secret wall in the beginning and arch-viles kill the player

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I can not get n222-322 to play back with either of the two mapsets I have.  neither April 2009 nor the June 2010 release.

Edited by Searcher

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5 hours ago, Searcher said:

I can not get n222-322 to play back with either of the two mapsets I have.  neither April 2009 nor the June 2010 release.

I asked Andy to remove the demo, honestly no idea what has happened. I will re-record it by the next update, and make sure it plays back properly. Sorry for the trouble.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NDCP 2 2010 demo set (I wanted to wait until after the latest DSDA update to submit these, didn't want Andy to have a few last minute additions):


Map 04 UV-Max in 4:34, PrBoom+ v2.5.1.4, -complevel 9

Map 04 UV-Fast in 4:56, PrBoom+ v2.5.1.4, -complevel 9

Map 06 UV-Max in 5:56, PrBoom+ v2.5.1.4, -complevel 9

Map 24 UV-Max in 14:32, PrBoom+ v2.5.1.4, -complevel 9







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5 hours ago, Zahid said:

NDCP 2 map 26 max at 3:53

"thanks vdgg for beautiful txt template"

Use it, but at least change VDGG into ZAHID lol.

I used  patorjk or something similar

Edited by vdgg

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  • 1 month later...

Tackling the larger maps of the first New Doom Community Project (ndcp.wad). All recorded with PrBoom+ v2.5.1.4:


Map 19 UV-Max in 12:30, - complevel 9 (four monsters are unkillable)

Map 23 UV-Max in 13:38, - complevel 2 (one monster is unkillable)

Map 27 UV-Max in 13:21, - complevel 2 (two monsters are unkillable)

Map 29 UV-Max in 12:53, - complevel 2 (all dead)


Will do Maps 06 and 09 later this week.

ndcp demo pack.zip

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On 10/3/2017 at 7:35 PM, TheV1perK1ller said:

Another couple of NDCP demos:


Map 06 UV-Max in 11:41

Map 09 UV-Max in 11:17

Both recorded with PrBoom+ v2.5.1.4 & -complevel 9




Those are good maps and you showed great aggression, throughout both maps, nice job.

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A few more demos for NewDoom Community Project II (2010), all recorded with PrBoom+ v2.5.1.4, -complevel 9:


Map 01 UV-Fast in 3:39

Map 11 UV-Max in 8:22

Map 18 UV-Max in 8:05

Map 18 UV-Speed in 2:35

Map 21 UV-Max in 11:56

Map 28 UV-Max in 10:47 (one secret can't be triggered)

Map 31s UV-Max in 5:25

Map 31s NM-Speed in 0:08


ndcp22010 demopack.zip

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Finally NDCP and NDCP2 have their own, combined, thread. I shouldn't have waited so long to create this :/ Some demos and posts may still be missing.

Edited by vdgg

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  • 5 months later...

Some table-fills for NDCP2 (2010):


Map 01 NoMo 100 in 1:05

Map 09 NoMo 100 in 3:41

Map 13 NoMo 100 in 1:14

Map 18 NoMo 100 in 2:02

Map 19 UV-Pacifist in 2:15

Map 19 UV-Tyson in 2:58

Map 20 NoMo 100 in 1:12

Map 27 NoMo 100 in 3:30

Map 30 UV-Fast (& Reality) in 1:05

Map 31 NoMo 100 in 2:08


All demos were recorded with PrBoom+ and with -complevel 9 except for the two Map 19 ones, which didn't use any.




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  • 1 year later...

I have been contemplating whether or not I should go and attempt to remedy many of NDCP II's many 'ZDoom-isms' in a separate fix file. I probably can't do them all, as I'm no mapping expert, but should I go ahead with it anyway?

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I'm really against fix wads. It creates a mess when it comes to playing back demos. If an enemy can't be killed then don't kill it. If a map is only completable in zdoom for some reason, then it's a zdoom map 🤷‍♂️

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32 minutes ago, TheV1perK1ller said:

I have been contemplating whether or not I should go and attempt to remedy many of NDCP II's many 'ZDoom-isms' in a separate fix file. I probably can't do them all, as I'm no mapping expert, but should I go ahead with it anyway?

Welcome back, and don't fix maps... A good recent example is Sigil... I would say every single demo is an outcome of hard-working. If the mapper changes the map and make the demo desync, it's very frustrating.

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My opinion on fixwads:

  • If fixing a small issue on a map (i.e., moving boss maps to exm8, adding exit action to exit switch, rebuilding REJECT map, upgrading internal Dehacked to latest version) it's fine.
  • If it's a huge rehaul of a megawad with fixes on every single map, it's overkill. At that rate, you may as well create a new entry on DSDA or something.
Edited by 4shockblast

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Thanks for your opinions. My intention is to fix problems for levels that cannot be completed in PrBoom+ (prime example being MAP02, amongst a few others. These levels, of course, have no demos). I recall Jenesis having a separate file (jenefix) that updated some minor issues after its release. I am hoping to do something similar for this. I will see what I can do, while making the changes as least confusing as possible. I will keep you posted on my progress, I just hope I can do it.

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