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Operation N.O.O.B

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So uhm which levels in here are original? I started it and thought it was a cool BIOWAR homage but then it got too similar then saw direct rips of Fragport, DOOMCITY, Requiem, Biowar, and also possibly Neodoom when I checked out all the maps. I do like that huge explosion dehacked thing though; you also have nice taste :S

Edited by SuperCupcakeTactics

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1 hour ago, SuperCupcakeTactics said:

So uhm which levels in here are original? I started it and thought it was a cool BIOWAR homage but then it got too similar then saw direct rips of Fragport, DOOMCITY, Requiem, Biowar, and also possibly Neodoom when I checked out all the maps. I do like that huge explosion dehacked thing though; you also have nice taste :S

ah thanks. also did you actually see an archvile in slow motion? I found map11 original as I put the timer mechanism inside. which is in inspiration from silo from goldeneye 007

Edited by RonLivingston

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1 hour ago, SuperCupcakeTactics said:

So uhm which levels in here are original? I started it and thought it was a cool BIOWAR homage but then it got too similar then saw direct rips of Fragport, DOOMCITY, Requiem, Biowar, and also possibly Neodoom when I checked out all the maps. I do like that huge explosion dehacked thing though; you also have nice taste :S

Also Dead Small from Scythe, bolted onto MAP07. I checked the textfile and Erik doesn't grant permission to reuse his work, so...

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You are sort of missing the problem. You can't just take other peoples maps without permission; so are they yours, or do you have granted permission to use these maps?

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Just now, Edward850 said:

You are sort of missing the problem. You can't just take other peoples maps without permission; so are they yours, or do you have granted permission to use these maps?

I should also grant permission too yes

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1 minute ago, RonLivingston said:

I should also grant permission too yes

Again I ask, are these your maps? And if not, have people granted you permission to use their maps?

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9 minutes ago, RonLivingston said:

I made these maps too

That's not enough; You have to make the entire map. You cannot take other peoples maps without permission, period:




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Is that the only place? @SuperCupcakeTactics pointed out some others as well.

To clarify: You cannot just take other peoples maps without permission. Unless the copyright text provided with that map grants you permission, or you have expressed permission from the author, you cannot use it. It would also be sensible that you clearly identify with credits of some description which content you used and who made it, even in cases where you do have permission. If you didn't make it, it's customary to say who did.

Edited by Edward850

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Well... either way erik is gone , so even if he wanted to ask permission he cant anyways since the author of scythe is no longer playing doom anymore .

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22 minutes ago, A7MAD said:

Well... either way erik is gone , so even if he wanted to ask permission he cant anyways since the author of scythe is no longer playing doom anymore .

Yes. the point is that erik has quit the doom community in late 2009

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I think we're done here.



[BTW, @kristus, this wad uses the HUD face from Nimrod. Care to rain some fire upon this thread?]

Edited by Xaser
fixed the wad name in the image, welp

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28 minutes ago, Jimmy said:



Erik is still active on Facebook and there is almost certainly an e-mail address floating around in a text file that can be used to contact him.

to be fair I tried to contact erik on that email like a year ago and it's defunct 


also tell him to finish scythe X or i'm gonna burst a blood vessel

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@RonLivingston That's gonna be a lot of fixin'. You're really best off cutting your losses and mapping your own thing here. You're clearly capable of wielding a map editor judging from your edits to the maps, but what you've got here is peppered too much with other folks' work for anyone to see it through the haze.


[also credit stuff dammit x:]

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BioWar is awesome, one of my all-time favorites and a huge inspiration for some of my latest maps... that nobody has played yet. Map14 and 15 in particular stand out for me.


But yeah, don't steal maps.

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oh yeah biowar is my favorite wad too. but I was actually believing what nimrod would look like without the sprites and graphics

Edited by RonLivingston

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