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The /newstuff Chronicles #94


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BBG: That's not evidence, that's interpretation

Although your interpretation sounds likely, one could also interpret that it was just a joking reference to Lut and Dashiva's current status on DW. It could be a tribute made by their fans, a joke wad paying homage to the prankster gods. It could be anything.

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AIM allows users to each have 48x48 buddy icons.

Isn't it 50x50? Haven't used a "legimate" copy of AIM in a while though.

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Hi there, Liam.

I guess you tested The Living End after AfterLife and it was a parameter in your being diappointed at this level, but I made AfterLife more than a year after the Living End, so there should have been a difference here. ;)

By the way, You have inspired me with your review and I think, I will return to moody and nightmarish level design, as you may have guessed, I have tried all the moods in my levels, and I thought I liked space themes more than the others, but now I think that the dark atmosphere of AfterLife is something that I like to experience again, and I will make a ZDoom level in this mood, with Lightenings and swamps and ambient sounds of owls and so on.

Thanx a lot,
Keep on the good work!

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Hey Sphagne, is there any other way that I can download all of your 13 wads? Most of the URLs are broken.

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pritch said:

Of course it was LΓΌt and Dash you idiots.

Come on Pritch, something as silly as this deserves to generate a few crackpot conspiracy theories.

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Grazza said:

Come on Pritch, something as silly as this deserves to generate a few crackpot conspiracy theories.


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Fredrik said:


Come on Fredrik, something as silly as this deserves to generate a few crackpot conspiracy theories.

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Epyo said:

Do NOT advise people to download from the main server, it is for uploads only. They are to use either:

ftp://3darchives.in-span.net/pub/idgames/ (US)
ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/pc/games/idgames/ (duh)
http://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/idgames/ (Australia)
ftp://ftp.clinet.fi/pub/games/idgames/ (Finland only)

And http://www.doomsearch.com/ helps too.

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Sphagne, yeah, though to me the french one and the 2nd north american one seem dead. Do they function?

Is anyone able to use those two mirrors? If not it might be better to tell Ty they seem dead.

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Grazza said:

Come on Pritch, something as silly as this deserves to generate a few crackpot conspiracy theories.

They made it; it is not up for debate.

And 1337.wad is actually brilliant because it portrays almost all characteristics of a newbie wad. If you know LΓΌt well, which I do, then playing 1337.wad will actually remind you of him.

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Pritch, you just hold a grudge with Ernie Stockham and his crew, I bet... come on, you can't deny their mastery of zdoom specific features, for instance. Just because THE NEW DOOM doesn't have a website it doesn't mean it doesn't rock.

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My company has just published a book that has a great big ΓΌ in the middle of the front cover. Suspicious?

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i had a feeling that dashiva was involved with 1337.wad, because dev's name appears in the text file, and dash and dev get along very good. another fact (in my theory) is that dev isn't well known in any place except #nightmare (and #unidoom), which, surprise surprise, is where dash has ops.

another thing, if you look at the automap very closely, the maps do somehow relate to their titles.

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myk said:

I'd like to see Nimrod demos from people used to using legacy, anyone? Can't be arsed to play in that style, but I'd like to see the mod, seems neat from what I've seen, and seeing it through the eyes of a decent player would be more fun than IDDQD/IDCLIPing through the maps...

Myk: Why not just set the controls to be like vanilla doom? Nimrod do require you to jump in a few places though, but it's rarely any acrobatic skills required.

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