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Editing Brutal Doom Mod Help?

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Afternoon everyone


Im trying to do something but i cant seem to figure it out im trying to remove the barrel explosion and gun smoke from brutal doom because they seem to lag my pc i figured if i remove the custom barrel explosion it will go back to default one?

Anyway i got a program that can read pk3s i see all these files im not rly sure what i need to delete and what i need to edit? Can some one point me in right direction please?

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You'll have to find the DECORATE files that define the guns and barrel.


Of course it probably won't be that simple, but you have to start somewhere.

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Can't find the Barrel class because the .pk3 looks like a mess, I suggest replacing it instead, But that probably wouldn't help if we don't even know the new classname in the first place.

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I dont have a computer So i cant use Slade but i do have other programs that let me read and write to pk3s i do see bunch of decorate files everywhere in seperate folders all i wanna do is get rid of the barrel explosion brutal uses so Its back to default explosions and get rid of gun smoke im not sure which files does what so confusing...


Incase you are wondering in playing it on a Raspberry Pi 3 Its playable exept for when barrels explode in brutal doom the default explosions are fine thats why i want it default also the gun smoke bothers me it drops frames..


Maybe one of you can open the brutal 20b file and look and tell me which ones to delete?

That would be awesome and very appreciate it

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Simply removing a file won't fix it, It might cause other issues elsewhere, you might get errors If an actor you removed is inherited by another actor, Plus there's lots of files, It's best to ask the mod author who knows how the mod pk3 is structured.

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4 hours ago, dmg_64 said:

Can't find the Barrel class because the .pk3 looks like a mess


I think it's in the EXPLOSIONS lump in the PK3..

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Hmm what should i try? Try deleting explosions and try it out?

Its possible tho i hear all the time that people take out effects from mods do i rly need to go as far as to contact the author?

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On 17-10-2017 at 5:15 PM, dmg_64 said:

Tried doing so, result wasn't so good but, It still looks like a Barrel and explodes like a barrel, Load this after Brutal doom :


Thanks ill try this is there way to remove gun smoke and stuff too if i remove that as well then it should play pretty good 

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