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Worst Doom Level


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a really bad map called Teeth.Wad from Master levels, this map angered me to no end, also there is a map called the Mucus Flow from CC2, a great looking map, but the gameplay is attrocious with all the backtracking, the starting area is really horrific as well.

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The only IWAD map I really hate is Aztec. A series of thin corridors followed by one cheap cave where difficulty is purely due to autoaim having a range limit and lacking Heretic's rudimentary manual aim. Easily the worst room in the wad, and unlike Final Frontier, where at least the start was suitably hectic, I didn't find anything in the rest of Aztec to redeem it.


For TNT I dislike a lot of the wad, but I'm honestly surprised by the picks I'm seeing in the thread here. Yeah, the corridors in Habitat were boring, but at least it had the cool secret and vile spawn both at the start. Lunar Mining and Quarry didn't even have that, and Steel Works was just tedious. Agree on Last Call though, easily the worst Icon level in the IWADs, and I don't like any of them. Metal seemed be pretty middle of the pack - not great, but still in the top half of TNT. Yeah, you really need the invisibility in the final room, but honestly I found it first try and never had an issue.


For the rest I have no real hostility, but there are several in Doom 1/2 I don't care for and tend to stop playthroughs at or skip due to boredom



E3M1 - fortunately I can just start on M2 with the warp cheat

E4M4 - I actually usually just play E4 up to map 3 and call it a day

E4M7 - instant doors were cool 20 years ago, now it's got nothing



Map14 - architecture was cool 20 years ago, there's much better now



Map23 - The barrel gimmick doesn't save the rest of the encounters, none of which interest me much.




In Doom 2 I have a distinct preference for Sandy Petersen maps - Barrels of Fun and The Citadel are the only normal levels of his I'm not a fan of, while the others struggle to bat 50/50.

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26 minutes ago, zodiac said:

Map14 - architecture was cool 20 years ago, there's much better now

Weird reason, not gonna lie.

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"I hate barrels o' fun the most."


How dare you >:l



But jokes aside I REALLY hate maps 28 - 30 of plutonia experiment. Seriously, map 32 was less confusing than that mess! Sure I died quite a lot on 32 but that was due to my own stupidity and arch-viles more than anything.

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Barrels O' Fun highlights how much of Doom 2 focuses on combat scenarios and also highlights how Sandy Petersen had wacky ideas around gimmicky stuff. I always liked the level and found it fun. 


It's also the first of the difficult tricky maps that Doom 2 throws at you towards the end of the game. The Abandoned Mines, Monster Condo and The Living End are the others. 



Edited by DeadAstronaut

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At the time I posted my first answer in the topic I considered Barrels 'O Fun to be the worst level, but since then my opinion has changed and now, from all IWADs, it's Habitat instead.

Edited by Agent6

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Doom: E3M8 - Too easy for a boss level, let alone the (original) end of the game.


Doom: E4M8 - More a let-down than a hate; like the architecture and good use of the spider (FWIW). Still a fail because the spider was used at all (see below).


HeXen (most of it) - Puzzles and switches. Lovely architecture, dark atmospheric feel, (mostly) cool monsters. What a shame about the gameplay :(


Honorable mention for a character rather than a level: The spider herself. She is the most comically stupid looking monster in Doom. You want a super-duper hitscan enemy? Make it look demonic and terrifying, ya know, like give it horns, goat hooves, and a grafted weapon on the arm, er, oh wait a minute, we did that one already :) Spidey just doesn't look demonic enough; she looks as if Satan just ran out of ideas and picked up something from the nearest sewer :p


Worst ever - anything with a MAP30 style ending. Yawn. Almost as bad as HeXen, use platform, shoot rocket, try again, demons spawning all around you. When you first play it (years ago for me) it's not even obvious what you are supposed to do; yeah, shoot the hole, but how are you supposed to know that only the RL works? Yeah, it's beatable, but .... yawn :(

Edited by MartinHowe

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I don't hate any of the maps in the Ultimate DOOM and DOOM II IWADs outright, but my least favorite maps are E4M7 and E4M9. Both seem a little bland, and the secret map in particular just feels out of place. Not really a big fan of how either flows and their difficulty doesn't really match the earlier maps in the episode.

Edited by amackert

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The Doom/Doom 2 IWADS: (haven't played Final Doom wads in a long time)


E3M8 - for obvious reasons. Easily the worst IWAD map.

Map01 - Just because most of us probably have beaten this completely blindfolded. Hangar is significantly better.

Map09 - didn't like the elevators and the pit.

Map23 and 24 - because they aren't hell levels. 

Map31 + 32 - I just think they are rather bland. Map31's secret exit is rather poorly done and could have been better. 


Map14 still has great architecture in my opinion. It reminds me of Alien Vendetta a little.

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  • 1 year later...

Of the officially released stuff, the two super secret levels from the Xbox port are the worst. BETRAY and SEWERS. You can tell they were early fan levels that they just threw in the game because the guys working on the port happened to make some levels in the 90s.

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E1M6 - Central Processing: i find it really boring. Its just the level design overall. Feels like a chore.

E4M6 - Against Thee Wickedly: too much exposure to lava awkward demon placements and you kind of just need to know where to go with limited resources.


Doom II

MAP22 - Catacombs: feels too confined for the amount of hitscanners and placement of the revenants.

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Map 21 of TNT is one of my least favorites. 


This map is a dick, long and hard. And even tho is boring enough to make me quit TNT before habitat and mount pain

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I've been trying to UV-Max Mount Pain in Evilution for about 2 weeks now. Fuck that level. The chaingunner at the end always kills me because he's slightly out of range.

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E2M6. This map doesn't just fuck me up in classic Doom, but also fucks me up in Doom 2016! This shit is why Sandy Petersen's my mortal nemesis.

Edited by LadyVader1138

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10 hours ago, NerdyButLazy said:

I've been trying to UV-Max Mount Pain in Evilution for about 2 weeks now. Fuck that level. The chaingunner at the end always kills me because he's slightly out of range.

Finally maxed this level, and the next one first try. Now that I'm not feeling as emotional, the ACTUAL worst Doom level is probably Scythe's "Run from It!" Ruins an otherwise perfect WAD for me.

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I consider 'Entryway' from Doom II to be boring (unless you play Deathmatch on the map)


Although Hangar from Knee Deep in the Dead is better in singleplayer IMO

It even have fine deathmatches for it, although most people play more on Doom II when it came to multiplayer and mods.

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  • 3 years later...

E3M1 - Hell Keep .  This for me is Sandy's worst map. Looks awful, gameplay is woefully unfun(pistoling a Caco at the start of the level?!). A terrible start to the worst episode of Doom 1.

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