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(idgames update 11/15) Pigeon Speedmapping 2 -- Too Many Birds

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The second session will be moved back one hour, to 3pm EST, for @therektafire c:


This will leave only 4 hours between the two sessions. If this is not agreeable to anybody, tell me ASAP!



Hello!!! It's almost time for pigeon again!!! Tell your friends, tell your parents, heck, tell your dog!! I already told mine.


Before I told her about the next Pigeon (Incredible) Speedmapping Session:



And after:




  • It will be held on November 4th, 2017.
  • You will have 2 hours to complete your map, 3 hours if it's ambitious (so basically 3 hours).
  • Your map(s) must be Boom compatible (-complevel 9). Using boom actions, however, is not required.
  • You will be given 3 themes once the session begins, with a bonus theme for the second session.
  • ALL maps and updates MUST be posted in this thread and ALL links MUST be updated when you update your map.
    • This means that if you post 3 replies for updates to your map, each individual reply must be edited to include the latest update in them, as well as a date for your edit!
    • Maps/updates can be posted in the discord as well, but they HAVE to at least be in this thread as well.
  • Custom midis and skies are encouraged, but you don't have to upload them at the same time as your map!
    • You'll probably have at least a day or two to add a custom midi/sky (read more below).
  • EDIT: You MUST include coop starts!
  • You must incorporate at least one theme into your map.



  • We will be using cc4-tex.wad (http://static.allfearthesentinel.net/wads/cc4-tex.wad). I was wrong last session in saying you could just add it as a resource, but thankfully nobody was that stupid.
    • Please only use the texture pack if you're confident in your ability to correctly add it to your wad!!
  • Last session, I forgot to mention that additional custom textures would not be allowed, and as such, additional custom textures were used.
    • I'd rather you not use more custom textures, but I will indeed allow them, if they are added correctly. c:
    • Custom textures ABSOLUTELY MUST:
      • Not already be a part of cc4-tex.wad
      • Not have generic names like WFALL or something
        • If necessary, use the 3-letter naming convention mentioned below (i.e. BONFALL)
      • Not be an entire other texture pack
      • ALL be used in your map
        • Unused textures/flats have to removed (you can use maintenance in SLADE to do this)
  • You may use a custom sky if you're confident in your ability to use one.
    • You MUST use a boom sky-transfer action for this. No MAPINFO or whatever the heck.
    • Your sky MUST start with a 3-letter prefix. For example, I would name my sky BONSKY or BON_SKY.
    • If you really wanna add a sky but aren't sure how to do it, ask in the discord! We'll try our best to explain it.
    • If you fail to correctly add a custom sky, I will simply remove the sky entirely. You'll still have a few days to correct it though, so don't freak out. c:



Session 1: 8am EST.

Session 2: 3pm EST.

for navigation - http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/ - Type in ET for one side and your timezone/city in the other.


DISCORD: https://discord.gg/6eUutF4


Hopefully this goes even better than the last session!! :D

If you have any questions please PM me or ask in the discord!!!!!

P.S. Don't except very Thanksgivingy themes this month. :c


important notice: ownership of the discord (and by extension pigeon) has been transferred to Myst.Haruko... for now.


EDIT UPDATE NOVEMBER 15TH: Another update has been pushed. You can thank Myst.Haruko for this update as well.

Edited by bonnie
coup d'pigeon

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OH GOSH heck that noise friends, the double post has been eliminated


this must be a bad omen

i'm gonna frickin throw up man ;~;


@GarrettChan it's never too late friend

Edited by bonnie

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Dude, I have high expectation to this now since the first one was pretty good. BTW, am I too late to write some review on individual levels for the first one?


↑↑↑@bonnie OK, I'll do the review when I have time.


↓↓↓@NeedHealth Now I also have high expectation on your maps because they are fun to run through, so please do some for this session ;P

Edited by GarrettChan

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I should do a raven (it would be a pun since it would be a heretic one) speedmapping session but sadly i'm too lazy and have no idea how this works


Dank Memes :D

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That will be on a Saturday right? If so then I will not be able to do it since those times are right on both sides of the period when I would be able to do it ;-; I got lucky with eagle 7 because naza apparently gave the wrong starting time or something for the first session (if I was reading the thread right) and didn't realize it until right before it was supposed to start so he just let it start then meaning it was within the time where I could get 2 hours to make something (even if that something wasn't particularly great since I don't really have the experience to be good at indoor speedmapping yet or really speedmapping in general). Damn you bonnie and your attentiveness lol

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Considering the quality of the first Pigeon session, I have reasonably high hopes for the second one. (will you be able to rope Jimmy or a similar "upper echelon" mapper this time around?)

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Have never made a speedmap for any of these bird compilations, so I'll try to participate if I like the themes.


edit: Suitepee will probably hate my map lol. 


Edited by rdwpa

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13 minutes ago, rdwpa said:

Have never made a speedmap for any of these bird compilations, so I'll try to participate if I like the themes.


edit: Suitepee will probably hate my map lol. 


Well if he doesn't hate my eagle map he will probably not hate yours :D


Also 1pm CST would be a good time to me just like with this eagle session, if you can do that

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Good luck, although I really don't understand why do you want to show me as a villain bigger than Hannibal Lecter. 


Last time I was in the Pigeon Discord, I literally just talked to people and I was banned. Those mind tests, alright, I mean that was a bit ridiculous, but I literally did nothing after that and simply talked to another person when I got a "fuck yourself" message and whoop. I was banned. The conversation was removed and there's no proof of that anymore. However I also tried being nice after the mind tests (and I was stupid then) and I saw it didn't quite work. Also, saying nobody likes me anymore and won't participate in my sessions (which you conveniently didn't put) is a very huge thing to say. Unfortunately it's completely false. Some people do dislike me (I do understand them, I was kinda stupid but now the ESS are kinda reborn) but saying everyone dislikes me. However, let's not bring Spanish drama here, although you've already done it in the first post. 


Also about the themes - I sincerely never watched Suitepees stream. But honestly, even if I did watch it, I wouldn't have copied the themes, I'd just make the themes up like always. That's one thing I honestly didn't do.


Good luck with the session. 

Edited by NaZa

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5 hours ago, NaZa said:

Last time I was in the Pigeon Discord, I literally just talked to people and I was banned. Those mind tests, alright, I mean that was a bit ridiculous, but I literally did nothing after that and simply talked to another person when I got a "fuck yourself" message and whoop. I was banned. The conversation was removed and there's no proof of that anymore.

No, you didn't talk to people, you talked to yourself. Over, and over, and over again. "Woe is me!!!" you would say every five minutes, spamming the discord every time anybody tried having a conversation. YOU would start randomly talking about how nobody likes you anymore and how you deserve it or something I don't even know anymore, it was so ridiculous. You had already done all the other bad stuff at this point, so with that, I finally handed you a long-overdue "shut the fuck up" and sent you on your way.


Also, I don't know if I made this clear enough or not, but I deleted the messages to save everybody the drama and save you the embarrassment.


5 hours ago, NaZa said:

Also about the themes - I sincerely never watched Suitepees stream. But honestly, even if I did watch it, I wouldn't have copied the themes, I'd just make the themes up like always. That's one thing I honestly didn't do.



Oof. Try again. Unless you have no concept of time, and were not referring to the most recent stream in this message (which, in the context of our conversation, would be the only stream you'd be referring to), and just happened to accidentally use my themes word for word. Then that would make sense.


Now PLEASE. Just stop.

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1 minute ago, bonnie said:

No, you didn't talk to people, you talked to yourself. Over, and over, and over again. "Woe is me!!!" you would say every five minutes, spamming the discord every time anybody tried having a conversation. YOU would start randomly talking about how nobody likes you anymore and how you deserve it or something I don't even know anymore, it was so ridiculous. You had already done all the other bad stuff at this point, so with that, I finally handed you a long-overdue "shut the fuck up" and sent you on your way.


Also, I don't know if I made this clear enough or not, but I deleted the messages to save everybody the drama and save you the embarrassment.




Oof. Try again. Unless you have no concept of time, and were not referring to the most recent stream in this message (which, in the context of our conversation, would be the only stream you'd be referring to), and just happened to accidentally use my themes word for word. Then that would make sense.


Now PLEASE. Just stop.

Suitepee streams - referring to the ESS 2 stream where you were talking shit about me. And I wouldn't really copy the themes lol I'm not that pathetic.


Also I wasn't the one who started it.

Edited by NaZa

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22 minutes ago, NaZa said:

Suitepee streams - referring to the ESS 2 stream where you were talking shit about me.


Also I wasn't the one who started me.

So you really DON'T have any concept of time? You were just spewing nonsense while we were talking? In case you forgot, we were talking about me trying to defend you over the previous few days before that conversation. Bringing up streams from months ago wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.


Please just stop dude holy heck.

edit: i probably should have put this as an edit to my previous reply


edit again:

@NaZa I'm not going to reply to that narcissistic nightmare of a post in fear that you will continue typing out massive walls of text if I do.

Edited by bonnie

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1 hour ago, bonnie said:

So you really DON'T have any concept of time? You were just spewing nonsense while we were talking? In case you forgot, we were talking about me trying to defend you over the previous few days before that conversation. Bringing up streams from months ago wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.

EDIT: Only important thing kept:


I sincerely didn't know you brought them up in the Pigeon stream until this thread, and I honestly never watched the stream.


Can we just please get back to the subject? I'm sorry for the nonsense and derailing of this but it's childish from the both of us to continue this.

Edited by NaZa

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The second session will be moved back one hour, to 3pm EST, for @therektafire c:


This will leave only 4 hours between the two sessions. If this is not agreeable to anybody, tell me ASAP!

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Might or might not participate in this one. More likely the latter one.

(*everyone sighs in relief*)


BTW, impressive drama. I am amused.

Edited by bzzrak

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just one day remains friends and friendettes


i have recently fallen deathly ill with a minor cold, so I may or may not be able to participate in the sessions


i will, however, be able to play the maps as they come out and hopefully have the compilation ready by saturday night (est)!!!!


P.S. play jimmy's new version of pumpkin heck

P.P.S. here's a spooky picture of my other dog


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5 minutes ago, therektafire said:

Speaking of new versions of maps I am working on a better version of my eagle 7 map atm :) it's coming along pretty well so far

Glad to hear you got inspired by it, means a lot! Good luck with it! 


Even though drama and turbulence, I'd gladly participate (I like speedmapping, and drama doesn't really influence my mood)  - however I can't because every second weekend I don't have time to do PC - exactly the reason I don't participate myself in Eagle. It's all via phone. Also why compilats aren't really right away. 

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