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Pumpkin HELL

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This was definitely my favorite Pigeon map, and seeing an expanded version is cool. It's well past midnight for me right now, but I'll definitely get around to playing this soon.

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UV Max in 5:21

pumpkin_hell-521.zip (for version 1)


I hate pumpkin so much that I have to absolutely destroy every single monster on your map! I was going to say you are a cheater using Hell Knight and Cacodemons in Pigeon Speedmapping Session 1, but now I know ;P


Very nice map.

Edited by GarrettChan

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I ain't gonna let it get to me, I'm just gonna creep,
Down in Pumpkin Hill I gots to find my lost piece.


This seems really cool, I feel bad for not playing Pigeon Speedmapping entries yet.

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I don't consider myself much of a spriter but I made custom Berserk and Computer Map replacements for this and I'm proud of how they turned

out. Knock knock it's a link.


Credit goes to EternalLight and Shadowth117 at the Spriter's Resource.

Edited by SiFi270
It's pretty embarassing to forget to give credit.

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No screenshots @SiFi270?


@Jimmy I'll be sure to play this on-stream. If my Ironman attempt tonight doesn't play out well then I'll put the spare time I have on this map. Knowing my ironman skills, or er, lack thereof, it's likely I will be playing this. :p

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Here they be then.



EDIT: I'm back with something much dumber. It replaces exactly one sound but I still thought it was worth keeping separate for people who want one but not the other. Credit to Chaofanatic.

EDIT2: Added pickup messages to the wad linked in the previous post because I'm getting way too into this.

Edited by SiFi270

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First try in 22:05, Boom202 complevel. Very slow and careful. Missed 2 secrets and 1 monster. If you watch it I suggest you speed it up. Not entirely blind as I had also blind-recorded the pigeon01 version.


Bug: Thing 401 (a stimpak) slightly overlaps sector 274, and rises up with it. I also think for consistency the orangefall columns in sectors 279 and 378 should be both solid or both passable. It seems odd you can walk through one but not the other. The empty one seems like a secret trigger. I don't think I noticed the hellknight come out of it, at least not consciously.


Otherwise a fine map that I was expecting to be a lot harder because it reminded me of that wretched btsx_e2 map with all the lava and archviles, Scorched Vicar or whatever it was called. Thank you for making it.

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Good Solid Jimmy Map, like every other Jimmy Map I've ever played.

Did find a floating, uh, latte though so 0/10 :/





Latte Ninjee'd. Oh well

Edited by Octavarium

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Hey, Jimmy, I've been on a bit of a break from playing Doom but decided to boot it up just for this map.

I gotta say: I love everything about it! It has that peculiar Jimmy mix of humour and classic Doom tone, and the little details and fun tidbits really made this level feel alive. From the way the pumpkin juice is handled to the way the keys are cuute li'l pumpkins, to even the way those pumpkin juice streams interconnect to other areas up in the out-of-bounds cliffs! My favourite detail, which I didn't notice first, was that the Cacodemons have candles in their mouths. Genius. Also the Cacodemons being pumpkins in the first place. Magnificent.


Here's one thing:


In software renderers, these bars visibly bleed into the ground, which can be fixed by removing the other side of the midtexture.

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Using GZDoom. Lots of fun. Like the expansion. Halloween is the only time when the Yellow Skull Key being Orange is actually appropriate. Two things which were not bugs, but just curious.


1. To the right of the exit are three tombstones. To the right of them is a large tree on a lower level. You can run across the top of the tree to run along the outer edge of the map. I thought I found a secret. Nope...


2. There are two orange fall columns in the map. The first you can run through, the second you can't. Again, I thought the second one was hiding a secret and was looking for a way to lower or raise it.


Always enjoy your maps.

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Sure, why not?


What a lovely map, I love the colour and atmosphere, good encounters, nice cacopumpkins, and most important, THOSE PUMPKEYS!. Like others said, one latte (at first I thought they were bonuses and wondered why I couldn't grab them) was floating in the platforms area. The secret soulsphere is really good, I loved how it popped up behind me. Uh, here's a UV run in 10:19 minutes, using GlBoom+ iwantthosepumpkeys.zip 

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  On 11/4/2017 at 2:10 AM, rdwpa said:

Yours desyncs for me but galileo's works fine. The wad must have been updated after you posted your own demo. 


Oh yes, I was wondering why I need to manually pick WADs instead of directly playing. Now it's fine.

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  On 11/4/2017 at 2:10 AM, rdwpa said:

Yours desyncs for me but galileo's works fine. The wad must have been updated after you posted your own demo. 


This is correct. I updated the WAD about 20 minutes after posting since I found some problems - I've reinstated the link to the version of the map (v1) that is compatible with GarrettChan's demo.

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Because the sky is a big feature in the map, I thought I'd mention that the sky appears differently in each source-port, and opengl vs classic renderer, etc.  I'm not a sky texture expert, so i'm actually not sure if there's a way to make it consistent between configurations.  I'm just pointing it out for due diligence in case it was not noticed.

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I played the speedmapping version and I loved it. I thought it was really fun for such a short map. I liked it so much that I was going to expand on it some day with permission but I'm glad to see that you made it into a full map yourself. Looking forward to trying this one out.

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Well this was delightful. I loved all the little visual touches and lol'd the first time a cacopumpkin opened its mouth. The difficulty was pitched just right for the fun, easygoing vibe. I could quibble with the prevalence of hurtfloors but that's really a matter of taste. (And besides, they looked like they tasted appropriately pumpkin-y :p ) I recorded an FDA on my other comp if you're interested, but this seems like a pretty polished product at this point.


Here's hoping one of us Yanks is similarly inspired for Thanksgiving! Not too late to have a Turkey Speedmapping session, I suppose, but then we'll *really* have too many birds.

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As said on the stream I did earlier, fantastic map. Wish there was more and wish it was released in time for Halloween itself, but that doesn't detract from the sheer brilliance of this little gem of a map. I had a blast and absolutely loved the subtle 'DoomCute' tweaks, such as the transformation from skullkeys to pumpkins. Also, awesome to see the Cacolantern sprites used in a way they don't seem stupid. GJ @Jimmy

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