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The Joy of Mapping 5: Winter Weekend - FINAL.

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21 minutes ago, StormCatcher.77 said:

It looks interesting, but it's a deep night in time ... Mapping at night is not the best idea for me.

I will follow the project, waiting for the final compilation.

I think you've misunderstood? The mapping phase will run from midnight on December 1st to midnight on December 4th, but you can join the session and map as and when you like, for as long as you like, during that period - if daylight hours suit you best, that's no problem.

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I guess, I'm joining too. I don't have much confidence over my mapping skills, even if I built a lot of them this year.

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A million times yes! After the great (Cacoward-worthy) creation that was JOM4: Summer School, I'm hoping for more great things from this edition.

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10 minutes ago, RonLivingston said:

I will be ready for the joys of mapping. I'm guessing I will develop my own e4m8 with the icon of sin. which is actually going to be for my projects I'm already working on

Not a good idea to be planning a map before I've even announced the themes for the episodes.


Although given your recent track record, I am hesitant to give you an inch, especially since no one seems to be able to teach you that "plagiarism = bad".

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1 hour ago, Kurashiki said:

Do I have a chance to see rev santa?


Rev Santa? Sure, why not? :D



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Good luck to everyone! Unfortunately I'm traveling that weekend so can't contribute, but I'll hang out in the Discord in case anyone needs any advice before or after, and no-one more qualified is awake. :)

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Screw it. I'm in!


This will be my first Doom map, but I did build several dozen Duke3D maps in the 90's, so I'm not completely new to the process. I'll get better acquainted with GZDoom Builder in the meantime.


If I could be slotted for an earlier map, I'd appreciate it (this way I can get away with my map being a little simpler).


Edited by OldManRage

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^ This goes for you, and for anyone else who might have doubts about making a map: the Discord has tutors who are there at any time to help out with anything where possible! The idea of these sessions is very much to help boost young mappers' confidence and help them towards the goal of making a complete map, especially if it's their first time doing so.

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I will join as well! Had a lot of fun with the last session. I've also been wanting to make a map with snow in it.

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