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The Joy of Mapping 5: Winter Weekend - FINAL.

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Argghh! I'm so mad right now.


Not at any of you, but at being distracted by the current FCC and their bull**** of getting rid of internet neutrality. I would have joined this project in a heartbeat. Oh well, I'll still play this project and give detailed critiques of the maps.


Also, for those in the US, the fight to keep internet neutrality is not over. Call your senators and congressman, and demand they undo the FCC's horrifically awful decisions.



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I'm going to start playing through Joy of Mapping 5 a bit earlier than planned, since I'm that keen to play it. (was going to wait until after Eagle 9/ASS 32 was out)


I'm expecting good things from this one after the Cacoward-worthy creation that was JOM4.

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I have no idea what you're asking. Which map? This is a community mapset. No. Per-pixel lighting doesn't exist. What?

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2 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Per pixel lighting is in the latest GZDoom builds. 

How am I routinely missing out on hearing about this shit

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1 hour ago, invictius said:

Do I need to turn it on or is it automatic?

Just ensure Dynamic Lights are turned on in the Options menu, and the rest is automatic. 

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3 hours ago, Bauul said:

Just ensure Dynamic Lights are turned on in the Options menu, and the rest is automatic. 

Does it do anything for sprites?  I'm having a hard time telling the difference from dynamic lights in anything but objects on the ground.

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26 minutes ago, invictius said:

Does it do anything for sprites?  I'm having a hard time telling the difference from dynamic lights in anything but objects on the ground.

I don't believe so no. I think at the moment it only affects level geometry (sectors and linedefs) and models. Not sure if JOM has any models in it though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping this because I've been delaying my livestream playthrough of this to wait upon updates to both Nine Inch Heels' and Dobu's secret maps (as requested by NIH), and so was wondering if there was any progress on that front since I've been told there's an update to JOM5 coming that fixes stuff.


Failing that, I'd just be happy to have a copy of both their single maps updated so I can continue my run.


EDIT: Both NIH and Dobu have PM'd me the final version of their maps. My playthrough can continue, although I hope that an update with the fixed versions of their maps comes out soon enough anyway.

Edited by Suitepee

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https://www.twitch.tv/videos/212308768 = part 1. (episode 1)

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/212797623 = part 2. (episode 2)

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/214769467 = part 3. (first half of episode 3)

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/216088290 = part 4. (second half of episode 3)

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/216425530 = part 5. (episode 4)


Like Joy of Mapping 4 previously, this was a superbly consistent mapset from start to finish. (except E4M2, which I felt was a bit.....meh. Functional but meh.)


Can't wait for the Joy of Mapping 6, which I hope will happen this year at some point. No rush though!

Edited by Suitepee

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@Suitepee yes you missed rockect launcher. You had use teleporter in the first area's building, but you decided to not do it. 


Well, I'll add it once again for lazy people in second main area with cyberdemon castle as quick update. 

Edited by Myst.Haruko

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Have a small but critical update. Many thanks to the people who've been streaming this and whatnot.


Current Release: Public Beta #2 (51MB)
Dropbox Mirror
This now requires GZDoom 3.2.5's OpenGL renderer.



Edited by Jimmy

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I just finished playing through episode 1, and I have to say that it's a really solid mapset. All levels are well made and fun to play. My favorite maps are definitely E1M11 and E1FINAL. They're both masterfully done 10/10 levels :D


I'm gonna begin episode 2 today, and express my thoughts after finishing it (the same thing with other episodes as well).

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How do you play e4secret (Supay gardens) without lagging? Is it because of the level,or is just that my computer sucks?

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I made it through episode 2 and I think that I like it even more than episode 1. There was a lot of very cool maps with many interesting ideas, like mushrooms exploding into poison, hellknight's fireballs flying throughout the whole room, and some very unique swamp structures that I haven't seen anywhere else. Every map felt fresh, and was really fun to play :>

But even though overall I like this mapset more than the previous one, the last two levels are my least favorites in the whole episode. They are still good maps, but aren't nearly as fun as the rest of episode 2, or the last two levels in episode 1. So basically my experience this time is complete opposite to my experience with episode 1 :P

Also what was up with that one random level taking place in a really tight factory of some sort, it was a good map, but didn't fit the theme at all.


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AtroNx's map in E2 was originally slated for E3, but got moved due to E3 being an ungodly massive episode at one point - that's why it uses mainly E3 textures despite being an E2 map.


Glad you're enjoying the set so far!

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Oh okay, that makes sense.


I am enjoying it very much, it's been a long while since I've been so impressed by a wad :>

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Okay so I finished episode 3 and it's definitely my least favorite so far. The maps were often confusing and I had to spend a long time looking for a path throughout the whole level. Also the combat wasn't as fun as in previous episodes.

But there are also some positives, as always the maps were pretty innovative, like how often do you find a wad where you need to swim underwater? The other interesting thing is that the water mechanics were different in every level, and forced you to approach each level differently. Also the silver archvile in the last level served as a great boss.

Of course as always the maps looked beautiful, most of the time, so that's a constant advantage to this whole wad.

So yeah, I didn't enjoy this one nearly as much as episodes 1 and 2, but it's still pretty good, and a hell of a lot better than anything I've ever built :P

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On 1/15/2018 at 2:31 PM, Lorenz0 said:

"Also what was up with that one random level taking place in a really tight factory of some sort, it was a good map, but didn't fit the theme at all."

It was a "swamplicated" situation, so we all pretended it was a swamp-factory/dump. :P

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Episode 4 is the only one where I don't doubt that these maps were created within 3 days. Although still thematically interesting and full of unique ideas, the maps just aren't nowhere near as pretty as in previous episodes. I feel like the idea of sky islands or sky bases hasn't been fully utilized, and as a result we got a set of mediocre maps and a couple great ones.

E4M5 and E4M9 are undoubtedly my favorites. They're both masterfully done and playing them was just pure joy. There were a couple of good maps besides those 2, but the overall level quality was much lower than usual.

Also I feel like MAP01 was way too long to be the first map in this set.


So yeah overall I think that this is a very good wad, one of the best I've played in a while tbh, but its first half is just way more fun to play than the second. If the quality stayed consistent, this would be a cacoward worthy mapset.

But I'm really proud that this community organises projects like these, they can put some unknown mappers into well deserved spotlight, and make every participant feel the joy of mapping :P


This was a great experience and I'll be sure to play Joy of Mapping 1-4 in the future.

But I probably should figure out how to access secret maps from this one first since didn't find any of them...How do I do that?

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5 hours ago, Lorenz0 said:

Episode 4 is the only one where I don't doubt that these maps were created within 3 days. Although still thematically interesting and full of unique ideas, the maps just aren't nowhere near as pretty as in previous episodes. I feel like the idea of sky islands or sky bases hasn't been fully utilized, and as a result we got a set of mediocre maps and a couple great ones.

E4M5 and E4M9 are undoubtedly my favorites. They're both masterfully done and playing them was just pure joy. There were a couple of good maps besides those 2, but the overall level quality was much lower than usual.

Also I feel like MAP01 was way too long to be the first map in this set.


So yeah overall I think that this is a very good wad, one of the best I've played in a while tbh, but its first half is just way more fun to play than the second. If the quality stayed consistent, this would be a cacoward worthy mapset.

But I'm really proud that this community organises projects like these, they can put some unknown mappers into well deserved spotlight, and make every participant feel the joy of mapping :P


This was a great experience and I'll be sure to play Joy of Mapping 1-4 in the future.

But I probably should figure out how to access secret maps from this one first since didn't find any of them...How do I do that?

Your thoughts on these maps are similar to mine :)

Btw,to access the secret maps you have to find their switches around hub,then enter the mansion and  find their rooms upstairs

Edited by Catpho

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  • 4 months later...

I'm getting a fatal unknown error with the newest GZBuild. It's preventing me from playing on this amazing map.

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2 minutes ago, Wyrm said:

I'm getting a fatal unknown error with the newest GZBuild. It's preventing me from playing on this amazing map.

This problem was already adressed few times on discord server. They will fix it in time and provide new update or even release it on idgames.


And I'm still salty that 4th episode is underpreciated. 

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7 hours ago, Myst.Haruko said:

This problem was already adressed few times on discord server. They will fix it in time and provide new update or even release it on idgames.


And I'm still salty that 4th episode is underpreciated. 

Maybe because it's still not out of beta yet :))))))))))))))))))) (neither is this one!)

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