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The Joy of Mapping 5: Winter Weekend - FINAL.

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[Semi-official-statement-here] I've been helping Jimmy with some of the bits and pieces needed to get JoM4 and JoM5 out for release. I believe 'the near future' is a fair time estimate for their release. :) [/Semi-official-statement-here]

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I am overjoyed to - finally - announce that this edition of The Joy of Mapping has been released in full, and is awaiting approval on /idgames.


I would like to apologise profusely to the participants of this project for the nearly year-long wait for the project to get to this point. I have no excuses. It won't happen again.


Download Links:

/idgames Mirror

Dropbox Mirror

Powerhouse Mirror


The above crash has been addressed, obviously.
You'll find a new "pistol starts" switch in the hub - special thanks to m8f for allowing me to use their ZScript wizardry in this.
The map order has also been changed slightly - AtroNx's E2 map is now in E3 where it originally was, and SOSU's map was removed per request.
A few of the maps have had little fixes - nothing particularly major.

Edited by Jimmy

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these looked really cool from the archived streams i saw Alfonzo do last year! esp really cool to see so many new mappers make interesting and often quite ambitious stuff.


i know these are a great deal of work, but i'm just curious: are there any plans to do another Joy of Mapping session this winter?

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A sixth edition of JoM has certainly been thought about for a good long while now. We'll see how I feel.

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