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Custom civilians and textures?

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I'm trying to make a city WAD but I can't find any textures for doors,walls or anything really, I also need civilians but I can't find any and realm667/afterglow doesn't have what I need and if anyone has any idea at ALL where I can find them please let me know.

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How would I do that @Gaia74 I'm using doom in hexen format for 3D floors and slopes?

EDIT: I also forgot to mention that I'm very new to DOOM builder so I don't know much about it at all.

Edited by SayWhatOneMoreTime

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@gaia74 How would I make civilians that are idle? like sitting/on the ground in a prone like position, I loaded up doom builder in strife format to see if there was any civilians that would be like how I mentioned and I didn't see any and when I tested the map/WAD it just showed a "!"


EDIT: @Gaia74 for some reason I can't reply to the thread but the mediafire thing doesn't have a virus/malware/spyware or anything like that?

Edited by SayWhatOneMoreTime

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