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Open GL 2.0 - Software?


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I was wondering whether current Geforce hardware is actually equipped for OpenGL 2.0, and it's the just the drivers which need updating, or whether there are hardware changes required, hence a new card?
I'm assuming it's software related, as with Direct3D and DirectX versions, but I'm not sure. If someone could clear that up I'd be much obliged :)

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The OpenGL 2.0 specs are not even finalized yet...

The main supporters of OpenGL 2.0 project are 3DLabs and the incredibly flexible architecture of P10 was built specifically for OGl 2.0 as one of the main goals.

Currently, nVidia's newest Detonators 40.41 offer support for OpenGL 1.4.0 and the drivers will support OpenGL 2.0 when it's approved and finalized, but the architectures that will fully be capable of tapping it's power are CineFX (NV30)& P10.

The CineFX architecture presentations on nVidia's site also show that OGL 2.0 will be supported in the future.

Drivers can go as far as offering new extensions compliant with OGL 2.0, but in order to take a proper advantage of them or to use them at all, you'd need a hardware compliant with OGL 2.0.

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