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Rescue of Earth

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where there is a mistake, we have completely checked almost all levels of the room look better than the original renovation will be done to level 16


Edited by paja

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I gotta give you props for continuing to work on something that you truly love!


If i were you though i would take some time to possibly "straighten" out some textures but that's just me. Keep being you i guess ;)

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Marines are cunning Bfg almost none ammunition on every secret and more hell The structure I'm comparing is something I see from my comparison. I want the overall impression of this game to be better than last year

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RESOLUTION OF OTHER ERRORS AT LEVEL 1_3 RECONSTRUCTION 3_20 and completion of another 12 levels immediately after

Edited by paja

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while i like the fact that you removed the illegal copy of Plutonia from your PWAD and gave a link to buy it legally, the link is to a czech software site, to make it accessible to more people, i would recommend replacing it with a link to a larger, more international software site, like steam, i can provide a link to you if you want

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  • 4 months later...

While I'm glad that you're passionate about this, I still have no idea what it is. Have you ever thought about maybe starting out by completing and polishing something like a single map? As it stands this looks more like a hodgepodge of mods than a megawad with it's own identity. From the videos, I have no idea what parts of the wad are yours and what parts are other people's mods. You should instead make a map that is compatible with mods, so the people playing it can use the mods they want. If someone doesn't like D4T, they aren't going to play this. You are limiting your audience.


Try making a single, good, polished vanilla-ish map. You'll get better feedback and more people will play it. Unfortunately most people aren't that interested in an amateur megawad unless it is something that really stands out as excellent. People will, however, play a standalone map or two so they can help you with feedback. Plus, I normally don't bitch about filesize, but 1.2gb seems a little much, and I doubt it should actually be that large of a file. Try to work on your own mapping skills first and foremost instead of combining a bunch of mods together. Gameplay mods can't save a bad map.


Watching the videos you posted, it looks incoherent and frustrating, like a bunch of ideas mashed together and churned through a machine. And then put in a blender. And then those poor, liquified ideas were poured out all over a bunch of square and rectangular rooms with weapons and items randomly sprinkled all over them. Kind of like shitting out alphabet soup and trying to read what it says, but with added texture filtering*.

The whole thing looks like, as someone else put it, like you're a constructor building a kingdom without knowing how to build a castle.


From the videos alone I can spot these issues:


•Poor texture alignment

•Poor texture coherency/aesthetics

•Poor enemy placement/enemies don't fit logically or aesthetically

•Poor weapon and item placement

•Annoying marines

•Repetitive environments

•Poor detailing

•Unfitting music (are you using copyrighted music? If so, this is illegal)

•Lack of atmosphere/purpose

•Most rooms are too square

•Geometry is often ugly/awkward to navigate

•Decorations get in the way of movement

•Lighting is lacking

•Poor combat encounters/enemy placement

•Mods and weapons that don't make sense in terms of the combat encounters you provide

•Poor height variation, Wolf3D-looking layouts

•Annoying and repetitive sound effects

•Too many R667 enemies that make the wad more incoherent and don't fit aesthetically

•Big and meaningless rooms, or long corridors that serve no purpose

•Secrets in plain site

•Too many secrets

•Maps look poorly paced

•Weapon caches are overkill and look silly

•Cramped hallways that even you can't seem to navigate well

•Trivial difficulty due to overabundance of items and ammo



◇ And most importantly, it lacks a sense of identity. It looks more like a video of someone showing off gameplay mods, instead of someone showing off cool maps they made. I can only judge your work from what you've made, not what other people have made. Mods, if used, should compliment your maps, not overpower them. Going by previous comments, you seem to have used so many mods that you can't remember them all and therefore can't properly credit the work of others. Everything about this, from the file size to the forced mods, seems to be made to deter people from playing it.



Also, you don't need to link (or credit) id games archive or zdoom. Just state what source port it was made for.


*please turn off the texture filtering, it makes Doomguy angry



I'm sorry to say it, but at this point the project seems like a lost cause. Go build your castle, then people will visit your kingdom.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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we do it again for many reasons and we only supply a wad file,  165 mb  will be about a year, because we want to supply a total of 20 levels In your opinion, the more criticism we learn, the better learning from mistakes is good for me mails are deleted, except when bfg s are to be deleted the soundtrack belongs to the game I bought on stea and I also have the original CD DOOM IV and the authors I have written there for sure

there are main roads and side roads where you can find ammunition, etc.,it doesn't work without d4t

and the last video is with how it looks now after the fourth remake

Edited by paja

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3 hours ago, paja said:

we do it again for many reasons and we only supply a wad file,  165 mb  will be about a year, because we want to supply a total of 20 levels In your opinion, the more criticism we learn, the better learning from mistakes is good for me mails are deleted, except when bfg s are to be deleted the soundtrack belongs to the game I bought on stea and I also have the original CD DOOM IV and the authors I have written there for sure

there are main roads and side roads where you can find ammunition, etc.,it doesn't work without d4t

and the last video is with how it looks now after the fourth remake


Thanks for the reply. Are you saying you're using the soundtrack from Doom 4/2016? It's hard for me to hear it because I'm using my phone's speaker.

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6 minutes ago, paja said:




Well, that's illegal. Those files belong to Mick Gordon/Bethesda. You can't use copyrighted mp3s in your wad. That's the same thing as using mp3s from a Slayer album in your wad. You are illegally distributing files.


This is the same reason you couldn't redistribute the Plutonia iwad.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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but i bought it so it should be okay, it would have to clear all the strings i kicked the game

and if i have to delete ok i will delete it


Edited by paja

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5 minutes ago, paja said:

but i bought it so it should be okay, it would have to clear all the strings i kicked the game



It doesn't matter, you're sharing it with people who might not have bought it. Just because you own the game doesn't mean you own the rights to the music. That's the entire point of copyright.


As of right now you're illegally distributing a soundtrack that doesn't belong to you.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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I don't want a problem like copyright, I've been here for three years and nobody has anything, I'll write the author of the sound

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I'm going to delete

videa by měla být vymazána 

videos should be deleted

Edited by paja

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On 10/6/2020 at 4:18 PM, paja said:

I don't want a problem like copyright, I've been here for three years and nobody has anything, I'll write the author of the sound

You can't just write Mick Gordon an expect a reply. He severed ties with Bethesda anyway. Just use music that isn't copyrighted. That's the best thing to do.


I take it that's part of the reason the filesize is so bloated.


Right now, don't worry about music too much. Focus on your maps. The trailer of the fourth remake still has all of the problems that the other trailers show.


Again, my advice is to start small, make a single, polished map, learn how to use the editor properly, learn what makes up a good map, etc. Otherwise ten years from now you're going to be uploading a trailer of "remake 18 of Rescue of Earth". 


What I'm saying is that this is probably a lost cause, Earth isn't getting rescued. Try rescuing a smaller planet first.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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