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Flaws in Doom 3 : BFG Edition.


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It was in development and was supposed to be a military shooter, but the Doom 3 : BFG Edition was also being worked on.

id realized that they should make a classic shooter but also haemorrhaged staff at the same time.

One year before DOOM 4 was declared to be in development hell, Doom 3 BFG was released.

That's how it was impacted.

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  On 1/2/2018 at 1:51 PM, MrSkeltal said:

iirc Doom 4 development was restarted in 2013 to what would become Doom 2016. BFG edition was worked on while id was haemorrhaging staff due to the decision to scrap OGDoom 4's content and start over causing some talent to leave and having to bring in new people.


This may be the answer to your question.

Please get back to on topic.

Edited by Cacodemon345

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I mean this is how Doom 4 was affected, Doom 3 BFG was still going to be Doom 3 BFG.

Edited by dmg_64

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But it felt like you will simply keep gunning at enemies, which is how Doom 4 was supposed to be.

It looked like Doom 3 BFG was a bad remake of Doom 3, and it looks less horror than Doom 3.

Doom 3 BFG was going to be what it was intended, but they neither reduced the darkness, nor they made the game harder, nor they attempted to properly improve clichéd horror effect.

It looks like id simply remade it to earn money for Doom 4, without thinking about any gameplay improvement.

It even gave no way to have flashlight separately.

They made the game easier.

Edited by Cacodemon345

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One of issues people complained about in the 2004 Doom is that it was too dark, they attempted to make it less dark and this was also met with criticism, But they also dumbed down difficult y by adding more pickups on maps, add that to removal of mod support, although I believe it was zenimax request to remove mod support.


They did think about the gameplay and added a mounted flashlight and even added an exclusive expansion and Classic Collection, but that was not enough to satisfy everyone, especially those who liked the original the way it was.

Edited by dmg_64

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The entire reviewers vs gamers problem started again.

They could add the ability to toggle back to original flashlight mechanic.

They could add "classic mode" so that everyone was satisfied.

The game could have balanced horror feel.

Why the reviewers saw OG Doom 3 in the eyes of Half-Life 2 fans?

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I don't think so, They're two different types of games, Doom 3 was received very well when it first came out, you can check metacritic, it was even nominated for few awards and even won some.

Edited by dmg_64

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  On 1/2/2018 at 4:25 PM, dmg_64 said:

One of issues people complained about in the 2004 Doom is that it was too dark, they attempted to make it less dark and this was also met with criticism


A dumb critique of the time imo since it's horror-oriented, I wonder what they expected (there's also nothing overly dark like the over-darkening (bug?) in Doom64). No surprise making it less dark was also met with criticism later.


Another mechanic that was criticized (and still is by some) was the flashlight that could not be used like in the BFG edition and you had to switch to it. Bit of an annoyance I admit, but without that some of the horror is simply lost.

Edited by Agent6

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The original Doom 3 Flashlight was so useless as a weapon, and There's times where I couldn't see what I was shooting at without flashlight turned on, the only way was to keep switch between flashlight and shotgun, I thought BFG Flashlight was an improvement over the original D3.

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  On 1/2/2018 at 4:57 PM, dmg_64 said:

The original Doom 3 Flashlight was so useless as a weapon, and There's times where I couldn't see what I was shooting at without flashlight turned on


Yeah, that's what bothered me every now and then. "Oh boy another demon spawned. Shit, I can neither see him nor shoot at that distance -__- . " However later I realized the crosshair turns red when aiming at an enemy regardless of the lightning which made things less tedious.


I for one have mixed feelings for the flashlight mechanic in the BFG edition, but I think I'll stick to "don't fix what ain't broken" .

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Well, head-mounted flash lights are commonplace in real life, and their battery lasts quite a bit longer than a full Doom 3 level. This means that if id gave you an always-usable flashlight, it would be 100% realistic. But I guess they didn't, because they probably didn't figure out how to punish you for keeping it on all the time.


Based on all these descriptions, Doom 3 BFG edition sounds like a bad replacement. Original Doom 3 is not even available on GOG! But is still available on Steam. Unfortunately, based on Doom 3's average popularity and the superficial nature of marketing, I can always expect original Doom 3 to go into oblivion :(


Edited by printz

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They could do what Half-Life did and make flashlight drain battery so players have to turn it off for a while to recharge it, or make batteries pickups.

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  On 1/2/2018 at 7:58 PM, dmg_64 said:

They could do what Half-Life did and make flashlight drain battery so players have to turn it off for a while to recharge it, or make batteries pickups.


I have a feeling people would've complained for this as well for "running out of battery at inopportune moments".

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Yeah, and as I said, battery ending so quickly is laughable, even more so than using a light stick.

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somebody made a comment earlier about how doom 3 BFG's development was screwed over by doom 4's development, and somebody else was confused. I'm also sort of confused here, so dont take my word as law, but i think the point was that BFG was a lousy port cuz most resources were being focused on doom 4 instead of three.


Anyway, my biggest problem with the whole "blah the flashlight" complaint is that it isn't really...true? Everything you need to see in the original game is plainly visible. Pickups have blinky lights, enemies have glowy fires, the control buttons and doors all have lights too, etc. The only function the flashlight serves, outside of a few setpiece moments, is to trick you into using it, even though it is, in effect, pointless. You can play basically the whole game without bothering with the flashlight at all.


Also, is it just me or are the sounds way flatter sounding in BFG edition?

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Another dumb critique of Doom 3's time is that it had limited physics, thanks to lack of weapon like Half-life 2 "Gravity Gun."

I wonder what happened with the reviewers of Doom 3 : BFG Edition.

I actually find it funny to see id get slapped by lack of separate flashlight, because they tried to make it less dark and removed some stock horror elements.

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