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NASTY: Not A Sourceport, Thank You (Alpha 4)

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34 minutes ago, jmickle66666666 said:

* Isometric automap


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I thought it was gonna actually play the game ;~;

I'll still use this to take screenshots with the automap though c:


serious bug: after idclev'ing two or three times, it fused map32 and map02 and then stopped taking idclev/idclip (I started on map32 and idclev'd to map02)


first person view:



automap view:



has science gone too far?

Edited by bonnie

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On that note, I had wanted to see how well your engine could take my Walken, but attempting to load up the relevant map (MAP23 of 32in24-14.wad) appears to be one of those "fails to build a level properly" situations. idclev23 will do the map fusion bug reported above consistently. Warping directly to the map from the console gives you a black screen.

Edited by Shadow Hog

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The isometric automap is seriously cool.  


Name the map! 



Am I right in thinking turning off follow-mode isn't implemented yet though?  F didn't seem to do anything.


Edit: Also, I must add, for an engine not built on the Doom source code it looks uncannily like it was.  Brilliant job!

Edited by Bauul

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Yeah follow mode isn't implemented. You can activate noclip and fly around for a similar thing though!


Other cool tricks for the automap: activate mouselook in the console or settings (mouse_vlook true), and fly up/down with space/C when noclipping

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25 minutes ago, Bauul said:

The isometric automap is seriously cool.  


Name the map! 



Am I right in thinking turning off follow-mode isn't implemented yet though?  F didn't seem to do anything.


Edit: Also, I must add, for an engine not built on the Doom source code it looks uncannily like it was.  Brilliant job!


Doom 2, Map 15: Industrial Zone

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Kinda silly thing I've discovered: If you quit noclipping in an empty space, you will fall down bugging the isometric automap. :P

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This is pretty cool stuff, as i already said earlier however...

IMHO you should focus on running just the Doom and Doom II iwads, you really want people to create new real 3D maps for your engine. For that you'll need a configurable map editor for Unity (i guess) and to extract the necessary assets from the iwads. Running pwads and support editing tricks shouldn't be goals for this project, there are already many source ports for that. I bet Romero would agree.

Edited by drfrag

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Sorry for double post. I love this tool! Will there be support for boom and onwards maps? :D


My Vanilla compatible map that was made for the Aquatex experiment. Could probably have been a bit brighter for the sake of this screenshot, but it's really fun to see it this way. :D





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This IS pretty cool!

Here's Mega5 map01 in Nasty.


Is there a way to have a direct overhead view with the camera? and perhaps zoom in and out?

If not, it would be my request. :)


This thing rocks! 


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7 hours ago, drfrag said:

This is pretty cool stuff, as i already said earlier however...

IMHO you should focus on running just the Doom and Doom II iwads, you really want people to create new real 3D maps for your engine. For that you'll need a configurable map editor for Unity (i guess) and to extract the necessary assets from the iwads. Running pwads and support editing tricks shouldn't be goals for this project, there are already many source ports for that. I bet Romero would agree.

i disagree :)


8 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

I seriously cannot wait to give this a go tonight. Shame most of my mapping efforts are UDMF or ZDoom Doom in Hexen format! D:

i'm hoping to work on udmf soon! at least getting them to partially render, i'm not sure about 3d floors or slopes yet.


1 hour ago, Dragonfly said:

Sorry for double post. I love this tool! Will there be support for boom and onwards maps? :D


My Vanilla compatible map that was made for the Aquatex experiment. Could probably have been a bit brighter for the sake of this screenshot, but it's really fun to see it this way. :D


aaaaa thats so good <3 boom already works by the way! I don't support the special line transfers but the maps load pretty well (since they are the same format as doom, mainly)


37 minutes ago, Mr.Rocket said:

Is there a way to have a direct overhead view with the camera? and perhaps zoom in and out?

you can by enabling mouselook in the console/settings (mouse_vlook true), and moving the mouse around. should give you a top down view if you look down! maybe! i haven't checked haha 



thank you all for the kind words, i'm really glad people are enjoying this :) I hope to get back to working on it soon, been pretty busy this past week

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For some reason those automap screenshots surfaced repressed nightmares of using the Kafkaesque Daggerfall map. (Of course I'm joking, overhead view and knowledge of level curves worked wonders there.) This is truly crafted from fine beauty.

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On 7/1/2018 at 6:53 PM, jmickle66666666 said:

[Isometric automap]

Wow... just... wow...


Also... uhh... is the background supposed to be upside down?



Edited by KVELLER

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As cool as this may be is there any actual benefit for mappers to use this? You say this is made in Unity so I assume full 3D levels are possible, but that won't matter for somebody who is just using Doom builder or Slade to make levels.


This thing has also gotten me thinking about the copyright of games like this. Since this technically isn't using the Doom engine doesn't that make this whole thing a giant copyright violation? How are you loading the resources into the game? Does the engine actually need the iwad or are you merely requiring the user to provide it so that he can't play Doom for free?

Edited by hardcore_gamer

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This is only an alpha release, there are no real benefits of using it except for playing around with the isometric automap. You can't actually play Doom in it yet, just walk around levels etc. I wanted to make this release so people could try the automap out and also avoid putting off releases indefinitely.


In terms of mapping, it only supports vanilla/boom maps at the moment, so you can't take advantage of any extra 3d features. Hopefully at some point in the future I will create my own UDMF namespace and start allowing mappers to play around with all the possibilities, but at the moment I'm just working towards building Doom from the ground up. I have a long way to go.


I hope that clears some things up for you!

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2 minutes ago, jmickle66666666 said:

Hopefully at some point in the future I will create my own UDMF namespace and start allowing mappers to play around with all the possibilities


Well sure but that isn't really what I meant. What I meant was that as long as you are limited to only using the same tools used to mod actual doom engine games you can't actually take advantage of the fact that this engine is using Unity. There is no way to create true 3D in Doom builder except for using 3D floors and models. It's not a brush based editor that allows true 3D. If you are limited to using the same tools as we always have there there isn't any real reason to use this engine for mapping in favor of something like Gzdoom.

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