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Can't properly run latest PRBoom, QzDoom, Zandorum, GzDoom

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Keep in mind I have downloaded the latest build of each of these source ports, from their official sites.


Zandorum runs, but the ketchup v5 Smooth Doom patch that's designed for Zandorum won't work. PRBoom runs with a severely distorted palette. QZdoom loads only a black screen in hardware, in addition to not initiating the sound, even though other source ports do. GZdoom also loads only a black screen in hardware.


My specs are as follows:

Windows 7 2.9ghz (2 CPUs), 8gb memory, ATI Radeon 3000

Edited by GoatLord

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Are you using PrBoom or PrBoom+? Also, for QZDoom and GZDoom, try running with "-glversion 3" as a command line argument. You might want to upgrade your video card in the future, as Zandronum will eventually adapt G/QZDoom's latest requirements. If both options fail, you could try running Q/GZDoom with vid_renderer 0 set, that'll put Q/GZDoom into Software Renderer mode.

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I don't understand how to set up these "command line arguments." Could you elaborate? How do I determine if I'm running the + version of PrBoom? Also, I cannot afford to upgrade my video card at this time.

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On 10/1/2018 at 1:19 PM, GoatLord said:

I don't understand how to set up these "command line arguments." Could you elaborate?

Make a shortcut of the Q/GZDoom executable, then right click and go to properties. At the end of the "Target" box, add -glversion3 outside of the quotes.


It should look like this:


"C:/Games/GZDoom/gzdoom.exe" -glversion3

Edited by KVELLER

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QZDoom said

Execution could not continue.
Script error, "qzdoom.pk3:compatibility.txt" line 59:

Expected '}, got 'setsectortag'. 


EDIT: My bad, I was making a shortcut of the zdoom data file. I made a shortcut of the right file and it did not fix the issue.

Edited by GoatLord

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- You said Ketchup v5 with Smooth Doom. Tell us the error next time but I can tell you the possible error. In Ketchup, it has the 0.L typo in the blood decorate lump, so search that and just change it to 0.1....done



- That software version should be fine for you to run. Same if you use GLBoom+.



- That black screen is due of outdated drivers in hardware mode. Update them asap. Otherwise, you'll have to run in software mode. Same goes for Zandronum...


Edited by leodoom85

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Ok, so I did some quick research about your card and... apparently it doesn't even support OpenGL 3.0, so no wonder why the -glversion3 parameter didn't work.

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11 hours ago, GoatLord said:

Well this is distressing. Not only did Microsoft charge me to update the drivers, but it did not solve the issues.

That doesn't sound right...they charged money? I've never heard of MS doing that. Did you already check on AMD's website for updated video drivers?

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