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Doomworld Omega Project 2018

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So I was wondering if I'd be able to take up the mantle and lead the 2019 Omega Project? I have some ideas for rules that I believe would make customization extremely open, and yet make compiling at the end of the year simpler.


What are your guy's thoughts?


Also, I will get to playing and reviewing the maps here and providing reviews, starting today.

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Thanks, Voltcom!


I have started playing the set. The reviews so far:


Intro by Voltcom

A rather somber techbase, with dire messages written in blood on certain walls. It feels as if something terrible had taken place, and the player stumbled into it long afterward. I really like this map. It is not as fancy as a hub, but it serves its purpose in setting up the rest of the wad, especially how it transitions into the next map.


Speedismo by Marlamir

This one almost has an Ultimate Doom vibe in terms of textures and layout. Mostly it is a standard techbase, but there are abstract touches that make certain areas, like the stairs to get the blue key, stand out.


Overall I like this one. The encounters are fun and, despite liberal use of Chaingunners, not too difficult.


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This is a community project that branched off the Doomworld Mega Project series when its newest installation introduced additional restrictive rules. Since the former rules being very relaxed was a big appeal of the DMP series for many people, this project was created to continue that tradition.

To avoid confusion, I'd just like to point out that this project is not affiliated with the Doomworld Mega Project series. The only reason this project exists is out of retaliation to the rules of DMP2018 where scifista started his own project without my knowledge which was an exact copy of the DMP series with the same rules as DMP2017 and used virtually the same name.

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Port to Port with a Purpose by Pegleg.

A map split off into two sections at the start. The ending room with the Cyber is the most fun. Not much else to say, it's a cool little map.

Locked Room Mystery by Judge Deadd
This library has a ton of atmosphere and creative use of textures. For example, the way books are displayed, or laid out on the ground. The map itself, despite having less than 50 enemies, is actually really tough, but never to the point of frustration. My favorite encounter was the one with Pain Elementals. It took me a few deaths to finally get through, but it is a good map.


12 hours ago, TimeOfDeath666 said:

To avoid confusion, I'd just like to point out that this project is not affiliated with the Doomworld Mega Project series. The only reason this project exists is out of retaliation to the rules of DMP2018 where scifista started his own project without my knowledge which was an exact copy of the DMP series with the same rules as DMP2017 and used virtually the same name.

I'm hoping the Omega Project 2019 is different enough in rules to avoid being confused with the DWMP. I understand your frustrations.

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Thank Walter and Voltcom9 for the compilation. All maps are playable on zdoom 2.8.1.


In zip are updated textures (for directory map12 in pk3) and sprites.


Below are strings for my map in mapinfo:

map MAP48 "attentive forest - by Sasha"
    levelnum = 48
    cluster = 1


    next = "MAP49"
    sky1 = "forestky"
    music = "1994tu05"





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Raided Tomb by The_Slovinator
Another map based mostly around atmosphere. I like the look and design of this tomb, even if it is quite simple. The most interesting fight is the one for the blue key, which took more than a few tries, but I eventually succeeded at. The final encounter reminds me a lot of the first map in the set, though not as intricate. Some of the map's progression is a little weird, such as switch walls that don't seem to make any noise, and ammo hidden in dark corners. But while the map is nothing great, it succeeds at being fun, which is the most important thing.


Doomed in Space Base by Voltcom9

Great title. I assume it is a play on both "Doomed in Space" and Scifista's "Space Base" series from the DWMP.


This map introduces new enemies, both of which are gunners. The basic ones shoot super fast plasma, and are essentially a more dangerous variant of regular Zombiemen. The other gunner, in red armor, shoots a railgun, which can take you down quick. This is a map where you will need to restart a lot, as getting past the first brigade is quite a challenge. Once these initial enemies are taken out, the rest of the map slows down, letting you breathe and enjoy the atmosphere. It is quite a cramped map, which is part of the reason the start is as difficult as it is, as you must conserve chaingun ammo until you can reach the plasma gun.


I like it. It is short enough not to become tedious with its crowded use of monsters, and a decent challenge.

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Regeneration by Obsidian

An extremely tough, sometimes finicky map centered around Archviles. It's all about evasion, which is easier said than done, especially in such a cramped space. Not a fan of this map personally, but I can see the technique and talent with which it is made.


Tarmac Beat by Pinchy
I've noticed Pinchy has a style to many of his maps, and this one is no exception. This is a great, open-ended city level, with lots of minute details, few which effect gameplay negatively (the trees could be hard to get around at first. However, they were also useful in taking Arachnotron bullets.) Gameplay here is fast and frenetic, with tons of action, and many cool places to visit. A good map all around.

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7 hours ago, Voltcom9 said:


@Sasha I downloaded your recent map strings and the added textures /sprites. I'm not sure exactly what the difference with the textures and sprites is to the ones that currently already exist in the wad. I can update both PK3's again but I'm not sure why if the material is the same. PM me if you want to discuss this further.

In the textures and sprites I change blue colors in range 193-207 to range 200-207 to remove bright blue spots in dark tonnels (this pallette effect appears for some of colors 193-199 ).  

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Played the next 3 maps. 44 and 45 we're pretty good! In map 44 the darkness made it a little hard to make my way around but it wasn't anything unmanageable. Also there's an HOM at 12:22 of the video. Map 45 was my favorite of these three, my only complaint was that it didn't last long enough! Map 46 on the other hand was just awkward and irritating, sadly I couldn't find it in me to complete it as I got terribly stuck in the red key room and called it quits.




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Great to see this in one package and not being forgotten, great job but i have only compliment. You spelled my name "Marlimar" not a big deal but still :)

GG on the rellase guys

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On a side note, I forgot to mention that when launching maps with the Map "x" command, I can't manually switch to my pistol. I'll start with my pistol, but the moment I swap to anything else I can't go back to it unless I run out of ammo for everything else.

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Voltcom9 said:

Well, it's currently in a sort of limbo. I'll be honest, compiling was easy but getting all varieties of assorted ZDoom mechanics to work in a cohesive project is probably over my head. 


The project currently has 2 completed beta compilations which run flawlessly in GZDoom, QZDoom but for some odd reason the textures are not working properly in plain ZDoom. The current beta can be downloaded from the links at the top of the page.

Isn't regular ZDoom a discontinued port?

I don't see why try to break your head over it, it's like trying to make something compatible with Skulltag.


I don't mean to sound like a douche but if it's that much extra effort, you should just list under the textfile "Will not run properly on ZDoom".


It's a bit of a shame that all these great maps are delayed because of an outdated port.

Edited by Terminus

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The fact that zdoom 2.8.1 does not support one of the methods of inserting patches into textures does not affect the gameplay.

I think that Terminus's recommendation may be changed similar:  "May not run properly on old versions of ZDoom".

The DWMP 2018 is ready to release!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Bumping because I'm going to be playing this on my livestream soon, and was wondering if there'd been any updates to the OMEGA18v2.pk3 version of this wad before I go ahead and play it.

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No, i don't think there's nothing for this project... some of the textures doesn't work and gives a black texture lump (you can see this in obsidian map)...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Great stream Suitepee as allways had a lot of fun BTW i never noticed that those two nukage pools are not damaging until now well thats what happened when you mapping in rush.

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