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This is a small nitpick, but isn't that a rounding hammer? Even its wear suggests it's been used heavily by a blacksmith to shape metals.

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41 minutes ago, dew said:

This is a small nitpick, but isn't that a rounding hammer? Even its wear suggests it's been used heavily by a blacksmith to shape metals.

Its a blacksmiths hammer yeah (based on the what google images displayed).
Are you bothered by the name i chose for it? To be honest i just needed something gritty looking. i can very easily change it, i only need to replace the model, the animations are already in place so i dont need to edit nothing.


im up for any suggestions and ideas... now would be the perfect opportunity.

Edited by Ermi

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No, I'm not asking you to change the model, I'd say changing the name would be much easier!

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A lighting test against the 3dmodels (no dust & fog added yet)... unfortunately the models dont receive ambient occlusion on its self so the Topology may still look a little flat in some places. Also models dont project shadows still... so i kinder have to fake it with sectors :/


UPDATE PA 0.2 (Lighting and Subway)

[image removed]

-Construction hammer has been renamed to blacksmiths hammer.

-subway updated.

Edited by Ermi

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Halo, Fog and dust particles added. Texture alignments fixed. Adjusted lighting range. Added sparks on dead lights. Changed pipe models.

NEW CONSTRUCT - SUPPLY STASH - Grants health and armour 




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Would you like to be a part of development? Then you can. By donating you can have your own creations designed and put ingame by your own specifications. Please read the donations tab in first post for details. Thanks.

Edited by Ermi

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Introducing the Gatling cannon.
This monster will lay waste to your enemies.
Like this post if you would like me to upload a video demonstration.


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I hate myself for showing this off early in development but i know some of you might get a kick out of this, i will be introducing "legendary weapons" in to the game. These familiar weapons will spawn very rarely from your weapons cache but will have infinite ammo for a short period of time. And the first weapon introduced to this new feature will be the ....





Duke nukems legendary chaingun.





Update PA 0.5
-All weapons will shoot bullet projectiles, no cheap hitscan weapons will be used in this game.
-Collision based 3d Sparks with dust and smoke particles added to bullet projectiles.

Edited by Ermi

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Here is a video demonstrating the gatling cannon in action including the upgraded version.
Please note that to video FPS is capped at a low frame rate so muzzle flashs and barrel spin will look weird.

-video removed-

Other update info

-Custom gun firing sound
-Gatling cannon now has a animated bulletchain when firing. (forgot to add this first time around)

-little sparks can now be seen shooting out from the barrel.

-fixes to existing weapons.

Edited by Ermi

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When using the cheats (IDKFA) should i have all weapons available including all upgraded variants.
Or should the player only receive the highest or lowest upgraded version of each?

Edited by Ermi

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On 19.1.2018 at 5:52 PM, Ermi said:

When using the cheats (IDKFA) should i have all weapons available including all upgraded variants.
Or should the player only receive the highest or lowest upgraded version of each?

Highest upgraded sounds nice!


I really hope you get some more attention with this, I have no idea why this doesnt get more replies...

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3 minutes ago, omegamer said:

Highest upgraded sounds nice!


I really hope you get some more attention with this, I have no idea why this doesnt get more replies...

Awesome, i anticipated that answer so i have already put the codes in place for it.
But its still early days, ive almost finished with the alpha, i have a few weapons compelted, constructs are working perfectly and now i need to add some monsters an music.

Edited by Ermi

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Presenting the final and most essential structure in the game, The Hex Production.

This construct provides a steady income of HEX the main resource of the game. Here are a list of other changes made aswell...

-New intro sequence.

-Fully functioning weapons for weapon cache. Main code in place for future weapons.

Next i will be adding the first enemy type of the game, with some new weapons.

Edited by Ermi

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5 hours ago, MrD!zone said:

Is this really in the doom engine?

yes indeed. For the terrain i used multiple high res MD3 models. (I used multiple because MD3 only supports 4k polys i think)
This applies for the First person weapons too, an for texturing i used a mishmash of textures i found on google an just painted them on the models.
This is nothing extravagant, ive seen alot of doom mods use 3dmodels.

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I am proud to say now that the mod is finally out of pre alpha, with all the core codes complete. Here is a video demonstrating the weapons crate and hex production or resource gathering. When a weapon is purchased from a crate, the same weapon from other crates is replaced by a new one that isnt already in your inventory.
The resource is gathered from the hex production that randomly generates 3 types on HEX (resource), bronze grants 1 point, silver 3 and RARE gold 5. A infinite number of these structures can be built. Please watch the video in full, post your ideas and opinions

Whats left now is the design. Maps, weapons and monsters.... this is going to be a slow process.
I would gladly welcome any help you can offer, music, art and 3d models are things i need badly to get the project out quicker to you.
Remember to donate and have your own custom designs put in, i will do all the work for you.

Edited by Ermi

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Here is soemtihng i did as a thankyou to a friend who helped me out, he requested the laptop gun from perfect dark game. Its not 100% done, but its close enough. it holds 100 rounds and can be mounted anywhere. (ofcourse it shoots at monsters not the player)

-video removed-

Edited by Ermi

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10 hours ago, omegamer said:

very cool!

can you recommend any levels you would love to see? il even welcome weapon ideas and legendary weapon suggestions.

remember this is a arena style shooter, so open spaces or long corridors would be great.

Edited by Ermi

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5 hours ago, Ermi said:

can you recommend any levels you would love to see? il even welcome weapon ideas and legendary weapon suggestions.

remember this is a arena style shooter, so open spaces or long corridors would be great.

I'd like to see some sort of industrial cryptic abandoned sewer tunnel level. With pipes blasting out steam and leaking questionable liquids.


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Maybe something of a urban style/hell - combo? I know we already got lots of hell from other Doom stuff, but with your style that could be awesome!

Or do you plan on basing everything of 100% real locations? In that case, maybe an abandoned shpooing center could be cool

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Just now, omegamer said:

Maybe something of a urban style/hell - combo? I know we already got lots of hell from other Doom stuff, but with your style that could be awesome!

Or do you plan on basing everything of 100% real locations? In that case, maybe an abandoned shpooing center could be cool

whats currently planned is the subway, sewer, city/streets an the shoppin centre (good idea, homage to the old zombie movies). i do have a boss themed level currently named "Mother" based in a post apocalyptic world like blade runner were you face off against a giant... i wont ruin it.

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