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The Amityville Nuisance - Beta Readers?


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This is available for preorder right now in ebook format. Print version pending. Comes out Valentine's day.


If you're interested in reading it earlier, and for free, in exchange for an unbiased and honest amazon review the day of release, get in touch with me. I'll gift you a copy the day of so you'll be a verified purchase who can actually post a review.




Sample Chapter


The Bishop & Holiday Paranormal Agency just can’t catch a break lately. Modern wizard Dr. Henry Holiday is thrown in Hell Jail for summoning his dead cousin, forcing afterlife attorney Edna Bishop to take a tough prosecution job for no pay. Just when life couldn’t get more difficult for Henry, his ten-years-estranged ex-fiancee — a chic and sexy medusa named Lulu — comes crashing back into his life. With her arrival comes the most grueling case Henry has ever undertaken.


Will Henry and Lulu get back together? Can Henry survive a Born Again Christian pot luck dinner at the Amityville House? Is the house really haunted this time or what? Why has Edna’s power of attorney suddenly dried up right before her important trial? Just where did that weird spider come from anyway? Will any of these questions be answered by the end of this book, or is it just a bunch of rhetorical marketing nonsense?

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