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Doom 3 perfected doom mod

Drake ekarD

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Hello all,

I am creating this post for anyone who still plays the non BFG version of Doom 3. I dug up my old dics, installed the game, then I gave it a mod called Perfected Doom 3. The link is down below for those interested in it. After playing around with it, something didn't sit right with me. I hated reloading. Now All FPS nowdays have some form of reloading, at least the ones I have played. Doom, Doom 2, and the newest incarnation Doom don't have reloading. Doom 3 and its RoE expansion did. Playing in the days it came out, never thought of it really, just went on through and beat the game. It was fun, challenging at points, and a great experience, years ago. Today it is a little lack luster, graphics a bit dated, but still a fun game. I then found the modding scene and this mod in particular caught my interest. Even with its graphic overhaul, and its new combat system, it still requires reloading.


Yes, reloading doesn't seem like much. Its a simple mechanic that is easy to do. However doom never required reloading, so I began digging through the files, and found a few things that pointed me in the right path. After burning a couple hours combing through code, I made a few changes here and there and found that it is indeed possible to disable reloading.


What I did essentially was tell the game to instead of going to a clip counter, go to available counter instead, told most of the guns that they had no clip size and got it working.


If anyone wants to try this out email me, I can tell you what files to edit. I would copy the full pk file but it is 30 megs, however I can email you a copy of the pk file no problem, it is simple from there to just make a backup file of the original file just in case, and drop in my edited file.


A few requirements are needed.


A copy of Vanillia Doom 3 patched.

Mod at http://www.moddb.com/mods/perfected-doom-3-version-500 installed

I don't believe the BFG version of Doom 3 will work, sorry



I am providing a video link of what my changes did and I did go through all of the weapons and showed off the mod itself a bit as well.

The pistol I left alone, I did modify the shotgun, the machine gun, the chain gun, the plasma rifle, the rocket launcher and the BFG. I didn't do any of the fancy work, all I did was change a few numbers around and edit a few lines of code. Now instead these weapons pull from the ammo available as the original doom did, instead of requiring clips. The super shotgun I left because why not. That gun was the only one that always required reloading ROFL.


All credit except for my minor changes go to the original Author of this mod. I don't feel what I did changed it all that much, but it does provide a more doomy feel and for me that is all I wanted and I find it fun.

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Uh, I dont think this the place for it.Maybe you should post this in the doom 3 forum. (called doom 3 general)

Also, is there a reason why you won't release the your modifications? Is it because of the license of the said mod?

Edited by Catpho

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My bad, am new at this particular site. As far as releasing goes, its because the file is 30 megabyte and I am only aloud 5.

I will post in the Doom 3 section from now on. I appologize for my misdeeds. I will post the files here, now that I am awake. Inside the zip file are two folders, scripts and defs. All that is needed is to open up the perfected doom data pk4 file, place the edited files in the folders they go in, and it is done. For those who want to see how its done, well its easier just to pull the same files out of the data pk4 file and see what was edited on the weapons. The health armor and ammo are in the player.def file. Again, I appologize and will stop posting doom 3 things in the classic doom forum.

Pdoom.zipFetching info...


Thanks for moving this post, I wont do that again lol.

Edited by Drake ekarD

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You're not the only one who still uses the non-BFG version of Doom 3, hell I even have a set of the original 2004 CDs/DVD in my drawer.

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I've downloaded the mod from ModDB and the only gripe I have (that I can't seem to fix/turn off, anyway) is the flashlight. For some reason it doesn't work when you're up close to something, everything in the flashlight circle is dark. I couldn't seem to find a fix for this in the options.


Also, the motion blur seems to have weird flickering objects on screen (I'm currently not able to get screenshots of these bugs, sadly).

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  On 1/17/2018 at 6:05 PM, Pyrolex said:

I've downloaded the mod from ModDB and the only gripe I have (that I can't seem to fix/turn off, anyway) is the flashlight. For some reason it doesn't work when you're up close to something, everything in the flashlight circle is dark. I couldn't seem to find a fix for this in the options.


Also, the motion blur seems to have weird flickering objects on screen (I'm currently not able to get screenshots of these bugs, sadly).


I wonder if you can record a little bit of video, exit out of the game and take screencaps of the bugs this way? If screenshot button doesn't work, why not just do the old-school Alt-printscreen (screencaps only the active window) then crop the image that way?

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The flashlight has it's own button on the keyboard. I mapped mine to F key and it works just fine. I have noticed a few graphical errors here and there, but where this was a homebrew mod, it isn't perfect. I had a grenade hovering over my character at one point, not sure how I did that, but it happened. Just didn't get a screenshot of it. Check out the NEXTGEN options at the bottom of the Perfected Doom 3 title, there are options there to turn off shadows, motion blur, things like that, also some other options I played with but couldn't get to work so just left em alone. Sorry for late responce, but now the servers seem to be letting me reply again.

Edited by Drake ekarD

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  On 1/17/2018 at 4:51 PM, Drake ekarD said:

All that is needed is to open up the perfected doom data pk4 file, place the edited files in the folders they go in, and it is done.



A more user friendly way to do this is to create your own mod pk4 file with your edited files all sitting in the right directories. When it is named alphabetically higher than the Perfected Doom data pk4 file, the game will use your mod pk4 on top.

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