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Where is the world going to? (big offensive treat:p)


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Linguica not knowing that the Hell Knight is in doom 3, Lord Flathead saying that shadows reduces number of polys. ( Infact, if you really want to get rid of everything where the shadow is casted, you even get more polys), Zaldron thinking that there are alot of pixel shaders tutorials and about that havoc engine before:p.

Come on, lets speak less nonsence:)

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Ultimate Demon said:

I'm not goingto use any shadows in DOOM3. It will take much power from my Geforce3 TI500 if i want to play DOOM3

What? Are you going to play it on full-bright or something? Lightmaps are gone.

GeF3 Ti500 should be fine for Doom III. Just don't play at too high a resolution.

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GS-1719 said:

What? Are you going to play it on full-bright or something? Lightmaps are gone.

GeF3 Ti500 should be fine for Doom III. Just don't play at too high a resolution.

Nope. It will look better in low res anyways.

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Or vertices, whatever. U said pitch black shadows speeds things up, like the wall which doesnt have to be rendered anymore, u said:p

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i wonder if ill be able to get standibale frame rate and graphics using a ATI radeon 7200 im not reall fussy a obout the graphics as long as they look cool and i can make out what shit is

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AIRmichael said:

Linguica not knowing that the Hell Knight is in doom 3[...]

Uhh, he does, but he was referring to a Baron-like Hell Knight - a Hell Knight that was a Baron of Hell lookalike.

I have to confess that I don't see what purpose this 'thing' serves so...

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