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Using Brutal Doom with Final DOOM from Gog.com?

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19 hours ago, GarrettChan said:

Download GZDoom, and put Plutonia.wad/TNT.wad in the GZDoom folder, and then drag bd21test-jan02.pk3 to the GZDoom launcher.

I extracted GZDoom and placed Plutonia.wad, TNT.wad and bd21test-jan02.pk3 into the same directory.

When I launch gzdoom.exe, I get the following:




Dragging bd21test-jan02.pk3 into this window does nothing.

Any ideas?

Edited by King Mustard

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I will give you the valuable secret power of the drag and drop. Hey listen, I will tell you everything. Take wad, pk3, pk7, zip or 7z file, however bundled it is, and drag and drop it into the powerful zdoom, gzdoom or zandronum exe file. Easy does it is as simple as that. Now with your powerful finger, yes it is very powerful, double click on the IWAD of choice and the powers of the port will handle the rest. And now you know the true power of the drag and drop. Now you are master and now you can enjoy your Brutal Doom.

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On mardi 23 janvier 2018 at 0:21 AM, GarrettChan said:

Download GZDoom, and put Plutonia.wad/TNT.wad in the GZDoom folder, and then drag bd21test-jan02.pk3 to the GZDoom launcher.

GZDoom will find the GOG install automatically. You don't need to copy or move the IWADs.


On mardi 23 janvier 2018 at 7:54 PM, King Mustard said:

Dragging bd21test-jan02.pk3 into this window does nothing.

Don't drag on the window. Drag on the GZDoom executable before launching it. Then choose in that window, choose whichever IWAD you want to use.


Installation and execution of ZDoom


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