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Doomed in SPACE: Now on idgames!

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G-Spot Tornado. Hell, yeah!


Will be downloading and looking for similar nuggets.

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You're the first one to recognize the opening tune! Hope you like it, the soundtrack is actually mostly Zappa stuff. Gives it a nice other worldly vibe I find.

Edited by Doomkid

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9 hours ago, Doomkid said:

You're the first one to recognize the opening tune!

That merits a prize, wouldn't you say? Peaches En Regalia, perhaps?


Zappa music to go with a freaky DooM mod? Freak Out! is about all I'll declare for now.

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I've gotten a few requests to upload the soundtrack on it's own:



Expect an idgames release for this within the week!

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  • 1 month later...

LOL he really was not a fan was he? Glad he covered it though, any publicity is good publicity! The only thing that really surprised me was the comments about the blaster being unsatisfying, I totally disagree there.


Thanks for sharing, Sosu!

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On 3/24/2018 at 10:51 PM, Doomkid said:

I've gotten a few requests to upload the soundtrack on it's own:


"The uploader has not made this video available in your country" wtf bro c'mon :P

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Literally the one country it's blocked in is the UK. The MIDI files themselves are apparently copyrighted, its ridiculous

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Was that for Uber's map? We both really liked the MIDI but it ended up being a bit too action packed for the somewhat tame pacing of the map itself. It was awesome, just a bit unfitting - Still, the thought of YouTube's copyright system being so flawed that it prevents someone from listening to their own work would be par for course at this point.

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Yeah it was Uber's map - dw I thought it was a bit of an odd blend myself when I played the version he sent me, heh. In all seriousness it is possible some of the MIDIs sound close enough to their source material that The Algorithm God is tricked into thinking is actually the original copyrighted piece..which considering MIDIs are rarely that close it's pretty piss poor - I did a transcription once though and it got picked up, I took it as a compliment :P

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Ill admit that door placement of mine was a bit of a fail, but it was there to push the player through the next part of the level, so as to prevent door camping. Very detailed review, obviously wasn't his cup of tea which is fair enough. I can't believe the MIDIs didn't make it through the copyright scan, what on earth?

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The only criticism that really resonated with me was the couple of bottleneck spots and that one particular yellow key door on Space Waste. The rest honestly struck me as kind of odd.


The weapons are a bit different, but it seems like the fact that their functionality wasn't 100% overhauled was somehow a negative point. Some of the feedback I got for the blaster was the exact opposite of what he said, that it felt fast and satisfying to take down a group of low-tier enemies with it. The criticism of the enemy placement also struck me as kinda strange, he was clearly playing on 'expert' in that video yet it was stressed that difficulty was only intended for, well, experts. I deliberately renamed, recolored and re-tooled each difficulty setting to make the lower ones as fun and appealing as possible, but I guess the 'pick the 4th one down' instinct is just too strong to overcome at this point. There was little to no mention of the cool soundtrack, inclusion of story text for each map, cool custom sky designs, cool ending and overall really strong map design. I know I organized the project, but there were a lot of people's efforts present in this wad - it feels like the equally long list of positive things to say was ignored and only the negative aspects, which really don't define the whole experience, were given attention.


It's essentially a classic-Doom mapset with a space theme, I suppose he was expecting something that overhauled the formula more than it did, something far more complex that changed more about the core gameplay. Oh well, can't win 'em all!

Edited by Doomkid

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I recently finished Doomed Space Wars by Paul Corfiatis and was happy to see this thread bumped. Another space themed mapset!


First song I hear after pressing "Expert," is "G-Spot Tornado" by Frank Zappa. An excellent rendition with fitting instrumentals for a space setting. Completed the first level, then intermission. I hear the song playing and it sounded Zappa-ish but didn't think much of it as I read through the text quickly. I think "Peaches En Regalia" or maybe that was another intermission. Second level starts, and I hear the 1977 New York City Halloween live rendition of "City of Tiny Lites" with Tommy Mars' keyboard playing in MIDI format and I was stoked. It even had me singing along while playing. Again, the instrumentals are fitting. Then I hear Night School, Inca Roads, twenty small cigars, Sinister Footwear II. I'm almost expecting "Sofa no.1" at this point.

Sorry for rambling. I'm kind of a huge Zappa fan. Great transcriptions!


I'm halfway through the WAD, up to map08, and having a blast. Weapons look and sound good. Enemies aren't the typical doom monsters but they're relatively balanced to the base gameplay. The railgun is an interesting addition. I was a bit skeptical about it as it seemed better than the plasma rifle. I disregarded the plasma rifle's usefulness until the first encounter with a cyberdemon. 220 cells wasn't enough with a railgun to take the cyberdemon down but a plasma rifle will.

None of the levels so far don't feel like a chore to play and are fun to fight through. Map07 is probably my favorite, primarily because one major section of the map's monster placement benefits from using the plasma rifle. It's also the most recent from memory but it stood out to me in that regard as I didn't use it much until map06.

Edited by Swalzi

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Really glad to hear you're enjoying it, great to see a fellow Zappa fan as well. Thanks for the feedback!

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Yo DK, I absolutely love this wad of yours!! What a great project dude!! <3


Will record videos of survival gameplay in the future. Good stuff!

Edited by Rosh Fragger

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

This wad is probably meaningless to anyone who hasn't played (and enjoyed) pre-1996 obnoxious cheese. For those of us who have, oh god this set is glorious... all the cheese, except with Actually-Good map design and balance

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I’m glad you see it for what it is Vorpal, and I’m glad it’s something you like. It’s probably obvious but the main influences here are Area51, STRAIN, Star Wars Doom and Equinox. I wanted to try and blend the best of them all while retaining the 90s cheese. Cheers man!

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While I can get why some people dont like it, I certainly do and while I was too late for growing up in the 90's I can still play and watch the miles of cheesiness. I like the latter levels a lot for being hectic and fast-paced. Really enjoyed it!

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wow, i love it when people bumping old threads! without it, i would never found this tc. played first three maps, and like it. it feels very interesting: deliberately "cheap doom clone" gfx + great level design (one wouldn't expect it seeing the gfx). great work, Doomkid! thank you!

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6 hours ago, ketmar said:

wow, i love it when people bumping old threads! without it, i would never found this tc. played first three maps, and like it. it feels very interesting: deliberately "cheap doom clone" gfx + great level design (one wouldn't expect it seeing the gfx). great work, Doomkid! thank you!


I got temp banned for that bump, but thank you for making it feel justified :-D

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On 2/27/2019 at 7:35 AM, Rhebiz said:

Will there ever be some sort of sequel to this wad @Doomkid? If so I would love that!

Yep, I am definitely planning to make a part 2 at some point. Not sure about the details yet but it will happen :)

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