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What should Doom 5?'s Final Boss be?


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On 5/9/2018 at 4:30 PM, Caffeine Freak said:

IOS is one interesting enemy concept that hasn't ever really been delved into very deeply in the Doom universe. It would only be compelling if they revamped it's appearance and scaled it up from what it was in Doom 2016. You could even make it massive enough to where entire levels took place inside the guts of the demon. 

I rather like that. I did think that it would be good to see the Icon of Sin as id meant it to be but couldn't realise due to engine limitations. I suspect they probably would have made it so large that entire levels played out inside it. Or maybe just one level.


If not going for the IOS, it may actually be a good idea to fight Satan but only if you want to end the series until the next reboot for good. I cannot even begin to imagine what he looks like but I'm guessing sort of like Eidolon but not given the Baron of Hell has this design. 


If they plan on making it a trilogy, the second final boss would have to be something entirely new. Maybe they could make it be the protagonist from Doom 3 but honestly, that'd just piss me off.


If they make a prequel, the Titan would be the boss.

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I doubt we'll see an Icon of Sin since we see its remains in Titan's Realm. That would also be consistent with @Gordon Grand's observations too. I think it would be too optimistic to hope that the I've-seen-enough-hentai-to-know-where-this-is-going tentacles are some ambivalent, Lovecraftian deity. But that would also possibly rule out a Quake reboot, which i'm also praying to the Elder Gods for...


I wonder whether we need a final boss at all. The end fight could be something more like the end of Betrayal at Krondor, just killing a misguided Hayden to save the world and leaving it on a cliffhanger.


Bonus points though if they give us Cybers and Masterminds like normal monsters as D2 did, as well as the Map20 showdown!

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