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The DWIronman League dies to: Coffee Break


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February, 2018

> Download Coffee Break
> 2018 Season Standings (pending)



  1. [2] Survived [01:31:25] Eris - *pours coffee over the rest of the competition and laughs maniacally*
  2. [1] Survived [01:52:47] Archi - Easy does it for once, eh? A good performance for a blind man.

  3. [2] Survived [02:03:26] Beginner - Mostly clinical undertaking with a dash of conservatism. Nicely done.

  4. [2] map09Anima Zero - From hero to zero in two arch-viles. Not even the coffee machine could save him (hey, that name makes sense, now!).

  5. [1] map06NaZa - Well done aka SEASONED aka PEPPERCORNED.

  6. [1] map05guineu - Caught out by a pair of chaingunners in an inconvenient position. DECAFFEINATED.

  7. [1] map02Ancalagon - Vintage Ancalagon :)

  8. [2] map02NoisyVelvet - Smacked around at the RK pickup and taken to task by... the demons!

  9. -

  10. -


What is the Doomworld Ironman League?


The DWIronman League is a monthy competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag below for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome. It could change the way you play Doom!


In February 2018 the DWIronman League dies to @MTrop's Coffee Break for Doom 2, -complevel 9 (Boom (strict)). This episode was intended by Matt to be the beginnings of a fully fledged megawad before it presumably ran out of beans and was forced to downsize from a café into a modest lunch hour. That's cool, I think, because the result is something digestible and easy-going. Not a cinch, exactly (you want to stay stimulated for the rest of the working day, right?), but after the Sunderous vaults of Combat Shock 2, most of you guys shouldn't have too much trouble. Consider this one of the easier selections for 2018.


Oh, I almost forgot... Eris is supposed to be pretty good at this one. Be sure to throw some heat in his direction as he tries to secure his first ever survival in DWIronman lol. What a story, Falling!


Potential Game-stoppers and Bugs

  • The tag 667 bug will soft-lock progression: "the bridge will raise twice if the last arachnotron is killed before the death animation of the second to last arachnotron has finished."
  • map11 has a death exit.
prboom-plus -file cafebrk1 -complevel 9 -warp -skill 4 -record my_demo


  • One attempt per month. Good luck!
  • Demos (PrBoom+, GLBoom or Eternity), stream highlights and single-take video recordings are the only accepted proofs. You must link to these runs in the thread. 
  • UV only continous; no pistol-starting.
  • No other wads unless they are purely cosmetic.
  • No hard-coded cheats or features that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set).
  • If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatability options, you must not enable any flags that result in behavior beyond what is possible in the intended source port. In most cases, this will mean that you can comfortably use "Doom/Boom(strict)" behaviour in ZDoom, for example. You must also display these settings on-screen before your run.
  • If you choose to stream your run rather than provide a demo and you die before completing a single level, either on map01 of a set or because of a single level being selected for the month, you must display the number of monsters killed/remaining in the level before you quit. The number of kills registered will determine your ranking versus other players who died on that level.
  • You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels will rank higher than his competitors.
  • You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point.
  • You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details. Your viewers may, however.
  • If your operating system fails during the run such that the stream/recording becomes irretrievable, you are permitted a second or subsequent attempt. Technical difficulties during streams or recordings that present as merely an impediment (i.e. the run is still observable, in the case of a stream) do not count as system failures. In these instances, you should save the game, if possible, and resume when the issue has been resolved.
  • Death exits do not disqualify a run (duh!) but accidentally restarting the level before the tally screen appears will. Stay frosty!
  • You are required to affix one of three numbers to your run informing the League of your degree of familiarity with the map/set played. Note that your evaluation should only take into consideration the content covered in your run (e.g. if you scout only the first level of a WAD you're otherwise unfamiliar with and die in the first level, you should list your run as [3] instead of [2]. If you remember only one part of a level in a set you haven't played before but never reach that level, you should list your run as a [1] instead of [2]):

  1. This is a blind run. If I have played or watched any of the level/set being played before, I can't remember the details of any one area in a way that would offer an advantage over truly blind players.

  2. This is a familiar run. I have played or watched the level/set being played before — even if it's only one area — and can remember enough details to have an advantage over blind players.

  3. This is a prepared run. I played the WAD to some extent after it was announced for this month's Ironman but before declaring an official run

Previous Threads

Jenesis (winner: Demon of the Well)
Crusades(winner: Ribbiks)
Nilla Doom (winner: Demon of the Well)
Khorus' Speedy Shit (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Perdition's Gate (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
UAC Ultra (winner: Bloodite Krypto)


Jade Earth (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Legacy of Heroes (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Back to Saturn X E1 (winner: dew)
Mapgame (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Vae Victus 1 & 2 (winner: Demon of the Well)
Disturbia (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Insertion (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Unholy Realms (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Osiris (winner: Demon of the Well)
End Game & End Point (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Oscillation (winner: Ancalagon)

Edited by Alfonzo
I am an update.

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Huh, none of the rest of what I typed out actually registered. Odd.


EDIT: Fixed. As an aside, I realize that the December and January challenges still haven't been updated. No surprises there—I've been lagging behind in a lot of things, lately. Just hang tight and pray to the almighty Baphomets that I get my bloody act in order.

Edited by Alfonzo

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Bummer.  I only got a few sips into my coffee before dieing on Map02.  More of a coffee breakfast than a mid-day coffee break.  Either way, it ended early :(


Category 2:  Played it a while back.  this is actually one of the earlier wads i've ever played.  I think I played this shortly after Alien Vendetta and Scythe, you know, the gateway drug wads that most people play before diving into the wad sea.


Also, I am in a race with @Eris Falling to see who survives first.  We are the two highest ranked that haven't survived ever. 

It sure would be a shame if you fucked this one up, Eris.  muahahhaahhahaa!


/me goes off to lay Wile E Coyote style traps all throughout Coffee Break.  

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Started out with a bang by nearly dying, then got it together and soldiered on...until map 9's ending.  Nearly bit it in the BFG room, but survived until the last group of enemies.  Evidently one of the viles took the whole deal back in my Oscillation map 7 UV-Maxes of stealing ideas from X's book of how to survive improbable odds a bit farther this time.  SOMEONE's not going to be happy about that and just may add demon killing to his usual maverick dismantling in the future.  Capital!


Category 2 run since this was a TNS session back in the day and the maps were rather familiar to me.


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You should never, never let your guard down in this one.


Blind playthrough, MAP06 did me in because I was thinking about how nice it would be to get some hot chocolate after doing this, and the nearby chaingunners made me have more holes than cheese. There were a lot of near-death experiences in the run, notably start of MAP01 and a trap on MAP03. When I heard MAP05 music I felt it'd be obnoxious, and my twitching at the start is that. MAP06 seemed like a really easy map, but I just got too confident and sidetracked when I found out at least 5 chaingunners can shoot at me, then I panicked... shame, really. 




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The problem about always playing with freelook is that when I do an ironman you just need a few simple hitscanners out of vision in a vertical area to stop me.


Died on map 5; narrow steep stairs with what seemed a ton of chain/shotgunners.


Demo (Category 1)

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I believe it's possible to break MAP07 via the Tag 667 bug where the bridge will raise twice if the last arachnotron is killed before the death animation of the second to last arachnotron has finished. Be careful there!

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Here's a screenshot from my run



This was in MAP10. I got stuck on that evil eye whilst backing away from the group of revs. It was a very terrifying experience...



...but I somehow escaped and made it to a nearby berserk pack, and as nervous as I was after this, that was the closest I came to death. Sorry @NoisyVelvet!


Survived in 1:31:25


For one time only, this is a category 3 run. I knew most of this WAD very well, after all I was present for most (not all, I'm not that crazy!) of its last appearance on TNS, which to this day is the longest session ever, with a duration of 33 hours, during which we completed something ridiculous like sixteen rotations of the maplist. Since then I've played it a fair bit in single-player too, and have managed to clear the whole thing once before - albeit 10 minutes slower than I did here. I had a feeling this would be in Ironman eventually, and now it's here the pressure was too high to resist giving things a quick look over since I haven't run through this for several months.

I'm most familiar with the first 4 maps so I was quite aggressive there, I gradually became more cautious as the WAD progressed.


05 is indeed quite nasty, far more sneaky chaingunners than I'm usually comfortable with. The megasphere is always a bit nerve-wracking, but it's not too difficult to get to, and is very useful in MAP06 if you can get it. 07 was terrifying but manageable. 08 is something of a breather map, and then things pick up in difficulty again for the last 3 maps. I already mentioned my near-miss on 10, it's at 1:09:00 on my video. As for 11, I've tried it from pistol start and it's a real bitch of a map when played The Intended Way, so thank god I had plenty of ammo.


Naturally I celebrated my first, and probably last Ironman survival by making a cup of coffee.

Turns out I can play Doom after all, once I actually know my way around the maps :)


Thanksssss Alfonzooooooo



Edited by Eris Falling

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I survived the mapset!!! This was completely blind. Played with GLBoom+, comp 9, UV. And I almost died multiple times.



Edit: Sorry for the long intermissions of maps 09 and 10, I literally took a coffee break...

Edit 2: I just checked the in-game time when I finished (because I forgot that) and it was 1:51:36 

Edited by leodoom85
I hope that this gets accepted for the coffee........

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Survived in 1:00:37




Category 1 - Blind Run





I downloaded Coffee Break on 06/02/15, where it sat in my 'Wads to Play' folder and was forgotten, I didn't play the Zdaemon TNS session as I away at the time.

Despite having not played the set before, I can still play at a fast and aggressive pace from my years of experience with speedrunning and survival, deliberately taking daring and bold risks. I take flash glances into rooms and make judgement calls whether I can rush past everything into the next area, keeping a close eye on nearby health in case I take a beating from my daredevil blunders.


As I progress through a map I become familiar with the author's design in enemy and trap placement, their are spots where I preemptively anticipate what is going to happen, oh the walls are going to lower after that switch or key, I'm sure their's a vile behind that exit look at the lack of cover, with the secrets I paid attention to flickering walls and odd shapes on the automap.


I wanted to get this done on the first day of the month to remove any preconceived rumours I 'practice' these runs, not that I care what others think of me, I've got nothing to hide. Last month I was ill for half the month, no specific illness, but my vitality suffered from fatigue, sharp pain in my left temple and disturbed sleep, I preferred to recover rather then undergo a very long and challenging set which needs full concentration where I felt half asleeep most of the time.


For the record I don't care about winning, it's all about fun for me, the fact I happen to be 1st on the leaderboard regularly is a testament to my playing ability but I don't care for the title as I'm fortunate not to have a huge ego but am modest in character, it's nice to see someone surpass me once in a while. I chuckle to myself at my deaths in Unholy Realms and Oscillation :) making it a tradition to post some game over music whenever I perish.


Leave the competitive element behind and let's just have fun shall we? :)

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6 hours ago, Eris Falling said:



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Naturally I celebrated my first, and probably last Ironman survival by making a cup of coffee.

Turns out I can play Doom after all, once I actually know my way around the maps :)


Thanksssss Alfonzooooooo



My heartiest congratulations, Eris! Let the fireworks begin and let the nippers run wild!

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I played this one back in 2015 and remember enjoying it pretty well, but this Ironman went anything but well. From the harsh RNG-fest that is map01 to the final act of trolling that did me in, I clutzed my way through this one hard. The final encounter I faced should not have even been a major issue, but I failed to contain Mr. Archypants and paid for it. F U C K I N G  blockmap.


coffing.zip - Category 2


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Category 1 - Died at map 05.


I killed myself like an idiot while trying to do a Rocket jump. I thought that 80% health and some armor was enough , I was wrong. So , instead of grabbing the secret megasphere like a champion , I heard the doomguy dying once the rocket hit the wall. :)





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On 01/02/2018 at 10:03 PM, Eris Falling said:


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...but I somehow escaped and made it to a nearby berserk pack, and as nervous as I was after this, that was the closest I came to death. Sorry @NoisyVelvet!


Survived in 1:31:25


For one time only, this is a category 3 run. I knew most of this WAD very well, after all I was present for most (not all, I'm not that crazy!) of its last appearance on TNS, which to this day is the longest session ever, with a duration of 33 hours, during which we completed something ridiculous like sixteen rotations of the maplist. Since then I've played it a fair bit in single-player too, and have managed to clear the whole thing once before - albeit 10 minutes slower than I did here. I had a feeling this would be in Ironman eventually, and now it's here the pressure was too high to resist giving things a quick look over since I haven't run through this for several months.

I'm most familiar with the first 4 maps so I was quite aggressive there, I gradually became more cautious as the WAD progressed.


05 is indeed quite nasty, far more sneaky chaingunners than I'm usually comfortable with. The megasphere is always a bit nerve-wracking, but it's not too difficult to get to, and is very useful in MAP06 if you can get it. 07 was terrifying but manageable. 08 is something of a breather map, and then things pick up in difficulty again for the last 3 maps. I already mentioned my near-miss on 10, it's at 1:09:00 on my video. As for 11, I've tried it from pistol start and it's a real bitch of a map when played The Intended Way, so thank god I had plenty of ammo.


Naturally I celebrated my first, and probably last Ironman survival by making a cup of coffee.

Turns out I can play Doom after all, once I actually know my way around the maps :)


Thanksssss Alfonzooooooo




Great job Eris! So proud of you :D


You had a calm and methodical playstyle throughout, you knew exactly how to counter each skirmish and were headstrong right to the end, despite the moment of terror in 10. It was funny on 07, you insisted on using the shotgun on all those imps and sergeants despite being grouped together, thought you forgot about the SSG till you encountered the Pain Elemental :D then using what little bullets you had on those last two Arachnotrons, despite being chocked full of shells :D

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Hah, yeah with the monsters on 7 I wanted to keep my distance to take as little damage as possible, the PEs are annoying if they wake up early and the spider fight scares me even though in practice it doesn't seem that dangerous. As for the arachnotrons, I (mistakenly, it seems) thought the last 2 were both very close to death, so that was out of fear of the tag 667 bug I mentioned earlier - I could totally see them going down together if I used SSG ;(

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Survived, category 3
Time: 2:07:51 (Idk why the video length is 2:07:03)
Source port: Zandronum
Stuff to note: Blame Zandronum for its different chainsaw behavior and visual bug on SSG (mistake on my part)

It is My very first Ironman run, hope it'll be accepted.

Question: Is getting all kills and secrets on every map considered a bonus?

Edited by A_D_M_E_R_A_L

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Died on map 2. I've played map 1 before, didn't like it, & never bothered playing past it. So naturally I died on map 2 where I was playing blind.


Edited by Jaws In Space

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Hiya, I almost forgot to actually post my run! People who follow my stream already know what's up wrt how I did, but of course I need to share here too:


Stream & demos.



Not much to say here - it's Coffee Break, it's a cool mapset, but it definitely has its problems and feels its age at this point. Absolutely gutted with the ending, mostly as I feel like I should have just done so much better. Choking at (I think is) the final room, what a fucking loser!


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Too bad, dead on MAP04 just as things were starting to get interesting. Felt like I had a chance to go the distance on this one (although it might not have helped that midway through MAP02 I found out my bandmate was in jail over some silly bullshit and would need a ride home tonight -_-). Anyway, what I saw was fun enough though not too remarkable--lots of symmetrical enemy placement, obvious traps, etc. This was basically blind though I'm sure I saw some of this set in the MTrop retrospective episode of Evolution of the Wad; regardless, nothing stuck that gave me any conceivable advantage.

Edited by Big Ol Billy
Miscounted my death map :S

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Category I (pure blind, never heard of this WAD before) — fuckscanned on a MAP05.


Quite easy and pleasant mapset with Plutonesque & Scythesque level-design at some parts and Evilution "lovely tunes". Can be UV-Maxed or SS UV-Maxed within a day, but not SO blindly, of course.


The next DWIronWAD should be certainly Crumpets to get the full luncheon (huh).


4K@60FPS@SC-55 (if anybody cares at all):



P. S. IDK whythefuck YouTube still not provide 4K res selection, although I'd uploaded the vid two days ago (are 15 Gb with 70 Mbit/s too hard and painful for their servers to parse?).



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