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The DWIronman League dies to: Coffee Break


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lol ,first dw iron man, quite a introduction to my awesome playing skiilz :P(only got to map02)

Here it is(prboom+ ver 1):



Edited by Catpho

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Survived in 2:06:50

Category 2 - I watched Mr Zzul's (killer5) stream earlier until about map 7 - 8, the rest was blind.

couple near deaths :D


Edit: should mention this was my first Ironman, but the wad was on easier side :p

Edited by Bdubzzz

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Wow, just remembered this thread existed! XD


Here's my demo... probably the best I've done in an ironman to-date, so I'm not gonna complain.... BUT WHY DID I NOT TAKE THE ARMOR WHILE I STILL COULD?!?!?!?!


Died at the start of map 9. Also, this is a category 1 run.


Edited by 42PercentHealth

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This is a category 3 run, I watched an_mutt's stream and I did a casual playthrough before doing the run.


The worst map for an ironman run of this PWad imo is map 05 with all the hitscanners and some evil monsters placements (the revenant duo after the switch for instance). The hell fight in map 10 was also dangerous, I died there during my casual playthrough. However, map 07 let you breathe especially when you know where you can grab the secret megasphere.


The run time is 1h:40min:52sec.


Some highlights :


* Dodging revenants attacks
* Hitting myself with barrels and with the rocket launcher in map 04.
* Grabbing the megasphere in map 05.
* In map 09, a revenant really insisted to punch a hellknight to death after being hit accidentally by the latter.


Death :



* Died in MAP11 (82/240 kills). I was trying to kill the cybie, but the cybie kill me instead.


File : Malrionn_Ironman_cafebrk1.zip

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Survived in 1:57:27 (prepared)



       kills  live  items    sec   time      total
MAP01  89/89    0   15/15    2/2   5:59+03   5:59
MAP02  81/81    0   24/24    2/2   6:30+33   12:29
MAP03  138/138  0   24/24    1/1   10:47+12  23:16
MAP04  130/136  10  33/48    4/4   9:59+05   33:15
MAP05  158/164  6   49/54    3/3   9:28+01   42:43
MAP06  95/95    0   1/1      2/2   5:21+14   48:04
MAP07  109/109  0   169/169  1/1   7:03+08   55:07
MAP08  165/161  0   75/75    3/3   10:17+08  65:24
MAP09  177/173  0   65/65    3/3   10:32+01  75:56
MAP10  166/151  0   53/53    2/2   17:35+04  93:31
MAP11  250/240  0   166/167  3/3   23:56+16  117:27

Never played or seen this wad before. Prepared run as usual. UV-maxed each map from pistol start to learn it, did one unrecorded practice run, then this.


Almost max except skipping some optional bonus areas on map04 and not triggering a teleporter trap on map05 (due to skipping the yellow key). And still one missed item on map11, despite an unnecessary final trip around the map.


Most dangerous parts: spider flood at end of map07 (very easy to be surrounded), yellow key portal on map10 (because if you fall off, game is over, not to mention bad dodging leaving me at 6% health). And of course map11's cyberdemon. I was especially careful for that whole map throughout, despite killing the monster as early as was feasible.


(Also on map04, you can kill yourself in the conveyor by telefragging a barrel - but you'd only do that if you were playing blind and made a reasonable but wrong guess there was a secret hidden in there - and maps 06 and 11 openings are annoying on pistol starts, but that's not relevant on a continuous run.)


Some tricks I happened upon, nothing spectacular though.

  • map05 yellow and red keys are skippable (by an easy bump/grab, and a glide, respectively) but without a way to bypass the blue key, it's not worth it.
  • On map08, there is a way back into the mansion, by pressing a switch in the floor (on the back of the wall that lowers to reveal the exit). Handy to be able to save soulsphere and blue armour instead of using them early.
  • On map09 you can skip the red and blue keys with a glide to the yellow, but it's a hard type of glide and doesn't save enough time to be worth it.
  • Finally on map11 there are a few switches pressable from below and a strafe50 jump out of the yellow key area back to the red door (which otherwise would be, and was likely intended as, a one-way trip).



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Type 2 attempt: I played this when it was selected for the Megawad club but haven't touched it since.  I remember a few of the encounters here and there though not that much overall.


Came uncomfortably close to biting it in map 1: the blue key ambush was quite tense with a revenant punchout.  This time, I did find the megaarmor secret and soldiered on to map 2 with 200 armor.  An unremarkable death in map 4: I remembered where the monsters would come spilling out from and had a plan to dash for a doorway and engage in some fast door abuse.  Didn't make it.


PrBoom-plus -complevel 9


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Only now did I notice it says "monthy" competition in the OP... since August 2016... :P


sorry had to

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Last minute cat 2 run. Map05 death, got flanked by two revs on low health and one of them socked me in the chops.

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https://www.twitch.tv/videos/233832236 = survived in 2:02:17. (cat 2 run; I had previously played this years ago as one of my first LP's on Youtube, then I watched a bit of mutt/Zzul's run, but I didn't prepare extensively. I remembered a couple of spots from memory though....)


My most technically-ridden & problematic run yet.


First of all GZDoom v3.2.5 didn't seemingly want to run the idgames linked version of Coffee Break in software mode; enemies were killing each other from the start, my shots were inconsistently hitting and something felt off right from the first room. So I decided to find an earlier version of GZDoom in my folder, and I found the one that I'd used for my Happy Time Circus 1/2 playthrough; x64-g2.4pre-198-g02cfdbc. (rolls off the tongue I know!)


So I restarted the run since I'd only entered one room on map 1, but the antics weren't over yet; GZDoom crashed on map 4 (Toxic) after picking up a Berserk pack. I sought brief consultation on whether this meant the end of my run, but after checking the rules in this thread found nothing on it, so I resumed from the map 4 autosave and avoided that spot since I thought it had crashed due to a trap trigger on that Berserk pack spot. I then figured out on map 6 that PICKING UP A BERSERK PACK CRASHED GZDOOM EVERY TIME!


Needless to say, I didn't think having to dodge Berserk packs would be among my most feared Ironman run hazards.


I had a couple of close calls on maps 9 & 10, but managed to make it to the end. Too bad Dragonfly beat me by 4 minutes in the Britbowl, but I managed to survive my first wad of 2018 (and my 4th overall in Ironman). Here's hoping Alfonzo finds nothing wrong with my run, as I'm sure I didn't cheat and intend to have this level of technical buggery happen in my attempt.


Here's also hoping next month's Ironman finds me victorious in the Britbowl......

Edited by Suitepee

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I survived as well, in ~1h46.

Nice pick for a short month. I did know the wad beforehand, having played it on release back then (another Category 2 run it is).
Didn't remember the music selection was so catchy. :)

There were only a couple low-health moments there, in the barrel-heavy map early on and near the ending. It's been a rather smooth sail otherwise.


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Good round John & Mutt. Given the chaingunner heavy nature of this wad there sure were a few 'sweaty moments'. Feels really good to have obtained a Britbowl win, even if my initial celebration was premature! (I was informed John had died when in fact he had crashed to desktop as explained in a previous post :( )


I'll update the Britbowl graphic once I know what's in store for March! :D


Good luck John, perhaps it's your turn for the win next session?




You can catch the VOD here: 


Edited by Dragonfly

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Very poor (last minute) result from me this time, died in m09. D'oh.


Trying to go too fast at the wrong time, got sloppy, got flanked, got dead. Pretty embarrassing. Might've been able to take the top spot if I hadn't choked (m10's the easiest in the second half and m11 is sort of conceptually 'broken' by continuous play), made very good time in the first half or so, although was definitely flagging in the meatier second half.


This was category 2, played this a number of times before, probably moreso than most WADs, actually--it seems to be one of those that just keeps popping up socially (i.e. most recently in DWMC, etc.) through one means or another, presumably speaking to its popularity. Not its hugest fan, but where it's good it's good and holds up pretty well even with all of the pinkies (m05, m10, m11 are my favorites).


Not off to a good start this year!


Edit: unholy shit the default forum avatar is ugly.

Edited by Demon of the Well

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Died at the red key fight on Map02, the same place I died on my only practice run. So, as usual, this is Cat 3.




Keep in mind that the main reason I do practice runs is to avoid dying on the first map. Anything after that is gravy. ;D


So it was another unusually busy month, and as a result I didn't get to try as many strategies for beating the red key fight as I would have liked. The only time I survived it on my practice run was by charging up the stairs to my left and unleashing a chaingun bullet barrage as I raced forward after killing the Revvie. This time I did the stupidest thing and backed up, so I got stopped by the moving Pinky flesh walls.


Well, time to watch the Jaws run to see where he died. ;) 

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Just watched the Jaws run and it appears I took the Keyboard Kup this time. Woo Hoo! :)


Props to Jaws for pursuing a far more aggressive strategy than my "Cautious Codger" approach. 


Let's do it again in March!


Btw, I had plenty of fun in this mapset, however brief my sojourn. Lots of hitscanners, plenty of action and some sweet traps. That's what I like.

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There will be a slight delay before the March thread goes up. Blame February and its paltry calendar, if you like (I would prefer this, because it's actually my laziness). Looking forward to catching up on all these runs!

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2 hours ago, 42PercentHealth said:

So now there's a Britbowl and a Keyboard Kup? Hmmm... makes me want a sub-league of my own. Anyone wanna compete next month for the 'Murican Medal? :-P


If we include all known 'Muricans by default, it means we're going up against Demon of The Well. But I'm not intimidated. Once you know you're going to get you ass hopelessly kicked again and again, you cheerfully accept the inevitable and go have fun anyway. ;)

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