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Doom 3: Primary Excavation Site (Now on the Downloads section!)

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wow, your pics just don't do justice to your level :)
it looks amazing !
I haven't been dying very fast because I wasn't able to find weapons, so I cheated to be able to visit :D
so... I took doors in wrong order. but gameplay wise it looks very hard for me in some heavily packed rooms.
I loved the details : the bathrooms, bedrooms, the computers, the excavated stones, the temple,the train, the exit .
I loved the outside and train tunnel areas (some Hom near the Ykey and in a rail deadend), they felt very natural, this rock texture works quite well.
I see you used some beige with red noisy dots textures, around old mystic stones, the last version are very orange, it may fix the red dots but will break the beige tone.
the level is huge, it took me 35 minutes to cover it entirely. When lost or looking for secrets, I was a bit discouraged.
the what I'd call "the war room deadsimple²", is awesome, I'm glad I was invulnerable :D. bug : Mr BigBoss went into a corridor and its sprite was cliped in the ceiling.

it's a beautiful portfolio of the doom3 texture pak, a lot of themes are used : medical, bathroom, office, industrial, militray, outdoor, hellish. makes me think it could be split into different smaller maps.

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  On 2/4/2018 at 7:42 AM, hidfan said:

wow, your pics just don't do justice to your level :)
it looks amazing !
I haven't been dying very fast because I wasn't able to find weapons, so I cheated to be able to visit :D
so... I took doors in wrong order. but gameplay wise it looks very hard for me in some heavily packed rooms.
I loved the details : the bathrooms, bedrooms, the computers, the excavated stones, the temple,the train, the exit .
I loved the outside and train tunnel areas (some Hom near the Ykey and in a rail deadend), they felt very natural, this rock texture works quite well.
I see you used some beige with red noisy dots textures, around old mystic stones, the last version are very orange, it may fix the red dots but will break the beige tone.
the level is huge, it took me 35 minutes to cover it entirely. When lost or looking for secrets, I was a bit discouraged.
the what I'd call "the war room deadsimple²", is awesome, I'm glad I was invulnerable :D. bug : Mr BigBoss went into a corridor and its sprite was cliped in the ceiling.

it's a beautiful portfolio of the doom3 texture pak, a lot of themes are used : medical, bathroom, office, industrial, militray, outdoor, hellish. makes me think it could be split into different smaller maps.



Thank you for the level review!


There is no wrong order to the doors, I intended to make the areas interconnected and accessible from multiple points. So on one playthrough you might get to an area through a completely different place. If you want, you can post a few screenshots. I tried to get better angles but could not.


I also wanted to make the player feel a bit lost and overwhelmed but hopefully not too much. I think that kind of gameplay fits a Doom 3-themed map.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I enjoyed the atmosphere of the level, low lights and doom 3 textures really look rather well when combined, but it's a hard map, i found it quite dificult early on

I get what you are aiming for this map, a slow paced survival map, were ammo it's scarce and it's best to avoid encounters, but i think this could work better if you modified the behaviour of the monsters and balancing little details on the monsters or weapons, since vanilla monsters and weapons seem out of place in this context and it could benefit this map greatly, and if you use gzdoom you could also modify the player speed and not force the player to deactivate running

Any way, that's just some feedback, and some crazy ideas i have, despite that i did liked your map, and i would really like to see more maps using the doom 3 textures since they are rather nice, was the pinky in the bathroom with a zombie on a pool of blood a reference to a scene in the doom 3 alphas and trailers?

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Great map. I liked everything; the visuals, the realistic base design, the survival style gameplay. The map manages to be different than typical Doom in most aspects and yet it still feels like classic Doom.


Here's my recorded playthrough, not a first attempt as I checked the map once beforehand playing until the blue key. From that onward it's blind play. There's a visual bug near the end (39:11 in the video), other than that all was fine.



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  On 2/28/2018 at 8:20 AM, guineu said:

Great map. I liked everything; the visuals, the realistic base design, the survival style gameplay. The map manages to be different than typical Doom in most aspects and yet it still feels like classic Doom.




Great! I am really happy to hear that! That is exactly what I wanted to achieve.


Thank you for playing my map and if you want, leave a review once the map is on the Downloads section.

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  On 2/25/2018 at 7:00 AM, DMPhobos said:

I enjoyed the atmosphere of the level, low lights and doom 3 textures really look rather well when combined, but it's a hard map, i found it quite dificult early on

I get what you are aiming for this map, a slow paced survival map, were ammo it's scarce and it's best to avoid encounters, but i think this could work better if you modified the behaviour of the monsters and balancing little details on the monsters or weapons, since vanilla monsters and weapons seem out of place in this context and it could benefit this map greatly, and if you use gzdoom you could also modify the player speed and not force the player to deactivate running

Any way, that's just some feedback, and some crazy ideas i have, despite that i did liked your map, and i would really like to see more maps using the doom 3 textures since they are rather nice, was the pinky in the bathroom with a zombie on a pool of blood a reference to a scene in the doom 3 alphas and trailers?



It was very tempting to use custom weapons and monsters but I really wanted to blend Doom 3 and Classic Doom, while still making the map feel fresh.


Haha, the Pinky in the bathroom was indeed a reference to that.


  On 2/24/2018 at 6:09 PM, mgr_inz_rafal said:

Visually stunning map, but where are weapons? :)



You gotta look for them ;)

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Watching it played the right way is even more satisfying, it remembers me the feeling of fear and power, playing doom in ultraviolence back in 1994.
Great job

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The feeling of passing really makes one remember about Doom 3. Here, as in the original, the gameplay is more focused on the player's survival. The background track is good choose. Texturing is excellent, everything looks organic. The difficulty is high, but not prohibitive. Although, I do not know if I could have passed the map, if I did not come across secret areas. Pretty much forced to fidget groups from the Barons of hell, with the support of Arh-vile. The balance is clearly not in favor of the player, which makes the map a good test.


Trying to record a demo on GZDoom 3.2.5, I ran into an annoying bug when after loading (I was eaten by a demon in the first corridor) the screen started to flicker black, then only skybox was rendered ... In general, it became impossible to play. I rolled out GZDoom to version 3.2.0 and recorded a demo in it without problems.


I remember the secret with berserk-pak, which, after opening a false wall, can not be taken. So it's planned? I also remember how, after picking up the yellow key, the rock massifs near this place began to flicker and disappeared. Also, I noticed graphical artifacts in the form of black triangles in the pillars of the sanctuary, where the red key. All this is in the demo.


I also want to note that the map does not have enough dynamic lighting. Very not enough. The main part of the base where the action begins is almost devoid of light sources, but even couple of lights could diversify a such darkness. If all the lighting was done only on a dynamic basis, then this would give the map +9000 in the visual plan.


In general, keep it up!


Doom_Font_Green_Arrow.png  First Demo Attempt - GZDoom 3.2.0


In my collection:

Blue_4-5.png - Visuals (4 / 5)
Blue_3-5.png - Detailing (3 / 5)
Blue_3-5.png - Gameplay (3 / 5)
Blue_4-5.png - Atmosphere (4 / 5)
Orange_4-5.png - Difficulty (4 / 5)


Green_4-5.png - Overall Rating (4 / 5)

Edited by StormCatcher.77

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great map,  had quite a bit of fun blasting through this one.  did so with a mod setup of my own (it felt right considering it was a little more realistic map,and my mod is geared a little towards realism).  difficulty ramps up immediately which is usually how i like it.  only really "unfair" part was when all the demons rush you on the catwalk after you raise the tracks platform.  but doable.


other than that it was dope and even that was dope.  showed me how to use some of the textures i havent really managed to fit in yet with the D3 textures as well.


ONLY advice i have is there are some empty rooms that are just squares with repeating textures...spice em up to the level of the rest of the rooms which are jaw dropping.  also you use a TON of dark rooms (after my own heart) but that really gives you a chance to get some shadow filled rooms with a single point of light that could REALLY spice up some of the visuals which are already killer.  id say give it a shot...if thats not your thing thats fine.


id really like to do a collaboration with you man.  we could really make some good shit. if youre interested in seeing my project (this isnt a plug or at least i hope it doesnt come off that way) search SVNHRNS/SVNEYES, shoot me a message and lets make some creepy stuff.

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Thank you for you for your review and thank you for playing my map. It is always inspiring to see that my time was not wasted working on these mods.


I took a look at your stuff. I like it quite a lot but I am not sure what kind of WAD you are going for. Is it strictly cinematic? If not, what kind of gameplay are you aiming for? I am also curious about your realism mod. Does it have custom weapons? You should post some gameplay too.


Also, keep in mind that I am more interested in melding the classic Doom aesthetic with that of Doom 3, which is why I ultimately used the pixelated version. I generally don't think it is a good idea to try to translate another game verbatim to another, no matter how much sense it makes. The problem with the pixelated version is that the Doom palette does not support some colors. So the Alpha Labs textures are unusable. The only reason I used GZDoom is because it lets me to align flats and it has a few useful linedef actions. I am more inclined to making boom-compatible maps. I kinda forgot about dynamic lighting too. Maybe I should put in a few after all. 


Anyway, I find it tempting to work on a project with someone else as all of my projects have been solo thus far but I am currently learning 3D modeling because I want a job in the field so I am very busy. If will make another map, I will only work on it more sporadically. I will PM you if I decide to commit myself to your project. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

How do you get to grab the first Soulsphere (the one located on a pedestal at sector 460) and Invulnerability at sector 757? The rest of the secrets are not that hard to find, but this two are giving me troubles :(

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  On 3/25/2018 at 4:01 PM, Wanderer said:

How do you get to grab the first Soulsphere (the one located on a pedestal at sector 460) and Invulnerability at sector 757? The rest of the secrets are not that hard to find, but this two are giving me troubles :(



Pay attention.

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  On 3/25/2018 at 5:07 PM, DooM_RO said:


Pay attention.


There's an arrow pointing to the obelisk in the room where the Soulsphere is, but using or shooting that obelisk does nothing, and I'm clueless about Invulnerability secret. At least maybe give a hint if solutions are in the same rooms as secrets themselves or anywhere else in the level?

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  On 3/25/2018 at 5:40 PM, Wanderer said:

There's an arrow pointing to the obelisk in the room where the Soulsphere is, but using or shooting that obelisk does nothing, and I'm clueless about Invulnerability secret. At least maybe give a hint if solutions are in the same rooms as secrets themselves or anywhere else in the level?



Well, I don't know. Where do you think you could find similar objects?

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Nice map, great atmosphere. I did find this one weird visual bug playing in GZDoom 3.2.5. No idea what's going on here. It wasn't like this at first, but it happened the moment I picked up the yellow key. Just did a quick test with no monsters and it happened again.






Also, in this room with the last big slime pool, the slime isn't set to do any damage.



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