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Zekhmet music packs - pack one ready, FRESH EARS NEEDED!

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^the file types aren't directly translatable and there's no native advantage to converting a .MID to a .IT

the reason the tunes are in .IT format is because I like the piece of software I use to write them - Open ModPlug Tracker - a lot more than I like any MIDI sequencers out there


they're bound to be a little bigger than .MID tunes because I'm dragging the actual instruments and sample sets from the Roland genMIDI table and embedding them in the .IT itself - this is a sample-based format. I've been relatively frugal so that none of the tunes reach 1Mb in size though

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eighth tune added, first post updated!

if any lost souls out there have time to tell me what they think of the track volumes that'd be really helpful and appreciated

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ninth tune added

thinking about turning this into a mapping project so people will actually respond =P

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5/6 posts are yours Yakfak XD

Ill try listening to them when i have the time(i dont listen to much music atm,sorry)

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six out of seven now :P its my project thread and i'll cry if i want to



this is the tenth tune, pack not updated again until i have twelve

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Hi. I listened to these, and will now write things about them ;D. Seeing as virtually every track here has inspiring amounts of tonal/rhythmic sophistication, I won't belabor that, but rather I'll apply it as a blanket complement to the set as a whole. here's some track-by-track; what it makes me think of, other odds & ends:


map01: brings to mind expansive yet low-key industrial spaces, a la tls.wad or hellcore2.0.

- highlights: fresh fuckin' bass line @ ~1:40, piano interlude at 4mins in, and the breakcore-ish section that follows.


map02: sounds like the infiltration scene in a heist movie.

-highlights: the sparse section @ ~1:20 with the pitched percussion. vaguely tom waitsy


map03: an earthbound cutscene. much more subtly menacing than d2_03 deserves, perhaps :)

-highlights: the breakdowny section @ ~3:00, ez.

-are those ocean and helicopter midi effects? I need to use those more.


map05: a wedding and a funeral procession thrown into a blender.

-highlights: really like the off-kilter organ sprinkled in the background from 1min onward


map07: les claypool and a bottle of ritalin.

-seemingly the most straightforward track thus far. bluesy turnarounds lend it a distinctly "doom" vibe, despite the wonkiness


map08: partly cloudy, chance of rain.

-highlights: bursty percussion bits around ~2:20


map09: the "coming clean about an affair" scene from a soap opera.

-highlights: that pan-flute


map11: lamb of god, a waterfall, and a splash of tnt.wad

-highlights: extra hectic bits that get layered on about a minute in. also diggin the mildly discordant organ section with the saw wave bass.

-probably my favorite track in the set.


I think I missed a track somewhere cuz I'm counting 8. I see m04 listed in the OP but didn't hear it in the wad.

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53 minutes ago, Ribbiks said:

Hi. I listened to these, and will now write things about them ;D. Seeing as virtually every track here has inspiring amounts of tonal/rhythmic sophistication, I won't belabor that, but rather I'll apply it as a blanket complement to the set as a whole. here's some track-by-track; what it makes me think of, other odds & ends:


Hey, glad to see you in this thread :))

thanks for your thoughts on these!

the helicopter sound effect is really useful in a lot of ways, probably easier to manipulate in this format than .MID

i've been changing envelopes and using automatic arpeggiating and so forth to wring a little extra spice out of the sounds


very happy you like sheba.it, it took some work!

there'll soon be a pack with twelve tunes uploaded, the thread is more up to date than the download right now

Edited by yakfak

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all twelve songs are in


if any kindly testers are out there lemme know if the tracks are too loud, or too quiet, or a particular instrument in one of the tune seems imbalanced or broken in some way! i'm gonna put this on idgames at some point but not until i've had a little honest feedback! thanks for checking!

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